
Blacksmithing Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"Love the transition of hot metal into forged."
"The final step in creating a Damascus knife is the etching, which makes the pattern bolder to the eye."
"A foundry or forge that was built on a volcano or over a lava flow that is worked by fire elementals and fire giants and genies that is used to make super magical artifacts and really cool things."
"The blacksmith explains that it has been years since he had the opportunity to work with such a high-level material."
"That oxen shoe that I found may have been made by a farrier, but if it was old enough, it would have been made by a blacksmith."
"Hopefully you enjoyed kind of a look back into the life of an early 1800s blacksmith."
"It's been a little while since we've looked at twist patterns."
"I consider that it is an essential skill of a well-rounded blacksmith."
"...you take this stuff to your regular day job and say hey you want to see what I made in the blacksmith shop and some of those people are going to say I would love to have that."
"So often you hear the frustration from new blacksmiths saying I can't find an anvil well if you're in the United States particularly in continental United States and you can't find an anvil you're probably not looking very hard."
"In the meantime, I hope you can get out to your shop, I hope you can make something, maybe make a pair of tongs."
"You can't get anything done with blacksmithing unless you get it hot and hit it hard."
"The shape that the iron makes is the space between the anvil and your hammer head."
"I called my blacksmith shop the Obsidian Forge."
"The nice thing about blacksmithing is if you need something, you can pretty much make it yourself."
"There are so many ways to do things, so many different possibilities in the world of blacksmithing."
"As you can see, the induction heater can be a powerful tool for blacksmiths with its incredibly short heat times and ability to create custom coils for different needs."
"I'm blacksmithing! Blade crafting!"
"I like that heat in the body; it's like putting the metal in the forge, you got the metal hot so you can reshape it."
"I take these projects on because I want to get better at every aspect of blacksmithing."
"The blacksmith's best tool is his imagination."
"I love that the forging scene, the smithing, is so cool."
"It's very important with smithing to be able to see the color of the forge and the color of the metal as it's being forged."
"It's just you, the hammer, the anvil, the fire, and the metal, and you're making stuff."
"For the price of this anvil, you really can't go wrong."
"Welcome to Black Bear Forge, where I hope to provide education and inspiration for anybody interested in the ancient art and craft of blacksmithing."
"Blacksmiths are like sculptures, we start with a solid piece, shape that solid piece into what we're looking for."
"We teach basic blacksmithing classes, advanced blacksmithing classes."
"My wife got me blacksmithing lessons for my birthday."
"Traditionally, roses were made out of large material... and those were drawn out and a rose like that is a lot of work, but they are also really a spectacular piece and a real test of your skills as a blacksmith."
"So that's all of the component parts for our rose. We have a stem, we have three leaves, we have the sepal, and a set of three petals for a medium-sized rose."
"The blacksmith took a measurement of my hand and created it specifically for my grip."
"It's the only way to forge a black blade with your very will and soul."
"The blacksmith doesn't need to explain to you how the iron deposits ended up in the earth before he can make a horseshoe."
"I'm getting really excited about this new little interest in blacksmithing."
"I am a forge master. I didn't invent the name, that's just what they call us."
"I kind of fantasize about the idea of walking into a blacksmith shop in the 1800s or 1700s and seeing things like this freshly forged."
"I took that opportunity to learn some basics of blacksmithing."
"Welcome to Black Bear Forge, where I hope to educate, inspire, and spark the imagination of anyone interested in the art and craft of traditional blacksmithing."