
Critical Feedback Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"But I'm always gleeful when you rate things 0 always makes me happy hopefully it doesn't happen - it's so disrespectful it's subtle funny like like as part of what makes it that is that it's rare."
"Zero is like a little less rare than a 10 from you yeah yeah a little bit a little bit less mostly shit's like a 4 yeah."
"I mean assuming that you're not totally locking yourself in a bubble there will be somebody outside who will point out the obvious flaws in your fantasy of Doom or ecstasy."
"Being told that I was a failure and that my movie sucked was the best thing that could have happened to me."
"Truth or Square is trying to be Battle for Bikini Bottom 2.0 but it falls short in every single category."
"Games with this much completion criteria as these would instantly bump up in quality if they just acknowledge that there are plenty of psychotic individuals out there that would like to tear them apart."
"Telling someone it gets good after 100 hours isn't a positive description of your game."
"Dead Space 3 is trying so hard to appeal to horror and action fans while also appealing to those who play solo or Co-op and in trying to please everyone and ended up pleasing no one."
"It's such a bummer. They had it in the palm of their hands and they messed it up." - Gerard
"Dislikes make people pay attention and yank them back down to earth."
"Gasps like me to hell, please tell me I'm an idiot, give me some better advice than what I'm doing even if you're wrong."
"You can't watch this video and not feel a little sad by how much 2042 has regressed."
"Shadow of War... criminal lack of content... the most disappointing game of the year."
"This writing is so awful and there is no excuse for it."
"It's everything and these new reviewers have to have that."
"It's very obvious why this does not make creative sense."
"There's far more to like than complain about. The stuff that I have a complaint about I'll share in a little bit, but ultimately I enjoyed myself."
"We need to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt and expect better."
"I'm sure there are people who have stuck with the game all the way through, but I'm also sure there are a great many people who tried it, hated it, and left."
"If anyone who's involved in this decision is watching, I think you're an idiot. I just want to throw that out there."
"You could genuinely be better, it's painful because you could genuinely be better."
"here's gen sake denying it does the person have a sense that most of the criticism is not of leaving."
"I think it’s indisputable that the art direction they chose for the remakes was definitely jarring, and came as a massive surprise to say the least."
"Please do anything to not make me watch this, it ruins LEC."
"It's not selfish to buy a video game because some loser on the internet doesn't like it."
"Honesty is the most important aspect to include in critique."
"I'm going to give it to you straight, I'm going to give it to you honest, I'm going to give it to you critical."
"If they hate it, it's probably something we should look at."
"Let us show them, let them do the work, we'll critique them."
"Tarak just isn't worth your time and it feels as prehistoric and dated as the dinosaurs it features in its gameplay."
"Stop with the goddamn babying of AEW. They are not immune to criticism, and the reason why I am critical of things is because I care."
"Honestly, the iPhone 15 Pro is legitimately Pro, but there are a few caveats."
"People are supporting Kelly Marie Tran and criticizing how Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker used her character Rose Tico—'deserved better.'"
"But while I hope Ubisoft's next effort sees the positive reception toward the idea of this game and takes that into account, I also hope that the next entry is focused more on being a good game than just imitating a good game."
"Sims 4 Seasons did season's best." - "But it is really missing the festivals."
"I hate getting kind again this doesn't come up very often but I hate the idea of getting comments that are like 'no matter what you do I'll support you until the day you die' cuz I'm like nah dude."
"There's nothing wrong with having expectations. There's nothing wrong with being disappointed in what a video game has offered you."
"This game is badly designed... It rewards not playing the game more than any other strategy."
"It really says a lot when the majority of your game subreddit members and a number of Warframe partners and creators are in support of such a critical video." - Warframe History
"That's my Striker right there and you're just gonna come on and say well it was rubbish for the whole game."
"AI is what CD Projekt RED tends to lack in most of their titles so far."
"Ethan, all jokes aside, you've been losing subscribers for a reason, my friend."
"There's something good in there, you just botched the launch."
"The exhaust in this car is probably the biggest letdown I've had so far."
"Cold War zombies should not be failing right now it has the potential to be the best zombies installment it's that much different it's that untapped its potential."
"You had one job, WWE. That's all you had to do. You had one job and you [expletive] it up."
"The thing is, damage-wise, it's still lacking. It's so bad single target at this point in sims what we've seen. It's not even worth pressing."
"You're paddle boarding wrong. Wow, harsh note. I think yeah, it was harsh, no, it was very funny."
"This was the funnest challenge I've done on this channel by far."
"Who the fuck are you to say that you don't have superstars when you haven't even given an opportunity to 98% of them?"
"Every single time I see it I'm always disappointed because I think about what they could have been if they just tried a little harder."
"An imbalanced game really killed it it's a tale as old as time."
"Overall, I think it's certainly feeling like another 9th edition codex, crazy stat creep on just about every second unit."
"We blinked and we've gone from title challenging to some bums who finish eighth."
"It was all marketing or trying to attract attention to your shitty band. No wonder it wasn't any good then."
"Not everybody is going to be a huge fan of everything so I consider that but also I approach it as as is like each project I want to make better than what what came before."