
Visual Appreciation Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The animations just make everything look really nice and graceful. Gackt has this weird elegance like a ballerina in the air to him. I love it."
"Seeing the colors in that, that looks incredible."
"It's on in my opinion another level it's one of the best looking games I've ever played easily and the level of detail that not a dog clearly painstakingly put into this game is just something that I have a great appreciation for."
"Oh, it's beautiful. Look at this ocean water."
"We're playing on PC with a 3090 and my eyes are just actively thanking me at all moments of playing this."
"The art in this expansion pack is just beautiful."
"Look how great that looks. Tell me that doesn't look amazing. Get you closer take a look at that. It's absolutely outstanding."
"That looks amazing, like that, wow! I can't say enough."
"Tell me that doesn't look amazing, look at that!"
"Visually it actually looks good, it's a nice looking game."
"That's what you call an exciting 48 hours, look at that angle, just incredible."
"I love the animation style, I can't get over it."
"Looks surprisingly good uh yeah especially when they go into the little tent area."
"Flying external is gorgeous, you can really appreciate the beauty of the game a lot more."
"Wow, the graphics on this game are phenomenal."
"This game is so pretty, they really did a good job."
"This is visually one of my favorite places on planet earth."
"This game is [expletive] gorgeous, look at this."
"I really gotta give it to Gray Matter, he looks great."
"It's remarkable... there's an iridescence... absolutely stunning."
"There's more than one time when you're playing this update for the game where you're just riding around on Roach or walking and you will stop to take it all in."
"But I can't help but to open my eyes and go that looks so cool"
"The OLED display with those deep blacks and bright vivid colors looks really nice."
"Isn't this the prettiest mango you've ever seen?"
"It may not win any awards for gameplay, but you gotta admit that the visuals are incredible."
"Everything they're showing here looks fantastic."
"Legit look at that, that looks so good, that wall."
"This is pretty cool, this is a picture of Aurora."
"The aesthetics here are just really spectacular."
"It actually looks good, it does, analyzing serious."
"It's so incredible considering how well and effectively they've used rich and deep colors."
"This charlie and the chocolate factory looks absolutely gorgeous."
"This looks absolutely incredible, it doesn't really get any more realistic to me."
"It was straight-up beautiful, super gorgeous."
"Holy crap man, this looks fucking fantastic."
"I love the saturation, I love how they made it look."
"Looks incredible, the colors in the sky tonight."
"I do want to see it in person because I have heard some people say that it's just stunning in real life."
"Look at the change in the clouds, it's amazing!"
"Wow, look at the Whitecaps out there on the ocean, that looks absolutely amazing!"
"Just pause the video there... I mean personally I think just this image alone is absolutely mind-blowing."
"I thought this game was definitely very beautiful looking."
"Wow, this is so bright green, my goodness how beautiful!"
"The colors are incredible, the brightness, and it's huge."
"I thought this would be interesting enough to put up if anything it's beautiful right can we all agree on that I think this is awesome."
"Just the print quality on this is so damn nice... it's really really great to see."
"It's like the more you think about the show, the craziest impact and the scenes are, this shot is beautiful, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"There's just something so beautiful about the way this film looks."
"Oh my, oh that's gorgeous. It's massive and colorful."
"But above everything else is just the visuals."
"The water animation in this whole segment is so good, look at that!"
"Just being in person and looking at this scape through this front panel is crazy."
"Visually, this might be one of the best games that I've ever seen."
"That was so good! The lighting in there as well was great."
"His riding and the things that he does should be shown properly."
"This was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"The amount of detail they put into the character models is just incredible."
"This is one of the most beautiful trailers that I think I've ever watched."
"Tell me you don't feel amazing looking at this."
"I am shook by how beautiful this game looks."
"This image right now that you're seeing... so cool."
"Every detail every leaf of a paper hanging off up in the background is amazing."
"It's an awesome visualization of geometries."
"Wow! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, look at that, oh I love the color of this wood, look at what it's doing, look at that river, I like that the river is frosty underneath."
"Wow, this is a screenshot of a streetscape, and beautiful, the graphics are outstanding."
"The animation is gorgeous, one of the best animated movies I've seen out there."
"The night textures look really, really nice."
"I love that even in a place like this, after all the horrible things that have happened, it looks magnificent."
"It's like a picture-perfect type thing, isn't it?"
"Look at how beautiful this gravel texture is."
"This game is beautiful. This game is absolutely beautiful."
"I thoroughly did not expect the single biome mountain worlds to be so good looking but they are and I love it."
"This is amazing. Like, this is f***ing incredible."
"The animations are so good. I really, really am happy with that."
"Look at how freaking gorgeous this thing came out. I am over the moon with how cool this is."
"I keep seeing these people with these ridiculous hair mods this one the hair has a much finer look to it you know you can almost see the individual strands which i think looks a lot cooler than that Matt used to be on top of their head."
"We always talk about like we want immersion we want lifelike worlds and lifelike characters so visuals are a part of that sort of say like oh it looks really great."
"Thanks for the resurrection again. I don't understand the context really at all but that was a cool visual, just very gnarly, a good villain moment, definitely memorable."
"The reef does look really beautiful. It looks alive."
"Look at it though, it's gorgeous. The graphics are quite nice, you know."
"That is the most beautiful sandwich I've ever seen."
"Wow, this is very... this is 2014 Graphics. Oh, that's pretty."
"...the whole color scale and the whole thing you could you could just tell they were going back with it I loved it."
"It's just exquisite, all the different layers that you're seeing."
"Wonderful. Colors so much richer, so much deeper."
"We've been to a lot of places in the world and have seen a whole lot of pools in our lives, and I can honestly say these are some of the most beautiful I've ever seen."
"This is exactly what we're seeing there, beautiful."
"Look at the stained glass, it looks amazing from the inside."
"It looks really good to me; it's a really good quality scan."
"Wow, look how great this looks. I'm absolutely in love with how this looks."
"Water is just so pretty, crystal clear."
"Colors actually, I thought, really good; detail, actually not bad at all."
"To me, she's a great piece of art, and I'm so delighted to see it."
"I could just sit and look at this cover all day."
"This is the stuff you look at where your rods and cones are thanking you."
"I just can't keep looking, can't stop looking at the views, beautiful."
"Look how pretty that sky looks, oh wow, that is beautiful."
"It's such a beautiful view right now from Sky 7."
"You have to see this color in person to appreciate it; it's absolutely stunning."
"People are connecting to the message of the film as well as the visuals and the characters."
"I'm a blind gal that loves the visuals."
"Boy, that looks even better than I thought."
"Wow, have a look at that. That's amazing."
"Just a beautiful picture there on the card."
"This is so cool; I love the colors in the background."
"Look at the attention to detail, bro, when your suit is messed up, look at the battle scars."
"It's a pretty good display, actually. I really liked it a lot. The color and contrast look great."
"She was fully formed, she looked breathtaking."
"It's magic hour, so this thing is looking absolutely beautiful."
"I really love images, and I love... I just love images."
"It's not really like a solid color; it's a culmination of different colors to make this gorgeous illustration."
"It's a spectacular visual, and I enjoyed it."