
Special Moment Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"It was really special moment... what I was doing."
"It's a very special moment and an incredible vessel."
"I think this was a special. Dustin, this had like a sweetness."
"Holy fucking shit, someone sent me Akrapovic exhaust! I'm gonna go kind of take a moment and realize what I got here, holy shit!"
"Big match John gets his WrestleMania moment."
"I feel like Charlie you got the Wonka ticket."
"What a special game delivered at such a special moment for such a special Studio. I absolutely love this Allan way 2 is utterly captivating from the first moment to the last and I strongly recommend it to you all."
"I want that award because that that special that I shot in his elements meant a lot to me and it and I would love to bring that award back to the Philippines fantastic."
"It's been special, guys, thanks for coming along."
"There was something special about the 73rd win."
"It's a special play, a very special player... we witnessed something really special."
"That trick that he just unleashed, that was special."
"Sprinkler time, it's a very special time every day."
"This is something special, it's an honor to be here."
"This one feels the most special of all because of the circumstances surrounding it."
"The story is Ben asked me I want to do like a special proposal."
"As soon as I scored, I felt that it was something really special because of the game, the moment, and the way it was scored." - Ron
"This is a really special lucky time for you."
"It's hard to win the division, man, and just to win it how we did it, it was special."
"It's a special moment, of course I want as many people as possible to experience that."
"I've been waiting for this moment."
"This is a really, really awesome day."
"It was just one of the coolest moments that I've ever seen."
"Such a special moment and, yeah, what a way to start the day."
"Being the inaugural race was really, really special."
"So much went right that year, that day, and so it was just a really special experience."
"She led the way her hand grabbing mine pulling me along she was being cute and this felt very special in the moment."
"Hope this a first time you hurt n it's a special moment."
"That was a really special day. Thank you so much."
"It's like my drug, it was a very, very special moment."
"It's such an exciting moment and this is just a little piece of that moment, it's really special."
"After three years of not winning anything, to win La Liga on the last day of the season in the way that we did, in the fashion that we did, was very special."
"A beautiful moment that was live. That's why this show's so special."
"It was a very special, special moment."
"I think it's going to be pretty special to be in the wide open portion of the lake at sunset."
"This one's more special cuz it was last minute and you got to drink it all too."
"It's a very, very special moment."
"What a sensational evening. Every single second of it is so special. I truly couldn't recommend it enough."
"That was magnificent, wasn't it? That was very special."
"For a brief moment, she was the most special person in the universe."
"I think 'I Think I'm Okay' was a very special moment."
"He is happy with that victory in the eyes as he celebrated that was a special moment James Stanco our heat winner."
"Game 7 to win it all was something special."
"It's just such a special and heavy moment in the ceremony."
"Thank you, Kelly. Thank you, Kelly. That was very special. We're gonna put this somewhere very important to us."
"this is a special moment in all of our lives"
"What a special moment for the Carr family."
"It was definitely a blessing and a very special moment."
"Hey, this is a really special moment."
"Something incredibly special needed that moment."
"It was the most special thing saving our first kiss."
"This has been so fun and so special."
"It was the most special moment in both of their lives and it marked the beginning of their happily ever after."
"It was a really special moment for me."
"It's a pleasure to ride, you know when you see those programs being waved on the last lap, it really is something special."
"I felt pretty happy, I felt like I had witnessed something special."
"And it's so special, it's a very special moment for us and we're just happy to be sharing our lives with you guys, so that's why we're doing it."
"Nothing is such a special moment regardless."
"The fans in the Polo Grounds erupt; they have just witnessed something special, and I hope all of you watching this feel the same way."
"We achieved what we wanted to achieve and that was something very very special."
"To be able to do that with virtually no one else around felt very special."
"It was extremely special because I was 23 and that was my first kiss"
"It was very very special to be there, we had a really special moment behind the stage."
"It's the most special moment in my entire life, this is forever, and it's wonderful."
"It was a special moment when it was all said and done."
