
Building Blocks Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The forgotten dirt slab: an overlooked building block."
"Bigger things are built from smaller things."
"Now we can see those look like lego pieces again."
"In our ideal, we want to get the fundamentals in place, whatever they may be, in a way that we can build on top of them."
"A component in angular 6 provides you with the basic building blocks of your angular app."
"Lego are pretty much the grandfather's of the modern block building game."
"The reason these brand new blocks are so exciting is because they allow so many new possibilities."
"Let's start over and build with what you can build with."
"These are things you can use as building blocks for making your own game engines."
"This is a good solid building block for whatever else you have planned in the future."
"Blocks are arguably the most important."
"The building blocks of life drifting like snow through the universe."
"Asteroids are so much more than just rocks in space; they're the building blocks of our very own planet."
"Components are like this building blocks of any Angular application."
"Functions are the building blocks of your program."
"The building blocks of protein are amino acids, think of them like Lego pieces that come together to make a structure of protein."
"This is the essential building blocks to being able to start a career."
"Life came about because these 'building block' compounds just so happened to form at the right place, at the right time."
"Entities and value objects are the two most basic building blocks in tactical design."
"Electrons are basically the building blocks of life, and electrons are also electromagnetism which is fundamentally light."
"Brownian motion composes the basic building blocks for stochastic calculus that we're going to need for financial math."
"Atoms and molecules are sort of the building blocks of material."
"The more of these DeFi protocols that you explore and sort of master, the more building blocks you have to work with in your own applications."
"You have to have these fundamentals, these building blocks to get there."
"I don't see anything as a coincidence; I believe life is like building blocks."
"Atoms are literally the main building blocks to life and everything in the universe."
"These synchronistic numbers, shapes, and tones represent the building blocks of a language that we do not yet fully understand."
"You're basically going to have Lego blocks that sort of stack together."
"Each building block can be assumed to have a single property or function."
"The elements are the building blocks of the universe; everything that exists is made up of one or more of the four elements of air, fire, water, and earth."
"From these elementary building blocks, you can handle a lot of complexity."
"You talk about building blocks for the future."
"The building blocks of proteins are amino acids."
"Monomers are like building blocks, and we can stack them together to make a larger unit called a polymer."
"Atoms are the building blocks of all matter."
"If life was a house, Titan would have a lot of the bricks you'd need to build it."
"No step and nothing that happens is a coincidence; these are all building blocks."
"Widgets are the fundamental building blocks that we create any kind of page design out of."
"The basis can be thought of as the building blocks which together make up all of the elements of a particular space."
"Programming really builds up from small pieces."
"It's pretty flexible; there are lots of basic building blocks that you can put together in different ways depending on use cases."
"Because so much was left vague in the book, then not much has to be debunked, and I think the main building blocks will be in place."
"This is the building block to the general solution."
"The real issue is can you do that in such a way so that the things that you build become building blocks for doing something even more complex?"
"Life on Earth is built on a small number of components stacked up, what I call the Lego principle."
"All the main building blocks go into the application tag."
"Amino acids are the building blocks and they're things that are going to help our body form almost all of our tissue."
"PHP is just another building block, just like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript."
"And what's so extraordinary about this? As we've seen the condensation of three cyanides, three hydrogen cyanides have come together to give us a building block."
"The riboses are these building blocks of life."
"They're composable, which means that you can put them together like building blocks."
"Options, more options, there are even other blocks you could try and put in this."