
Soulful Connection Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"When the beauty in your soul recognizes the beauty around you and the beauty in others, it makes life that much more magical."
"Authenticity - You both are able to be your true self with each other, activating the deepest part of each other at the soul."
"Passion recognized within the flawless pattern of each other's soul, you discover inner peace."
"Your soul's way of saying I can help you. I've got the map."
"It's masterfully sung, intuitively emotional, and rousing in its evasion of two lost souls finding their place in the world together at last."
"You are part of a team of souls, called and supported."
"They feel this in their soul. This is like a Divine marriage."
"Your soul is going to, like, it's gonna be like taking that magnet from here to here and it's just gonna work. You guys just need to lock eyes."
"Some people, you just click with them on a soul level."
"And so I was like this is like a love letter this is like my soul telling your soul I love you I'm here for you I've been with you for eons of time and I will be with you forever."
"Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same."
"You're golden. I will find a light in your soul."
"They feel like you're their true partner, the true equal, the one who would just make them happy and just completely fulfill them on a soul level."
"This is a soul-centered love, okay? This is a powerful, potent connection."
"I feel like I've known this man from previous lives could that be I don't know but I really feel like I've known him."
"They see everything that you are, and it's just like they honor you and your soul. Everything that you are."
"Their souls recognize your soul from the moment they met you."
"As a true European, I felt like my soul opened up in a different way while hanging out on the main street with all these shops and cafes."
"Your person knows who you are. They've seen your soul, experienced your energy."
"God is a real living tangible physical and spiritual being that touches and holds each of our souls."
"Don't ever forget you're golden. I will find a light in your soul."
"When a dude comes in here and says to me 'she changed how I lived', oh, that means you touched his soul."
"It was his music just spoke to me deep to my soul."
"This intensity is not just about the emotions you feel on the surface; it reaches into the deepest layers of your soul."
"There's no end to my love for you, it's woven into the very fabric of my soul."
"I love the fact that my soul was born into the Latin culture; my soul loves the Latin culture."
"This is two men who have respect for each other as warriors, and they have a deep love for each other that meets a certain need and ministers to a soul need in both of them as they have been uniquely wired by God."
"You gave me somewhere to go, you saved my soul when you made my heart."
"Your soul gives mine life, your love gives me purpose."
"I just want to be with you, right you my soul."
"In this fragment rests the soul of a mother who is nostalgic for her children."
"They're like the windows to the soul and give character to your animal."
"You find true happiness, you find a connection to soul."
"You can look in their eyes, you see the spirit."
"It's actually a portal to self-love, to deep self-love, to the love of your soul."
"Silver Spurs was started in 2005 with two main objectives: one was to make the American Horseman's equine dreams come true by breeding that special horse, a horse that speaks to your soul."
"It's not my lip you kissed, but my soul."
"Music really comes from the same shared soul."
"It reconnects you with your soul, it makes you face all your fears and trauma."
"Intimacy is a soul word; it's an internal word, not an external word."
"What kind of love is this that my heart and soul will see?"
"Mother was more than a word or a woman who showed me great kindness: she wove her soul into mine with careful, firm stitches that formed patterns of goodness and love, comfort and security, understanding and peace."
"It's hard for your soul to ever be apart from them again."
"When we listen with our hearts, we ride with our souls."
"I'm not with you for your looks; it's a plus, but now I'm getting to know your soul."
"Beloved, your soul merging magically in my soul, blossoming in the garden of my being."
"It was as if he had stared into a void, and it had stared back into my soul."
"You are food for their soul, not just eye candy."
"Your soul is yearning for a deeper relationship with you."
"You feel it in your soul, you and this person connected more in the soul than on any other level."
"Don't ever forget y'all go there, I will find the light in your soul, I'll be there."