"It was a very special moment to be sharing his life going to work."
"This is just one of those special moments in wrestling."
"Absolutely once in a lifetime kind of thing."
"I just enjoyed every minute of it, so it's been a very special day."
"That's once in a lifetime right there."
"I encourage everyone to do that. It was so special."
"I think it was a pretty special time."
"Finally, take a deep breath and know he's done something special."
"She was so happy he could make that night special to her, said it was the only day he saw her smile since his grandfather passed away."
"Dinesh Karthik's innings was really special."
"Life-long Kansas City resident grew up a Chiefs fan from day one so to see this happen it's very special for him as well."
"Just want to say you know, obviously we had a special, special season."
"It's just special, you know, just watching everybody get picked, just know that, just as players, we're all living our dream, and it's just special."
"I wanted our first kiss to be special for you, for us."
"To be in that moment with them was so special."
"Shouldn't I have my special moment in my dress?"
"This is one of the most special things that you can ever do."
"She needed something special and she's produced it, that is fabulous."
"That's all that matters. This is our day."
"I'm so excited, I haven't been in the yellow Jersey in a few years so it's extra special."
"A special moment for Kenyon Martin."
"I was doing something pretty special; I was asking my incredible girlfriend to marry me."
"Moments like this, some people wait a lifetime for that one special kiss."
"When you see your baby for the first time, it's always a really exciting and special moment."
"I've waited all day for this moment."
"To get that first victory is always incredible."
"It really felt special, really felt kind of magical."
"There is no moment more special than this."
"That was pretty special, I was pretty keen to have a jump in there but there was not enough time."
"I got you something special you didn't know I got you."
"It must be quite a special moment in a way to have him in his first real bedroom."
"What's good? It's the return of somebody very special in the building."
"I like where I'm at because this is a special day."
"It's so special to win here at Texas, I'm just thrilled."
"This is just so special and cool, and such a weird and amazing and special thing, and I appreciate it so, so much."
"It's such a special time, I think any parent would probably know what this feeling feels like."
"It's crazy to look back; at one point, all we wanted to do was make the show, but actually winning in 2016 was really special."
"It was so moving, so special to see."
"Something really special happened on that beach to all of us."
"It's a special moment to feel like you're perfectly in line with the fans."
"It was really special. I'm so thrilled you're here, Dad, and I love you."
"This journey is even more special because I'm actually pregnant."
"What a brilliant start to the day, but that was pretty special."
"This is it, this is an amazing day, what an amazing day."
"Oh my God, it feels so good. I really wasn't expecting to take the win today, but to win at home is extra special."
"I just thought I saw something special."
"My favorite part of the wedding was definitely when we were reading our vows to each other."
"We normally use them for the first dance, that's like the wow moment."
"It just felt really, really extra special, honestly, it was so good."
"This is like a very, very special and an awesome moment for us."
"It was just such a special moment that I wouldn't trade for the world."
"It was a very special time that I will hold near and dear to my heart."
"It's a really special and just says even more about how special it is for both of their programs to be at this round of the tournament."
"It's a nice moment to show the connection these two share."
"I planned a special night for us, we never do this."
"That's got to be one of the most special moments of your career."
"What a day, what a ride, what a journey, what a feeling, what a special car."
"The best memory for me was one late night at Picture Car Warehouse."
"It's just really special for an audience."
"That was a special, special, special moment."
"It's very special, it's our dream."
"That short program was very special."
"I wouldn't have preferred to prepare for such a special moment in my life with anyone else other than you."
"It's something special, that sounds good, I really love it."
"I think people will understand that this is something special."
"It's absolutely special, you know, for years we've come here and always had trouble."
"I think I really like that scene with Crosshair sitting down and Omega came to talk to him. I thought that was really special."
"It's the most special week probably he's had in his golf career and maybe ever will."
"I'm so glad I met you today; it was special."
"When you can be the first man ever to do something, it is a very special moment."
"To get a win in a game like that, it's very special for the team."
