
Player Guidance Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Your primary commander must have this talent tree. It is life-changing."
"By controlling where a player looks using the structure of an environment, you can more easily impart information to them."
"By having these conversations, maybe we can help guide you or some other folks to find that right match and have that really awesome and rewarding experience that we have at our tables."
"B rank contrary to the popular belief that this means bad is not bad. These are the good warframes. They are very solid warframes that are very playable in a wide variety of content."
"Mephisto is by far the easiest boss to reach and farm and my number one recommendation for new players."
"Money making in Red Dead Redemption 2 is super easy. I have tons of money making guides on my channel to really help you through the process."
"Ultimate Team missions help both new and hardcore players navigate the mode."
"People say the game doesn't have shortcuts but I mean, there's literally shortcuts everywhere."
"It teaches the player to follow the road when they don't know what to do."
"Thank you for watching this video I hope I gave you some ideas of what to do in your New Horizons game."
"Sky Factory 4 is all extremely well formed and laid out. The advancements are very easy to understand and they're actually all linked together in order so you know exactly what you have to do for the next steps to keep advancing."
"If you do plan on taking the plunge into downpour's version of Silent Hill without a doubt the series export should be your one and only option."
"Remember it's okay to net deck a deck list as a starting point."
"Hope you learned a lot and you can now go and make a fun fury druid."
"Dude, it's the nightmare! How hard could it be? And there's arrows that show you where to go. That's probably what makes it easier."
"Destiny isn't a race, but if you want to get that power level up as fast as possible, I got you covered."
"Lighting can guide players subtly, though not directly, influencing their movement within the environment."
"Hollow Knight rarely tells you where to go, but it always rewards you for venturing forth yourself."
"That is how you defend against the TNT dropper."
"Floundering is it, the opening of the game gives you literally zero guidance, no obvious NPC to talk to, no goal, no questline, no tutorial."
"Retraining, reflavoring, and retconning well requires very good judgment on the part of dungeon masters and players, as well as a healthy dose of moderation."
"Poppy would help us throughout the game and in this trailer you say like watch out she's coming for you she's hungry, like actively warning us against the other monsters which seems like she is indeed helping us."
"It's a really good activity to go up on D&D Beyond or another filter and just look at what the ritual spells available to your class are because they're spells that you could always leverage."
"Use creep aggro to your advantage, especially in the early levels."
"Absolute essential three stars that I definitely recommend limit break."
"Make sure that you're leveling up your mods as best as you can."
"We've placed items on the map and figured out ways to guide the player's eye."
"Start with bases that are spread out like this that would be you know a tip that I really often recommend to newer players or players who have lower-level heroes."
"Just knowing that it's a survival section is I think conveys everything you need to know."
"Just press W if you're playing on PC or just press forward on the stick if you're on console, just go in."
"Each one of these lighting sources were placed specifically to draw players' attention in the right direction."
"I know you want nothing more than to have a nice chat with me right now, but you really should scoot on over to Resident Services."
"You want to focus on runic monsters, not the chests, because those are the ones that give you the juicy log books."
"It's like a player's guide, teaching you about the gameplay and lore."
"There's a way for them to teach players without outright spelling it out."
"If you are a newer player or a returning player, Octane will definitely allow you to focus more on gun skill and positioning."
"The mini-map is your waifu. It wants you to be happy. It wants you to have certs."
"The mountain will now give players information on where and how they can obtain mounts."
"In-game you are probably by now have noticed that there are two health bars: the blue one is your shields and the green one is your actual health."
"The game does telegraph quite well when we're meant to attack those guys."
"Dead Space has always been good at teaching the player through gameplay."
"The level design is fantastic and it's really great about funneling you back in, making those shortcuts."
"Red dots on the minimap are important to the overall pacing."
"It was definitely really impossible so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over through a high and I'm gonna quickly tell you guys exactly how I leveled up to 75."
"Being able to show who you are to the world is one of the small gifts of this new technological age."
"It's not just for the elemental immunity, I'll show you what I mean in a little bit."
"Video games need to somehow communicate to the player as to whether or not they are doing something correctly."
"If you're not using Ghost, you're doing something wrong."
"This game has done a really good job of not being so difficult that you have to go follow a build guide on the internet in order to be successful in it."
"This is a great place to go. If you play Subnautica, this is the place to come for all of your valuables right now."
"Now, my friends, the number one hardest advancement to achieve. Let's head on over. Much better, number one: how did we get here?"
"Rather than overwhelming the player by letting them immediately jumping back and forth between areas after acquiring a new tool, the game puts them on a specific path for the first third of the game."
"Various quality of life enhancements including refinements to player tutorials and general guidance throughout the adventure."
"Understanding the basic mechanics is essential for running the game."
"A common bad habit that I see people do is edit the wall just like this. Every single time you do this move, you need to make sure that you do a window edit or do the edit where it opens the bottom four tiles so the wall doesn't break."
"The problem here is not that this hallway is confusing; the major problem here is that things like this prevent the player from moving through the level with confidence."
"Defeated enemies immediately turn gray. It’s a nice visual hint so the player can maximize their moveset."
"People ask me a lot of time about what torment levels should you do early on. Torment 1 is your first big break point."
"How do we seamlessly communicate to players where they can go?"
"Green items can actually become the best and most perfectly tuned pieces for your in-game builds if you know what you are looking at."
"Landmarks will provide the player clear destination and they should be unique and dominate that vista."