
Investment Analysis Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"We believe this is a new asset class, and that institutions are looking at it right now because the correlations of relative returns and total returns to compare to other asset classes tend to be very low over time."
"Rocket Mortgage is always like 30% short, I mean I'll look at it but I'm pretty sure it's like 30% short."
"Bitcoin could very well be a mid-cycle correction, setting up for a rally not only back to the all-time highs at 65k but also possibly towards six-digit territory."
"They have a massive yield of almost 7% a good payout ratio of about 45% a great five-year growth rate of over 25 percent and six years of growth."
"Best case scenario, if Polka Dot hits 200-300, is it unrealistic that the bridge underneath could hit 750 million?"
"It's not just about price, it's about the underlying intrinsic value of bitcoin."
"This could hit a 5 billion market cap this year well certainly in the next 12 months and that would make it a 98 times gainer."
"If the stock price reached 175, this investment firm would go bankrupt, they would be worth zero dollars, they would be destroyed, billions of dollars gone, like that."
"I'm a big fan of gold and silver and I enjoyed your book Fake. My question is, why do you think the gold to silver ratio is so out of whack today?"
"You have to be able to analyze cryptocurrency to see the value no one else sees in it."
"Eight to twelve uncorrelated investments can reduce your risk by 80% and increase your upside."
"Polygon hasn't even broken its all-time high yet... so do I believe there is more potential in Polygon at the time of this recording? Absolutely."
"Even the bear cases, it's hard to formulate a really strong case."
"It's imperative to go through a series of steps to determine the asset's true value."
"Most investors were way off in 2023 and they'll most likely miss the target again in 2024. The unfortunate part? They still don't understand why. But you will."
"It's always useful to look at what these really seasoned investors think and also their macro Outlook."
"For me, Orca is undervalued. Uniswap is at a 12 billion valuation."
"I firmly believe that whether or not you're an analyst or an investor your job is to use your brain and your balls."
"Being able to analyze a company's annual report is foundational for successful investing."
"When it comes time for the eventual recovery, tech and semis will take off. Growth stocks substantially underperforming value stocks."
"Even if we don't make the previous high, it's showing us that Cardano can outperform Ethereum."
"Institutions are looking at stuff like that, I do think we are ready for an uptrend."
"That $420 dollar price target [nice] obviously requires that a lot of things go right AND that NOT many things go wrong, which is a tall order."
"Understanding how to spot the top... crucial for profit-taking."
"It's a very good stock which has actually given a great breakout."
"So if you want to understand investing, this is a great case study for you to analyze."
"The fact that even the U.S. is talking about Bitcoin's similarity to gold is incredibly bullish."
"In my opinion, that means tattoo chef has way less risk for potential downside."
"I believe the company was dramatically undervalued by the market."
"We prefer to look historically at the only actual information we have."
"If we see confirmation of a movement to the upside on lux algo, that'll be a great first sign."
"Bitcoin usually doesn't tend to do more than three months in a downtrend."
"Investors are clearly saying and the market is clearly saying that Microsoft is worth a little bit more per dollar of earnings to us than Apple is."
"To me, binance coin is the bull case on binance coin is in isolation it's like buying stock in a bigger version of coinbase."
"Let's put things into perspective. It's up over 496 percent in the last month."
"Fundamental analysis helps you gauge the health and potential of a company for long-term investment."
"Bitcoin's Sharpe ratio is bigger than one, meaning the return percentage is bigger than the risk percentage."
"If you're looking at those two things, which one do you think is more important? Do you think it's fundamentals or do you think it's technicals?"
"That's why I was bullish on it because they had code audits they had total value locked."
"Value stocks have beaten growth stocks historically, but over the last 20 years, growth stocks have outperformed."
"Options are not just the price of the equity. It is very different to have 1150 today than it was yesterday, very very different."
"This was a momentum run that did not actually have true fundamental short interest backing it."
"There's a lot of growth priced into the Tesla stock."
"This is one of the best weeks in the stock market."
"Truly attractive valuations when PEG ratio is one and a half times or lower."
"The price of gold is going to go higher, and probably 2500 is an easy target."
"That's why you need to be looking at fundamentals and technicals so you can understand, hey, why are these projects outpacing the rest of the market by a lot? It's because there's a fundamental story developing."
"To silver or silver to gold is back around 63 or 65 to one."
"Tesla seems insanely cheap at wherever it is now 10 40 versus our price target of 1600."
"If we close above the 786, next resistance is all-time high."
"As the air comes out of some of these things, you realize what's actually going on."
"Bitcoin could go up significantly says CIO of world's largest asset BlackRock."
"If you zoom out on the chart over the next 10 years, they will be up into the right."
"Tesla's valuation makes more sense when you look out at 2025."
"Sentiment scores provide a quick short-term look at the kryptos recent performance this can be useful for both short-term investors and long-term as you either won by volume or you're looking at maybe you know going after some price movement there."
"It's all about the math and as the math makes sense for the potential returns I'm interested."
"Intrinsic value: estimating fair value based on real fundamentals."
"It's definitely time to analyze your investments."
