
Cinematic Universe Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"He's lost his family and handed over the keys of his kingdom to his friend Valkyrie, and according to Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige, she's ready to make history."
"Dr. Strange changes everything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"The visual design is top-notch... felt like a development in the Star Wars universe."
"Warner Brothers has huge plans to hopefully reignite the Looney Tunes, introduce them to the public, and start a cinematic universe."
"The Avengers was confirmation for both the studio and fans that the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a good idea and that it could work."
"He's the most iconic Marvel superhero and fans desperately wanted to see him join the rest of them in the MCU."
"The one above all is too powerful for the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"One of the things that fans did enjoy about Black Panther was him being part of the Avengers."
"Forget David Ayer, forget Zack Snyder. Leave it to the guy who made lights out and Annabel creation to rejuvenate the DC Cinematic Universe."
"I'm so excited to finally get to see how Marvel Studios is going to handle such a loss, a massive loss."
"The Marvel Cinematic Universe is like jazz music... they can improvise if they get characters and they can see what works and what doesn't." - Rob
"The infinity Saga was a piece of storytelling genius because it allowed even the most mundane and unremarkable movies to feel like they were part of something much bigger and more important."
"I feel like this is worth the 10 years of movies that we've been doing."
"Being one of the original Avengers and saving the world nay universe on countless occasions."
"Netflix has greenlit a Grey Man cinematic universe."
"The trailer really made us want to charge into battle. Whereas 'Ultron' had little build-up, though Thanos had already been teased for almost 5 years, so when he showed up here, we knew that the Cinematic Universe would never be the same."
"Because all of Thor's visions had to do with the infinity gems, I definitely think that Thanos is gonna show up in Thor: Ragnarok."
"This could potentially remake the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the most exciting way possible."
"The Marvel Cinematic Universe is expanding faster than ever."
"Crazy reveal that all the Marvel movies in the Multiverse Saga are set in different universes."
"Deadpool is the hero that the MCU needs right now."
"Tony's announcement 'I am Iron Man' sets up the entire MCU and the incredible 23 films in the Infinity Saga."
"I think it sets us up for a really promising DC Cinematic Universe."
"Give an opportunity for some redemption for anyone who might still have mixed feelings about the prequels."
"There wouldn't be a Marvel Cinematic Universe without Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark, like there just wouldn't be."
"So the MCU is now assembling the Young Avengers and this could be big."
"Part of the magic of the DCU is the different tones."
"DC already has the perfect blueprint to model parts of this new cinematic universe from, and it's followed basically all of this advice."
"I love it when different movies connect like Marvel."
"Spider-Man was now back in for an additional MCU film."
"I think we're gonna see Thrawn in the feature film after this kind of buildup."
"I think there's gonna be some big huge reveal as far as how this stuff shapes into play."
"Disney has really chosen to model this new Star Wars universe after the MCU... everything interconnected."
"I would love Marvel to have the guts to tell a stand-alone story outside of their cinematic universe."
"There's absolutely a 100% chance that Miles Morales and a Spider-Verse reference will appear in this movie."
"It does show a level of confidence, like, 'Hey, we're moving forward with not only the Justice League but all these other standalone movies.'"
"This is what we've always Loki wanted we wanted our movies to connect we wanted the shows to connect to the movies and be this one overall not too convoluted of a story and it is."
"At the end of Avengers Endgame, viewers were left wondering about the fate of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Hydra's reveal raised the dramatic stakes of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"It's like the infinity Saga was Kevin Feige's baby."
"I love the switch with the Wandavision theme. I love that we're, for the first time ever, getting the importance of the TV shows in the actual movies."
"The hierarchy of power in the DC Universe has changed forever."
"It was the payoff of both eleven years of buildup as well as the follow-up to such an excellent film in Avengers infinity war that they'd earned the right to just go all out on the fan service and have it really work."
"He isn't a one-sided villain, he's a threat to everyone." The studio needs a threat like that to tie it all together. All signs point to Galactus.
"This could be the beginning of the Resurgence of the MCU."
"Feel organic, that's the biggest thing. Like what Marvel, they kind of slid into here like, 'Oh, we got a universe.' This one is like, 'No, you're having this, you see.'"
