
Cinematic Moment Quotes

There are 87 quotes

"Robert Pattinson is so good at acting with just his eyes alone. Just this right here, man, like he is fantastic."
"The most heart-wrenching moment of the movie comes when Peter is trapped under the rubble."
"I appreciate the message they were going for here and the final shot of Kif riding off with Amy into the sunset on a motorcycle is pretty fun."
"This is Gandalf in the minds of Moria lighting up his staff and flashlighting them through."
"For the father in that moment to tell him to let it go, it was just so meaningful and also visually very well shot."
"By far the money shot is that last one with Cap and Bucky beaten up on Iron Man."
"I love that by the end of the film you have that moment with Flash and Aquaman."
"Darth mother [ __ ] Vader, this dude came out of the smoke throwing literal and emotional haymakers."
"Thor's lightning moment with the casket was one of the coolest."
"Captain America finally lifting Mjolnir. This is something straight from the comics that everybody has been waiting for for a very long time and was teased in Avengers: Age of Ultron."
"Seeing the clock drift towards zero with his newfound fan base slowly lifting from their seats, Jeremy rose up and splashed a shot straight out of a cinematic masterpiece."
"Humanity triumphs when Iron Man gets the gauntlet and snaps their enemy out of existence."
"Dom breaks his shackles like Samson and kills everybody in the room, biblical."
"The sequence where Numenor is revealed with the swelling epic music is one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the show."
"Playing as Menendez during his backstory as he defends his home from the CIA with little more than a machete and a shotgun... Anyway, I started blasting."
"This moment is like I mean it's like really nothing else Avengers Assemble."
"There is something magical about Chris Reeve drifting past the camera."
"Rohan shall answer. That's a man right there..."
"Holy [ __ ] in a scene out of a movie you pop Kirilenko mid-free fall and get thrown a parachute to land safely alongside the rest of your squad in Texas."
"The best scene in the movie is when these Icelandic women linger at the sea to sing a song to Aquaman."
"You have given them peace... I don't feel like we've ever seen... this much emotion from a person in a Star Wars thing before."
"That whole fight I do find very impactful I do love the moment when you think that nose kills Tony I think that's a great gotcha moment."
"That moment that Cap catches the hammer and starts wailing on Thanos was incredible. It gave me goosebumps and was simply the culmination of ten years of joy."
"This scene is that Breaking Point...equal parts unsettling as it was beautiful."
"Avengers Assemble scene: chills just thinking about all the Avengers lined up ready to fight."
"When the hero's about to fall off a cliff, his friend who disappeared at the beginning of the movie."
"The superhero community spirit of this climax is the most earned I think since that of NYC."
"It's a very good moment actually, some pretty good acting."
"The scene where she busted the police station with all the confetti and the flowers, I was like love that."
"When the Avengers turn to the King of Wakanda to make a final stand against Thanos, Boseman's T'Challa does what he does best: inspire."
"It's great to finally hear Avengers Assemble."
"George finally punches Biff, notice he does it with his left hand which catches all of us even himself by surprise."
"Carol learns to dodge it as it comes from behind, making her more like that badass she wasn't in game when Thor summoned Stormbreaker past her head."
"This seems like something straight out of a movie, dog."
"At the end of The Dark Knight, an innocent child says Batman didn't do anything wrong."
"the house wakes up and in a shot that's so cool I actually had to rewind"
"The Ship of Theseus moment might be my favorite Vision scene."
"It's fitting that as Miguel runs to the cemetery and enters the land of the dead it's dusk."
"That moment in that Force Awakens trailer... I mean, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it."
"The throne room, one of the most iconic scenes in Star Wars."
"Just imagine a moment where Thanos is walking up to this girl and Carol Danvers comes out all powered up and says 'get away from her you [ __ ]' heard me I said."
"If that happens in Obi-Wan Kenobi, that'd be such a powerful moment."
"The kiss underwater, I just think that that is just what Outlander is all about baby."
"That movie that we all see at Christmas time, um, Love Actually, yeah, that's a scene where Hugh Grant does exactly that to Billy Bob Thornton."
"The train scene really got to me with all the people and everything."
"Captain America taking the hammer, oh my god, it was just like... the buildings almost fell down with the reaction that people had."
"Luke Skywalker shows up in what could best be described as an ass-kicking scene."
"Eowyn delivers an incredibly powerful female strength moment..."
"It was earned, beautiful, gorgeous, narrative-driven, character-driven moment."
"The t-rex gets the hero shot. It's about the dinosaurs and this moment is what sells that entirely."
"Probably the biggest 'oh' moment of the series was the staff in the eye."
"That was the most Jack Sparrow entrance ever."
"There's a moment at the end of the game... where we pulled the camera back and it's Kratos in a trance standing next to his son, Atreus."
"His second death was at the hands of Iron Man when he snapped – Thanos was all like 'I am inevitable' and Tony was like NAH MAN I TRICKED YOU AND I RIPPED THE STONES OFF YOUR GAUNTLET, I AM IRON MAN!"
"As soon as that portal opened and you saw Spider-Man, people in the audience were just like, 'Oh my god!'"
"That scene in the bathtub was... they're both just one hurting her."
"Skipping stones by the river from the Deathly Hallows part one."
"Duel of the Fates stands as one of, if not the best lightsaber battle in all of Star Wars."
"One of the most stirring moments in the Star Trek movie franchise."
"I love the scene where they come out of it and he asks his dad what he found, and his dad looks at his son for the first time and he goes, 'Illumination.'"
"Dude bye Hans bye, what a great villain death."
"It perfectly captures that moment from the Murray Franklin show."
"An hour and a half in you're looking at Juliet holding the gun and you're like this is great this is awesome"
"It was cool to see Leia at the end here."
"This Alliance will ensure that the red-eyed tribe has enough. This was a surprisingly strong scene."
"I think this is honestly one of the best scenes in the movie."
"The emotional climax of Anakin and Vader speaking to Obi-Wan was poetic and heartbreaking."
"Thor's entrance scene was amazing, a lot of really cool things."
"Captain America lifting Thor's hammer might be the most awe-inspiring, incredible emotional moment in the MCU."
"In one of the most epic finales ever, Tony Stark uses the Infinity Gauntlet to snap them out of existence."
"That ending was so poignant when the group gathered in the driveway and Sharon came out."
"But the proposal scene turned fight between Lizzy and Darcy is, I think the best scene in the movie."
"The guy just has something about him, and I must admit a tear up at the end when I see him smiling as he flies off on the camera."
"I thought it was a nice little moment to have those voices whisper to her."
"That's part of why Gandalf cresting over the hill is one of the greatest moments in cinematic history."
"The Last Jedi fight has lots of emotion, a lot of cool stuff just happened, it's a huge character moment."
"There is something incredibly satisfying about watching a spoiled rich brat getting attacked by an army of squirrels."
"It was something out of a movie. I just felt so happy."
"At least when the titans teamed up at the end, Godzilla and Kong were just like, they both just want to go back home."
"This kiss was so great because the moment between these two characters was so built up."
"It's the same energy of that moment, let's say in Star Wars, when Luke Skywalker breaks in dressed as a Storm Trooper to rescue the princess."
"When you find out who he's trying to support, it is such a beautiful moment in the movie."
"It's a very, very touching scene."
"I view this as this Iron Man moment of snapping his fingers and saving the world."
"The moment where all the women of the MCU was corny as heck, but holy smokes, it was dope."
"Never say never because I never thought we would see Chris Evans say 'Avengers assemble' after hundreds of heroes walk through portals to fight Thanos."