"That's truly a special fish, truly a special moment in time for me."
"It was really gratifying and really special."
"I'm just playing for me, and last year was a really special moment."
"I never think I'd be in this position, but to win that, it's pretty special."
"It was so special and magical, and I was the happiest I've been in a long time."
"Thank you for partaking in this very special moment with me."
"It's a little more special than this regular 'punch it, Chewy' and going into hyperspace."
"It's been eight long years since I've gotten to do this, so this is pretty special."
"I knew I was special when one night a little girl in a light gray dress appeared at the end of the hallway."
"It was just the most special moment in my life."
"What she gave to me was unconditional love, and it was just one of the most special evenings that I have ever spent in my whole life."
"Let's get the third goal for your club in a title race, I'm sure that feels pretty special."
"This is one of the most special things that I could have got."
"That was my first kiss too. It was really special."
"It was just a special moment, the three of us."
"This is a really special ferry flight for me because it's the first flight that I get to take with my daughter Claire."
"To then have it happen in real time is very special."
"It was amazing to get a medal anyway, so to get it from your mom was pretty cool."
"Ghani gave Jerry a very special present, one that Jerry would never forget."
"I don't want to do it in front of a lot of people or anything, I just want it to be our moment."
"This was our first glimpse of something really quite special."
"Thank you to my family who made the sign and for all of you to come today, so special."
"The first time I saw Gianna in her dress, she looked beautiful."
"It was really special, skating with my wife Frankie."
"She lit up when she saw me and she smiled and she wanted to hold my hand, which is really special."
"You're in the home of golf and you've got a moment just to capture it; it's quite special."
"I'm really, really excited and I wanted it to be like a cute moment."
"That looks really special. That's an awesome one."
"It's great to raise your profile with a winner, but to do it like that, it's a bit special."
"I think there are few, but the one is when I proposed, that was special."
"Finding out we were pregnant was by far one of my most very favorite and most special memories."
"Here she comes with four cubs. This is an amazing, special day."
"Circle why we have come to the main event, so welcome very, very special moment for me, especially for Kansas City."
"Even though I was married before, this is the first time I've ever tried on wedding dresses because I didn't have the traditional wedding, and this just makes it extra special."
"It's just been so special, thank you so much."
"I feel so special that they gave it to me."
"It's special when somebody buys the shoe out of the case."
"That's pretty special, it really is."
"On that day when you see your Lord, not a single person who is sitting there except that Allah Spenard Allah will give him or her a special meeting."
"It's such a special moment for any parent seeing their babies for the very first time."
"Is it okay to say that I'm going to cherish tonight?"
"You have my heart always, and tonight specifically."
"Spurs are running away from Chelsea, I think we're seeing something special."
"It's your night baby, it's your night."
"That startup sound in the morning, it's pretty special."
"I love you guys too, this is so special."
"I know we're surprising Brian today, but how about we surprise Clint with a very special moment right now?"
"Enjoy your day, Chantal, this is your moment."
"You've achieved something very special."
"Just to have this view is so special and I'm really really thankful that we get to spend time here this weekend."
"I am so excited for this moment right here because this was a gift."
"Thank you for being here and being a part of this, it's so special and meaningful to me."
"Let's breathe in the nose and out the nose and let's make something very special happen."
"Absolutely wonderful, that was really, really special."
"It was a really special time... suddenly I found something that I could do and I was good at."
"I think it's a special kind of feeling when you get your first own apartment."
"This is special, it's interesting, it's like a whole moment."
"You might change somebody's life, and I don't know that we did that yesterday, but it was a really special day."
"And with that we are about to finish the today’s video. I think we all saw something really special today."
"Tonight is incredibly special because I have the opportunity to introduce you, the love of my life, the man who pulled me through the darkest hours and into the light."
"Are all first kisses like that? Ones like those are special, trust me."
"When you finally hit your dream, it kind of makes it even that much more special."
"It's actually nuts, it was a special moment."
"I feel very special that this opportunity came upon me."