
Soil Quotes

There are 346 quotes

"Life emanates from soil on the land, not in the ocean." - Patrick Moore
"Humus is literally the lifeblood of this planet."
"You're removing our soil which is the heart and soul of our country."
"The most advanced soil stabilization technology."
"Cover crops are incredible soil enhancers; they increase the microbial biomass and microbial diversity in a soil."
"Touching your skin to a live soil is scientifically proven to increase your serotonin levels."
"One of the keys to sustainable systems is to develop better soil, actually produce more soil, and improve the quality of soil."
"The healthiest plants, the most nutritious things that we can feed our families, start with the soil."
"Bury a few bails of straw in the bottom of a swale and come back a year or two later. I expect you'll have soil like a rainforest."
"They actually fix nitrogen and phosphate."
"Having really good calcium in your soil means that once you harvest your vegetables, they'll rot less quickly."
"We have all these beautiful microbes helping us in our soil."
"The soil is probably one of the unsexiest parts of a garden, but it is like one of the absolute most important."
"I am super lucky to be on this allotment site, just to be able to have the space to plant in the soil and have your hands in the soil; there's no feeling like it."
"The first mistake I see a lot of gardeners making is amending their soil too early"
"You should be able to take your hand and just jam it straight into the soil without bending or breaking your fingers and that'll give you a good idea whether your soil's loose enough to grow carrots in."
"If we're going to save climate, it begins with soils, and that means a worldwide soil building program."
"Make sure that you're covering the soil. If we don't cover the ground, the ground is going to do it for itself."
"The soil is a living organism, and nowhere in nature where man has not been is a soil ever uncovered."
"It's really easy to do microbiology, reproduce microbiology, and apply microbiology to the soil and crops."
"Here's a quick reminder of what your roots can do if you let them have really good soil to work with."
"But these maple trees also produce the most amazing topsoil."
"One of the effects of decreased rainfall and increased storm intensity is that when the rain does fall it doesn't necessarily penetrate into the heavy clay soils."
"Your soil is living anytime you have some magnificent soil that started from just nothing it is due to the living organisms in that soil."
"...the soil is the most important thing... You need to have the proper conditions and tending to the crop in the way that it has to be attended."
"...that's what breaks up your soil, that's what allows that's like Building Bridges and tunnels inside the soil."
"Everything starts as an ecosystem. It starts in the soil, it starts in the water here on the Stoney Ridge Farm."
"The structure of the agrar is very porous."
"Stop focusing on growing plants, grow soil, and the plants will come as a natural consequence."
"Moisture is going to be absorbed by these and they're gonna create little microbial hot spots in your soil which trust me is super super beneficial."
"What this will do for your soil's texture is it will add moisture holding capabilities nutrient holding capabilities it will also add some nutrients it's a really gentle fertilizer which your plants will love."
"You make my own potting mixes seed start mixes Etc."
"So charcoal is then because it's good for soil, oh totally, yeah, it's like, it's like the Tera Preta in the Amazon, you know where they put the charcoal back in the soil."
"Plants like to stay at an even temperature adding mulch helps regulate that soil temperature conserve the water keep the weeds down mulch is a game changer in my garden."
"A diversity of plants leads to a diversity of soil life."
"Calcium still seems to be an issue even in my raised bed soil."
"You don't have to starting your own seeds in conventional soil is better than not starting your own seeds at all, so don't make it super black and white."
"Back to Eden gardening is basically a process where you are using organic matter to build up your soil over time."
"Every time you do anything around soil, the robins come looking because..."
"Don't put salt in your yard, that'll kill the soil please."
"These grow in heavy clay. So I love them for that as well."
"And those microorganisms need a little bit of help. You've got to get organic matter back into the soil at least 3%. If you don't have at least 3% organic matter in your soil, the microorganisms can't work for you year round."
"Soil is more than just broken up bits of rock."
"Five percent is the accepted value for healthy soil."