"Going chronologically, the first event we see in the MCU is the creation of the Infinity Stones."
"If Thanos does snap his fingers and the universe is rebooted somehow a reality changes which I think is probably a pretty good idea we're gonna see changes and that's okay because ten more years of the same would be cool."
"Just because it's animated doesn't mean that we can skip it. This is essential viewing. This is probably going to introduce some really big elements that we're going to see in Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness."
"I definitely don't want Captain Carter to be a mainstay in the Marvel Cinematic live-action universe because we just got, like you said, we just got Sam Wilson and the shield, and him getting the shield is so significant."
"When you watch Fifth Element you're like this is great and can you imagine how much more of this world there is to explore."
"The devious but not altogether evil adopted brother of Thor will be returning for Endgame."
"Now with n game jumping five years into the future, we now have a good chance of Cassie stepping out as a hero. Who knows? This could even bring in the Young Avengers onto the big screen."
"Super Smash Bros Cinematic Universe: a world that opens to everyone's individual universe to band them together and face a single evil together."
"I'm probably just gonna see it regardless because I love this universe."
"Blade Runner: more than just a film, it's a universe."
"We're not just talking about a movie, we're talking about the first chapter in a shared universe."
"The upcoming film is, along with Venom and Venom 2, the third movie from the so-called Sony Spider-Man Universe."
"Zack Snyder always had the plan to has a cohesive universe."
"In a way, it kind of felt like the end of the DCU."
"Kevin Feige is doing a masterful job guiding the overall arc of the Cinematic Universe for Marvel."
"Frankly, it makes everybody want the Zack Snyder universe..."
"Has the potential to expand the MCU in significant ways."
"Marvel's special presentations could become a valuable part of phases 5 and 6, introducing new characters and concepts that will fill out the universe."
"The MCU falls under the realistic category even though the universe is filled with Androids, aliens, and wizards."
"I'm glad they're at least making the most of that character. You know, he's not just a quick throwaway kaiju anymore. He's got a little bit of a legacy here with the monster verse."
"It's just a different type of film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"It's unlike any movie we've ever seen because you need the 18 films to establish not so much the plot but the character and the relationships."
"Did Marvel fans find proof that Deadpool is going to be in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness?"
"The X-Men are going to be of this universe, it's just a matter of when they're going to come through and when they're going to be sprinkled in."
"Robert Downey Jr. is like their Founding Father. Without him, there is no MCU."
"Right now, we're focusing on for the first season everything you know about the 23 movies in the infinity saga and adding one twist to them and seeing how everything turns out different."
"It's the spooky Cinematic Universe I love it. Yep, that needs to happen."
"I hope that they combine them and we get a Vision back, and then Wanda can finally be happy."
"I see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness being like our MCU preview night, like we're opening windows into so many different Marvel properties."
"We're gonna be talking about the major announcement today James Gunn and Peter saffron unveiled the new slate for the DC Universe."
"It's almost worth the price of admission alone to go and see this universe extended a little bit more."
"The Riddler was phenomenal... He's more interesting than any villain you've ever seen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Captain Marvel brings a much-needed balance of power to the Avengers side of things against Thanos."
"Can you imagine if Ben Affleck gets to come back and direct the Batman movie?"
"Black Widow is gonna be as important to establishing phase four of the MCU as Iron Man was to establishing phase one."
"Appear in multiple projects because like I mentioned earlier it's been reported that Latveria could be introduced in Black Panther Wakanda Forever and that."
"One of the biggest things that was introduced in Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness was Universe 838 and the confirmation of the prime MCU reality being titled Universe 616."
"This does appear to be some changes that were made to the film that at least open up the possibility of Snyder verse still being around."
"This is the most significant development the MCU has ever had."
"Galactus is truthfully probably the next Avengers level threat after Kang."
"You cannot with a straight face have a DC Cinematic Universe without Superman being front and center." - John
"Whatever's going on here in WandaVision has larger ramifications because I do think that J. Jonah Jameson from another universe, another multiverse within the Marvel multiverse, in Spider-Man Far From Home tells us that"
"The next time we see the Avengers, it's going to be a big 'whoa!' Everybody, let's get together because there have been Skrulls this whole time!"
