
Historical Curiosity Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"That's wild, I mean a physicist that did all these experiments literally burned all of his work before he died."
"To expand our knowledge of not only world history but to answer the question of the ages where did we come from."
"A captivating image appeared in 1911 causing much commotion and speculation among people."
"Greetings people of the future, tell me of your strange and mysterious ways whilst I shall tell you of the strange and mysterious past."
"This photo alone for years afterwards propelled multiple Expeditions and searches for the truth of the Yeti or the abominable Snowman in this area."
"How on earth did they win? Let's find out after the revolution in France."
"It's very interesting what happened in Roswell."
"I felt so weird I'm like whoa these are real people at one point there were alive like I wanted to see that hole exist."
"Every shipwreck is a mystery until you know its story."
"There's a lot of weird stuff like that, that's pretty cool in history."
"Honestly, historians in the future will be like, 'What the [ __ ] went on there?'"
"The night skies over Phoenix seemed to have a history of strange events."
"I'd love to see you, I'd love to ask you what you were thinking when you shot Hamilton."
"What if I were to tell you that cat is from 200 BC?"
"A team of Russian scientists intrigued by the history and a possible suppression of its true nature have suggested... the top of Mount Kailash is not a natural formation."
"It's like you're so close to being like this is a really interesting piece of history that we need to learn more about."
"Whenever we get this flashback to the Void Century, Wano is going to be a center stage for that, I guarantee you."
"What's the purpose of this monument and who created it?"
"Another interesting thing historically is that the only historical evidence of the Wicker man being used in sacrifice was from the account of a Roman official."
"It's almost as if the ancient Britons carved the white horse for some higher power to look down on from above."
"Did people in the past also encounter fossils? And if they did, what on earth did they think?"
"If you visit the village of Woolpit in Suffolk, England, locals will tell you about a mystery that befell the historic place in the 12th century."
"It's a powerful tool for awakening curiosity about the past."
"In the 2500 years since Plato first mentioned the lost empire, while we will never be able to see Atlantis with our own eyes..."
"I want to dive more into that. How they lived and their thought processes on things and everything because it sure sounds like they had a thing pretty well figured out before we came and jacked it up."
"Just imagine all the media contained in this magnificent city that we may never know."
"There's nothing more fascinating to me than what the news was before the 7-Eleven part-time job application."
"I think the of course it just being an older home and knowing that there's this hidden history that I'm just dying to know I love the fact that there was so many families that had lived here prior to us."
"Who would have expected onion rings in the 18th century?"
"The legend of John Titor might have been completely lost were it not for the efforts of Oliver Williams."
"From child-eating eagles to colossal carnivorous whales, here are 20 deadly animals that you'll be glad to know are extinct."
"It's hard not to like this or at least be incredibly intrigued and interested in it. We don't know a whole lot about this guy Hieronymus Bosch besides the fact today he has a cool name and he does crazy triptychs."
"When a three-meter-wide stone ball was found in Bosnia's Visoko Valley, much was made of it. Initial claims focused on the potential man-made origins of the object."
"Colin Evans's levitation serves as a historical reminder of Humanity's fascination with the Supernatural and the lengths people will go to prove such phenomena."
"I just wonder what's in the archives in the Vatican as far as UFOs and things like that are concerned. If that could be released, wow, it would blow the socks off a lot of people."
"Pope's personal escape tunnel: A hidden passageway to safety."
"I'd be curious to know what it was like to be where, you know, Jesus is walking. Just curious to know what it was like, you know?"
"The Brooklyn Bridge Wine Cellars: a fascinating part of the bridge's history."
"Mount Rushmore's Hall of Records: a partially completed tunnel carved into the rock."
"An invitation to a birthday party over 1900 years ago, that's just fascinating to me."
"What kind of world did these people live in? How did the old man know?"
"I'm genuinely interested in learning about how the world as we know it came together."
"I'd love to go back and visit this in a thousand years, what teachings they laid down."
"I want her to walk around Jerusalem with me because I want to ask her questions like, show me the house she lived in, what was it like in those days."
"It would be really interesting to go back in a time machine and see what they thought."
"The Allure of where that coin came from, who's passed that coin in their hands."
"Have you ever wondered what it was like to fly in World War II?"
"One day I would love to buy Napoleon's testicle. That would be worth having," agreed Davis.
"How many people watching this video would like to enter the ancient cave 40 metres below the Great Pyramid and take a look at the ancient tomb of King Khufu with their own eyes?"
"History is natural; people want to know what happened, they want to know it accurately, and they want to know why."
"What I was curious about was the untold story of Captain Smith."
"What was the most boring day in human history? Turns out there is actually some consensus that that day is probably April 11, 1954."
"Have you ever wondered what came before China's first dynasty, the Xia Dynasty?"
"I'd wonder who you were, how bravely we fought, how fiercely we loved."