
Content Development Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"That's the natural organic way to grow out a multi-genre title."
"I don't think we're really at the end of HP and manner... I don't think we'll ever be."
"Andrew, our editor, can start cracking away at that and we can start going back and forth on some of those because it will be pretty long when it will be Apollo versus Artemis."
"Thank you for listening folks, and I look forward to seeing how these formats and more refined directions work out over the next few months."
"This is where the puck is going to be for pretty much all content types, pretty much everywhere."
"It is all our responsibility that we should use technology to develop content in Indian languages and disseminate across all the stakeholders so that they find it easy to learn in their own mother tongue."
"It takes testing, analysis, and new content to consistently reach new audiences and generate leads."
"There's a sense of pride that comes from this type of creation."
"Is this something that you would like to see more of?"
"There's obviously a lot of cut content that's made it into the DLC, which is really nice to see."
"We have no desire to go any further. I think that we're about as far as you can go before you begin getting categorized differently."
"What did you think of this lore? Would you have liked the Manhack Arcade to have been kept in the retail game?"
"Fourteen meaningful updates to this game from a Content perspective over the course of three years."
"We don't have end game content, we need something like raids."
"It's the beginning of spring and hopefully the beginning of what should be a much much better year than last year."
"Living Season One had a ton covered, a lot of it had to just be cut though."
"I'm just trying to shoot for more content to add to the show, bro."
"The kind of content we're seeing here is what we'd like to achieve for our community alpha."
"One of the things I'm always trying to avoid as a creator is stagnation with the type of content that I make."
"But all in all, I'm working on a lot of new content."
"If you are realistic about what you're going to do in a time frame, it seems wildly unimpressive."
"With online writing, you can work smarter and faster and constantly iterate on what you put out there."
"The future of Classic is in question right now, Xramis is out and there's no more new content once you kill Kel'thuzad you've cleared the hardest raid in the game."
"There is a place for remastered games going forward."
"YouTube is a big experiment. Making videos, doing any of this, it's all just trial and error until you find your way and you'll find success."
"I think our potion station with another word farm with some other farms, it's gonna be absolutely fantastic."
"Lore was something that we knew we wanted to be a big part of this pack."
"There's no better way to understand exactly what your audience wants than to literally just ask them."
"It's thanks to all of you that not only was I able to keep the show going, but I was able to grow and mature as a content creator."
"We're going to listen to the fans, take all the problems, fix them, introduce new solutions, introduce new content, and grow it."
"Progression matters to the host and the guest."
"If you have ideas, start writing them down. Before you know it, you might have an idea for 15 different videos."
"Wow is one of the most successful video games of all time and continues to press forward with new content."
"I would love to know your thoughts and your feedback on this series."
"There's not enough new stuff in Genshin to keep players interested and entertained. The little stuff that is new only caters towards a fraction of the total demographic of players."
"How do we actually make the videos? It all starts with an idea."
"It's like why couldn't they introduce that? They wouldn't have to explain."
"They organized two separate teams one to handle the big raid tiers and the other to focus on smaller story-based patches."
"If there's anything we've touched on that you'd like me to look into in a little bit more detail in another video, let me know."
"I literally every day I ask at least a dozen people just to criticize the hell out of my content. It's the best thing you can do."
"I put a lot of thought into these things all right from the absolute very beginning."
"Many developers want to bring continuous enjoyable content to their audiences, but it's important to understand that many of the executives at the top, the actual shot callers, don't care about any of that."
"Let me know in the comments below what you think," the narrator encouraged viewer feedback for future content decisions.
"Subscribe to the channel to see this turn into something a lot more impressive than it looks like right now."
"Getting the outline here, huge advantage that you can then go and build on that or what we're going to do in this video as you already know we're going to have chat GPT build on that for us."
"How do I move from having a bunch of raw content to creating a fully developed e-learning course for my learners?"
"Just so I know whether to create more content just like this one."
"We wanted to remain as flexible as possible, something we could build on as we added content in the forms of DLC, expansions, and sequels."
"It's a chance for me to take my time with the content a little bit more than I'm able to in a two-day class."
"Note patterns based on your experience, connect the dots with long form content, create your own versions of concepts, processes, and philosophies."
"Tell us in the comments below what specific process you'd like to see us cover next."
"The people who drive the most value from this approach are those who need to create new ideas and content out of their personal research."
"I started this YouTube channel about five, six years ago, started out as just a passion."
"We're always open to doing what you guys want to see from us."
"We're going to continue to improve content as the years continue."
"Hey, scriptwriter here. This has been our most difficult video so far, but we want to make more content like this."
"We had our first official 2-hour meeting today to sort of block out the mapping of what the content of the book is, and I'm really quite excited about that."
"As content developers, we can really follow the lead of user experience and user interface designers because the layout, the spacing, the white space, the color combinations, I think that we've got a lot in common."
"It's awesome, it really is. Like, just talking about stories and then creating content."
"We are starting a new series based on a lot of requests."
"Leave feedback in the comments... let us know, and we will keep making content that the community wants."
"I've been thinking about it and I've been altering like what I want to do with it, and right now that seems like the best approach."
"Conduct content development research, concepts, and test optimize new and existing designs for site and email."
"Hello everyone, my name is Farooq and I'm a Content developer for student competitions."
"I read them all, and the suggestions are great; they really are going to help form the next content that I do."