"As we are nearing the end of phase four, I think people will start to see where this next saga is going." - Kevin Feige
"The god of mischief has been through quite a bit in the MCU."
"The culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe has started 10 years ago."
"Could this new universe, if that's what they're doing with Venom, Black Cat, Silver Sable, and a lot of other Spider-Man traditional characters, could it be an utter disaster? Sure. Yeah, totally could."
"Bail has become some major connective tissue bridging the prequels to the original trilogy."
"Blade is going to be the Nick Fury of the supernatural MCU."
"The success of Man of Steel launched Warner Brothers' plan for an extended universe."
"I think it should start a new cinematic universe and they should phase out the other one."
"It's probably not what I expected in 2008 when we saw the Ten Rings in Iron Man."
"This sets up everything. Spider-verse confirmed."
"Welcome back to New Rockstars and with Secret Wars coming very soon on the MCU horizon, that means the multiverse madness has really only just begun."
"Warner Brothers is banking on the next installment of the monsterverse franchise Godzilla and King Kong."
"Avengers part 4 is gonna be something of a finale for the MCU story up until this point."
"If General Mills is gonna thrust an entire monster cereal cinematic universe on us, they're definitely gonna need our help to make it suck just a little bit less."
"Anyone that wants to see Spider-Man the way he was meant to be on the big screen in the universe with heroes that he can interact with, endless possibilities."
"Interconnectivity of the universe was no longer a major factor."
"The post-Endgame MCU should have contracted dramatically and recommenced with a series of grounded, earth-based stories with local and manageable stakes."
"The monsterverse did the MCU, they made a cinematic universe and it worked."
"Kevin Feige could teach a master class on how to build a Cinematic Universe."
"this is what happens when you open up your superhero Cinematic Universe to aliens gets wonky and cartoony in a hurry"
"So with that being said, here's what I think would be a really cool way to approach this 80s cinematic universe if it was ever able to exist."
"Blade is coming soon to the MCU, and it would be weird if we didn't see any vampires come along with him."
"Toho invents the monster Cinematic Universe."
"The MCU gene pool is about to get majorly shaken up..."
"A live-action Cinematic Universe on the big screen of the anti-monitor with a fleshed-out DC Universe... would be absolutely mindblowing if done correctly."
"Since then, the live-action Marvel Cinematic Universe has made the multiverse the focal point — er, focal points? I guess? — of the current phase of its overall narrative."
"The thing might also show up in Phase five the thing in the comics was actually a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy and that was after the Fantastic Four had disbanded."
"...the prehistory of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in terms of the tectonic pop-culture shifts that made it possible begins here."
"The story for 'Infinity War' continued right from where 'Thor: Ragnarok' left off. I honestly didn't expect that, and the fact that it did adds some additional value and substance to Ragnarok as well."
"If we did see a live-action version of The Watcher in Deadpool 3, then that could definitely be a step that Marvel Studios are taking to set up the Watcher and also the Guardians of the Multiverse to have that bigger role in Avengers Secret Wars."
"These DC fans deserve a thriving, successful cinematic universe that the general public loved just as much as they loved the MCU. There is no reason in the world why we shouldn't have that."
"It sounds like we’re about to have a whole Avatar Cinematic Universe on our hands."
"The MCU in particular is specifically getting called out in this video series because it comes from a legacy that should have allowed it to pioneer a new era of classic cinematic villains."
"They're resetting the DC EU with a 10-year plan similar to the MCU."
"Marvel's Fantastic 4: a crucial addition to the MCU."
"I think like the X-Men should be kind of their own thing like they should obviously exist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe because that's kind of the point that would be fun."
"It technically started in 2008 with Marvel's Iron Man but it wasn't until the 2010s where we saw so many other Studios trying to replicate the success with their own intellectual properties."
"The Chitauri invasion was like ground zero for everything moving forward in the MCU."
"Now, in The Flash, it feels like the DCEU is once again trying to do its version of what the MCU is doing, instead of doing its own thing."