"The cryptocurrencies generally trade together, if bitcoin's up generally the altcoins are going to be up and vice versa."
"Long-term metrics indicate we're not at the end of the bull market yet."
"Fear and greed levels reset based on market movements."
"Tesla's price to free cash flow on cost has dropped to under 20, a very reasonable valuation."
"Tesla's future stock price will be about $436 dollars or 157 above where the stock is currently trading."
"Are you in the beginning, middle, or end of the boom cycle?"
"Investors rewarded them for losing cash flows because investors saw this light at the end of the tunnel."
"Commodities move us to the northwest. Why? Because it has low correlation. This salsa just passed the taste test."
"We're not just going for the cheapest stocks in these sectors. We do want to do some analysis on these and make sure that they're the best stock for that price in the sector."
"Bitcoin will have its day, but ethereum represents a more compelling long-term thesis."
"Alright alright, it's New Years Eve, the busiest night of the year."
"If the current five-minute candle breaks below the bearish one, it makes sense for gold to continue going bullish."
"This stock we're talking about here today is a beating down dog."
"Fluctuations in the price... just as you would expect."
"Citizen Finance... vastly undervalued... has 10x potential."
"Comparing VC as an asset class to the NASDAQ makes a lot of sense..."
"It's not about the monetary outcome it's about whether your analysis is right or not."
"Trust me when I say this, leggings like this that have like a little cinch, that have like the little cinch in between your butt um, just makes your booty really pop."
"Research, analysis, and sentiment tools are crucial for navigating the crypto market."
"Bitcoin potentially being able to Rally all the way back up to around this 24,000 area."
"Understanding your worst investments, because for most successful investors, their worst investment wasn't something that went down, it was a missed opportunity."
"Spend as much time analyzing an investment as you spend earning the money."
"The PE ratio is a comparison tool between the market as a whole and that stock or stocks within the same industry."
"I like the performance of that investment."
"That concept of 'will a swimming pool be worth it' is illustrative of contribution."
"When I see an investment that walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I call that investment a security."
"Cap rate takes two things into consideration the potential cash flow and the level of risk linked to a property."
"As we see here, AT&T has a much higher variance than anyone else and a lower return, so not a terribly attractive investment at this point."
"We look at every investment as the present value of all the future cash flows."
"What are the cash flows you're generating from your existing investments?"
"When you do a discounted cash flow evaluation, you are trying to estimate the value of an asset, value of a business, the value of a company."
"The cardinal sin in valuation is mismatching your cash flows to your discount rates."
"The Returns on Capital Employed of 35-36% and earnings growth assumptions of 10% were off the charts."
"By the end of the course, your final product will be a sophisticated and beautiful model that properly identifies all drivers, risks, and demonstrates the financial return of the investment."
"It's the best method we look at in terms of accuracy."
"I'm gonna stack rank them and see what would be the best or the most optimal ETF to invest in given your circumstance and your risk tolerance."
"Performance evaluation measures: Sharpe's ratio, Treynor ratio, and Jensen's alpha - higher the better."
"The PE ratio can be thought of as the number of years it will take the company to earn back the amount of your initial investment."
"Bitcoin, along with the crypto market, has always recovered to new highs. Do you think this time is any different?"
"We're earning a pretty high premium relative to history."
"It's a momentum model, and it kind of helps identify ETFs that are showing really strong momentum and really weak momentum."
"The equity risk premium looks okay at 4.72, but the 4.72 plus the 0.93 percent gives me 5.65, that is a historic low."
"Distinguish between the noise surrounding a stock and the signals."
"The expected return on equity is equal to the risk-free rate plus the premium for the stock's market risk."
"An investment is the present value of all future cash flows."
"I want to discuss why I think this short report is irrelevant and also why I believe Brookfield Infrastructure at its current share price is a significant opportunity for investors."
"Lump sum investing wins out not by as much, of course, but it still wins out with lower risk."
"The key thing to do a really good job of investing is to know the value of the business as a business, be able to buy it at a discount to that."
"The economic value added is a popular measure to determine whether an investment positively contributes to the owner’s wealth."
"Free cash flow model says that you should judge a company based on its ability to generate free cash flows and not merely by the dividend it pays."
"We can see that this strategy is not amazingly effective; we've succeeded in losing one percent and four percent respectively for BTC and ETH."
"The most important thing for both sides is to understand the full value potential of the asset."
"Every time we make an investment, we perform some sort of risk assessment."
"The internal rate of return is the point where your net present value is equal to zero."
"Net present value shows all of the future cash flows for an operation and discounts them to their current value at this point in time."
"Ethereum makes so much revenue and you can see that by the token metrics that when you're looking at an investment, you really don't look further than that."
"The weighted average cost of capital is given by the equation: Weight of Debt times Cost of Debt times (1 minus Tax Rate) plus Weight of Preferred Shares times Cost of Preferred Shares plus Weight of Common Equity times Cost of Common Equity."
"The mode is critical when looking for how sustainable is return on invested capital."
"The most important part of being a long-term investor is figuring out the durability of the franchise, the barriers to entry, the moat around the business."