
Power Play Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Let's test it on that mob. Oh yo, the hunters are here and I am not ready for this."
"The gameplay of the Druid is probably best described as a walking freight train, he's an Unstoppable Force deleting immovable objects."
"It's basically the whites iconic quit right as in its puffs directs all but you can affirm it for six and exile everyone's board except your own fantastic."
"Craterhoof Behemoth maybe doesn't win the game every time you play it, but it's absurdly powerful."
"You can drop this on turn nine and play a 10 mana spell for zero mana right after it."
"A tangled web of mystery, murder, lies, and power, and one man at the center of it all."
"He's the flash, but what he's developed now, he's developed this very, very extremely powerful forehand."
"I have this very powerful thing here and now I can also throw my knight into the mix."
"Watch this, I'll sell my Santa and let the most powerful tower in the game handle this."
"Sometimes the unspoken subtext of a meal is really just about power."
"This card is insane, it's one of the best cards you can have."
"Devil dinosaur deck is all about huge power presence across all of the locations."
"Malicious compliance is now the main course in a delicious meal seasoned with the tears of a bitter incompetent CEO."
"Iconic cards like Pot of Greed, Graceful Charity, and Chaos Emperor Dragon return, igniting the arena with their power."
"A very powerful rare card because you can hero power on turn 2 then a 3-3 5 is ridiculous."
"Make other people come to you. Use bait if necessary."
"This guy becomes enormous. Dropping a 50/50 Mana Golem at the end of a game."
"You can just play this into other stuff; it's insanity."
"This is in fact a game, and has always been a game, larger forces using smaller forces as pawns."
"That's a power play right there. Wow, that was cool man, the way you kicked my ass."
"I renounce reality. I renounce the truth. My game is: you are my vastly inferior slaves. You are my obedient disciples. Obedient and admiring, you must accept me as I am."
"A power play so strong it immediately catapulted them to favorites in many fans eyes."
"It's the weirdest power play ever, right? And it's wonderful, you know, delicious, delicious."
"Carl finds the first ever idol nullifier. It has to be played when casting your vote and you have to write down the name for whose idol you want to block if they play one."
"If lord connington and his pet dragon can somehow take out one of the great strongholds of the realm, the realm would have to take them seriously."
"That's implying I do have some knowledge about this and this is a power play he's basically saying to the police I do know something about this but I'm not going to give it up that easily."
"Spodniak does not have a power play goal this year."
"Tom here, already with three power, plays a card that will allow him to get another three power next turn. Is he building up for a huge spending spree?"
"That's hammered absolutely hammered through the offside for, overpitched and, uh, a typical Jayasuriya drive."
"...he's good on the mid wall in the power play... I like him a lot."
"Right after Vader had finished his conversation with Palpatine, he discreetly ordered the Imperial officer to transport kaiman to the inquisitor's Fortress on the planet of ner. Since Vader did not wish to dispose of the Jedi Master just yet, he had personal uses for him."
"He has so much soft skill, is just so good with the puck, such a great controller of entries and it's a guy that offensively on the power play with his shot and dual threat combo he is going to be a great playmaker, a great visionary offensively."
"Power hitting from Smriti Mandhana, the slog sweep in the power play."
"We'll kill the House Targaryen and claim the throne ourselves."
"Carnegie manages to obliterate the V organization somehow, maybe makes a deal with the CCG."
"We are watching the greatest, the best power play in modern day NHL history."
"If you score on the power play, chances are you're going to do all right in the series."
"We've got to be able to establish the power game."
"All around the royal garden, the great and powerful mingled, chatting and scheming as they preferred."
"We got a clash of the titans: the number one power play versus the number two penalty kill."
"It would be a show of force, at least the princess has a plan."
"Anything that takes stuff from all graveyards back onto the battlefield basically threatens to kill your opponents in one shot."
"I'm going to show you pure power. I'm going to completely dominate the center."
"You played your games with her, you played your games with the heir to the Iron Islands, and now they're both gone."
"What a finish we're in for, Canada with a power play."
"If you have that extra distance off the tee, even if you're not that accurate, you have a big advantage."
"There's one power play as well for the teams to utilize at some point during the game."
"White's central pawns are super powerful, and certainly white has an initiative which is very unpleasant to face."
"They could slow the game down, make a power download with Embiid."
"What a great run play right here, no frills, nothing fancy, just power, smash mouth, one cut, let's get north and south into the end zone."
"Remember the power play and when to use it."
"In the game of power, every action has its consequence."