
Eagles Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Eagles are characterized by long wings, sharp talons, and a pointed beak."
"That's going to do it for us the Eagles are now 10 and one after their overtime win over the Buffalo Bills."
"The deadly reputation of the golden eagle gained it respect and even adoration throughout history."
"The harpy eagle is one of the largest eagle species still in existence. It's also the largest and most powerful raptor in its range."
"Eagles are masters at glares that will send a chill down your spine..."
"We get the pleasure of seeing two eagles locked in a duel where they appear to be mirror images of themselves..."
"Eagles feed only on fresh prey, they never eat dead things."
"The Eagles' album 'Their Greatest Hits' is the bestselling album in the United States, selling 38 million copies."
"Plenty of scoring opportunities on the back, including a couple eagle opportunities."
"The Eagles' journey from Troubadour to fame is a lesson in persistence."
"The 2022 Eagles were one of Philly's greatest teams of all time."
"I don't know, let's get the Eagles back together."
"The Eagles' self-titled debut album was by no means a critical or a commercial success overnight. However, that first album did eventually achieve platinum status selling over 20 million copies."
"If an eagle on the first hole video like this doesn't do it, then you know what? I'm not starting only fans."
"When I think of the 2023 Eagles team, the one word that comes to my mind is resilience."
"Imagine that you are this mighty eagle spread your arms as though they were wings and fly around your room."
"Before the wide receiver market explodes even more than it already has in an offseason where we've seen wide receiver deals get done, the Eagles get out in front of that and lock down their wide receivers long term."
"...the mightiest of all birds that had ever been, the king of the eagles, Thorondor comes to the rescue."
"This is the wingspan of a bald eagle. Woah, it has a bigger wingspan than I do!"
"All Eagles and above have a full time for RV use warranty."
"Eagles bro I hope they not talking [__] bro because this was a good game I ain't gonna lie."
"Eagles go up several thousand feet, they made all the way down, and right before they hit the earth, they separate. Perfect timing."
"Watch out for that, the eagles are taking off."
"Females of the species would have been twice as large as the largest eagles that exist today, and the giant talons were sharp enough and strong enough to pierce not only flesh and muscle but sink right into bones."
"Now we're onto the war scenes. What an awesomely made scene. The Eagles coming in was awesome to watch. The power of the ghost army, they could have easily killed all of them."
"On a splendid September afternoon, the Eagles opened with the St. Louis Cardinals. It was a forlorn beginning to the season."
"He pulled out of the wind, heading into the nearby lee of the white cliffs, where a couple of large sea eagles soared on the thermals."
"T-Rex had sharp vision, possibly surpassing that of modern Eagles."
"The Eagles are a very interesting story."
"Eagles do very well in my store, anything with an eagle."
"They're not bald, right? The name actually comes from the fact that when that name was given, the word 'bald' just meant white-headed."
"More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, and he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name."
"Eagles have great vision. Their eyes can see four times greater than that of a human with perfect vision."
"When the storm comes, chickens roost, but eagles soar."
"I love drawing eagles, such a classic, never get bored of them."
"Eagles are known as birds of prey for a reason."
"Finally, after a dismal preseason and five straight humiliating performances in their regular season, the Eagles had a victory."
"Where the eagles fly, on a mountain high."
"You lift us up on wings like eagles."
"Bald eagles can apply 1,000 pounds of pressure per square inch with their talons."
"We saw two Eagles nests and we saw the mom and the dad eagles at both nests."
"Eagles just look dangerous, mate, they just look dangerous."
"We're leaving Tracy Arm, the last day of our journey we spotted these two eagles."
"Doth the eagle mount up at thy command, and make her nest on high?"
"Wow, bald eagles are so cool; they come back every single year to the same nest and they keep building and building and building."
"There's like, like here, bald eagles, yeah, two bald eagles."
"This game should be a breeze for the Eagles."
"This is 1880 or so, very patriotic with our Eagles."
"I knew that Eagles always follow along the stream or make for an opening in the mountains, and I followed the direction they took."
"The bald eagle can fly 65 mph at heights of 10 to 15,000 ft and spots its prey over a mile below."
"Let's mount these horses and hunt with the eagles."
"We're going to see these eagles in action."
"It's no wonder why this island is home to so many eagles and other species of birds who can get these views anytime they want."
"They are the largest eagles in the world with five-inch long claws."
"Eagles have held a special place in the cultures of many civilizations because of their impressive size and beauty."
"In one of several spectacular courtship displays, a male and female fly high into the sky, lock talons, and cartwheel downward together."
"They were very endangered and they have surged in the last like 30 to 40 years."
"There's a place where you can see a bunch of bald eagles."
"Eagles have extremely sharp eyesight... they have 24 vision, so it's like five times better than a person with perfect vision."
"What an amazing way to start the trip, coming face to face with a full-sized eagle."
"Philippine eagles are one of the largest and most powerful eagles in the world."
"Everybody loves when I show you the Eagles."
"I'm just thinking this has a chance of back-to-back Eagles on cam because we can get there in two."
"Bald eagles come back every single year to the same nest, and they keep building and building and building."
"Eagles focus... they have a singleness of purpose."
"It's always around this time of year that I start thinking about when the Wahlberg's eagles are going to return."
"I love seeing these fish eagles around, one of my favorite eagles."
"We have this breeding pair of beautiful Wahlberg's eagles."
"One big common they have, all these eagles, is yellow eyes and very hooked beak to be able to tear meat."
"That's brass and those are eagles, yeah that's pretty."
"It's something so peaceful watching eagles soaring like this."
"The sky's the limit for this Eagle scene."
"No challenge is too hard for the Eagles."
"We've been distracted by the beauty of to battle eagles."
"Eagles have got, I reckon, they said 20 odd times better vision than we do."
"Very exciting to see these Wahlberg's eagles coming back."
"Eagles fly alone until they find another eagle to mate with for life."
"Imagine a flock of eagles, how powerful that is."
"The Eagles have won the mental battle a lot of the time before the game even starts."
"These Eagles are ready to win the NFC East and compete for a championship again."