"While it is understandable to ask that question, I would say it's pretty clear that they are not going to be replacing the DCEU with these Batman and Joker standalones."
"Thankfully, next year actually seems like the year where Marvel starts to turn things around and clean up a lot of the ongoing issues."
"Just blew my mind. I really appreciate this show just for what it was and what it brought to the whole cinematic universe."
"This movie doesn't connect to anything else in the Sony spiderverse. Madame web is its own separate thing often its own separate corner."
"The future of X-Men in the MCU is bright."
"It's all about the mutants, isn't it? Bring the mutants to the MCU."
"Superman can reset the tone and allow DC Discovery Warners to play in that world."
"It's pretty obvious right off the bat that this is an attempt to expand on the hanna-barbera cinematic universe."
"It's so many things that you got to figure out and now this connects, this is going to connect to Dr. Strange and the multiverse of madness."
"It was a lot different than everything else the MCU has put out."
"The Batman is building a super cool Universe of artistically told, well-crafted Batman Stories."
"The film would have a mid-credits scene where Miles Morales gets bit by a spider."
"That would be dope if they brought every one of them over to the MCU just to keep that together. That would be fire."
"DC Comics basically laying the groundwork for what to expect in the future of the Shazam line of movies in the DC cinematic universe."
"This is a collection of items related to the infinity stones which of course sum up a majority of the saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Enhance and situate the movies within the much wider world that is Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings."
"There's no way the reason Marvel is doing so well is because they didn't rush like establishes all these characters yeah they started in 2008 it's been 10 years."
"I'm really intrigued by what the Batman of this universe is going to be with Matt Reeves out there there's a lot of stuff to come."
"It would be perfect start for Old Republic cinematic universe."
"He's the guy who launched the show in the first place, he's the guy that launched the MCU."
"We're going to have our solo movies with Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, but actually have it all make sense and be coherent."
"It has just been revealed that the Reverse Flash was going to be the big bad of the Snyderverse."
"In the Flash movies, Zoom would be the villain in the background but also in the ancillary other films."
"The movie is part of something bigger, not just like this is the entire universe condensed into two hours."
"In Infinity War, the whole universe ran to be protected by Wakanda."
"Things have suddenly got a lot stranger in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Caesar isn't in this movie because it takes place hundreds of years after he died, but his actions shaped this world."
"Loki's alive and he replaced Odin or something, we'll figure it out in Ragnarok."
"I love movies like this where it's just universe, like lore."
"The MCU is a giant crossover event."
"This Spiderman movie is going to have some stuff within it that will blow your mind and blow the universe apart."
"A great transition into Phase 5. Characters we know and love, and a plot we can follow without researching everything."
"I fully believe that Nintendo wants to create a Nintendo Cinematic Universe off this movie."
"Godzilla, King of Monsters, will include more classic creatures in the Godzilla universe including Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah."
"The story was leveling up so rapidly... creating the Boys Cinematic Universe."
"Marvel released a post-credits scene from Iron Man 1... alluding to the fact that they wanted to include the X-Men and Spider-Man from the very beginning."
"DreamWorks want to be Disney and Pixar so bad and created a universe where every single movie is connected in some way."
"The GrubHub Cinematic Universe is a thing that we can no longer ignore."
"That's what makes this universe so fun to me, that you do an event the movie like that and it trickles out into the other films."
"What if I were to tell you that there was a cinematic universe greater than the MCU, than the DCU?"
"Welcome to the Law and Order cinematic universe."
"Endgame felt like the end of Marvel."
"More Colin Farrell, I liked feeling that this was the same universe as a Winter's Tale."
"It felt like both a celebration of this thing that's been going on for 10 or 11 years now."
"I think it was a great follow-up, a perfect follow-up to infinity war."
"Matt Reeves is plotting an expansion of his the Batman Universe."
"Long before Marvel made cinematic universes a thing, View Askew was hard at work building a world where regular people fell in and out of love."
"We are probably going to see a lot of interconnectivity with the storylines and plots of those specific projects."
"Kang will be the Marvel Cinematic Universe's next big villain."
"It's a different kind of movie in that universe, it's almost in a way more of a thriller."
"The multiverse wide open and plenty more Thor to come."