"Healthy soil is different from different farming operations. I define a healthy soil as one that is self-regenerating and fit for purpose. Carbon is really the key driver to fertility."
"Our mental and physical well-being is a direct result of eating food produced from a healthy soil. A healthy soil needs to be alive."
"How do you apply it to the soil? You just water it. Put it in watering systems, an irrigation line, a water cannon, or sprayers used for liquid fertilizer."
"Biochar is a carbon-based material right and with that being said it's not a fertilizer it's a soil amendment."
"Dirt is so dense, it just dams water."
"You want to use a loose light soil that has perlite and different fillers in it that are going to create air pockets around your root so that they have room to breathe and grow."
"Can you imagine a half% organic matter changes means you can hold a third more water than what you started with 15% more nutrients will be released."
"One percent organic matter in the soil leads to an extra 27,000 gallons of water that can be stored."
"Finland's soil contains the highest percentage of naturally occurring yeast fungus in the world."
"A fertile soil is so alive that studies have shown that a mere teaspoon full contains at least a million active soil microorganisms."
"What if I told you I had a fantastic soil amendment here, the best thing that ever happened to your garden?"
"You have to think about the type of soil that you're planting the seed in. The right soil, you can grow almost anything. The wrong soil, things will die very, very quickly."
"...wow you guys it's literally been only about 20 seconds and look at how well this soil has drained all of that water already."
"...so that's a new type of soil that I'm going to be using Gary's best top soil really excited to see how this soil performs for me here in my area."
"...when those roots penetrate soil and go deep down below the somewhat depleted topsoil they're able to grab and draw out more vitamins and minerals..."
"Liquefaction happens when soil experiences an applied stress, like an earthquake, that causes it to behave like a liquid."
"Our job as human beings when we want to grow specific plants in specific places and specific climates is to recognize what that plant requires in the soil."
"Clay actually has all these spaces that hold nutrients, sand doesn't hold anything."
"The impact of abundant soil exudates diverse soil exudates produced by such cocktails create a vigor and resilience in the soil food web."
"One of the most important aspects to any kind of gardening is good soil, healthy soil, not just dirt."
"Eating foods like microgreens that are grown in high-quality soil will allow you to get more nutrients with less food."
"Over time, things like chlorine and fluorides... can build up in your soil."
"This will give healthier soil conditions for my vegetable garden."
"Healthy ecosystems in the soil equal healthy plants."
"Soil is a living thing. When we start to think about soil in that capacity, we really start changing our attitude."
"Bury or work into the top one to two inches of the soil."
"Soil is built with carbon, with decomposing carbon."
"...the worst performer of our four peat-based seed starting soils is clearly this one over here."
"...this one with the Coco Loco, the coconut core, and the green sand is doing much better."
"...the wool palette ones considering they were started almost two weeks later look better than the coconut core."
"Blueberries require acidic soil, generally here in southwest Washington, but not usually acidic enough for blueberries."
"Blueberries require full sun and good drainage, so if you have tight clay or silt soils, you'll probably want to amend that soil."
"You can't buy good soil, you have to make it."
"If we can get all of that biology back into the soil, we see that we can do this in a year."
"If you put it in from bottom watering or you water from the top, at the end if you lift two fully saturated samples of soil, given that the same volume, they're going to be the same saturation volume."
"You always want to prepare a bed. You want to make sure the bed has good, what I call, friable soil."
"Many of these microorganisms will decompose the chemical or synthetic materials that we have put into the soil."
"This is heavy clay soil, this water is moving that fast through heavy clay soil."
"We can rebuild degraded soils and increased soil fertility. We can produce more nutrient dense food. We can use less water to grow crops by increasing both water storage capacity in our souls and plant water use efficiency."
"Spring is in the air, and there's never been a better time to launch your career in soil regeneration than right now."
"A healthy plant thrives in its soil community, where bacteria, fungi, protozoa, nematodes, and micro arthropods collaborate to unlock essential nutrients."
"It's about a mixture. It's not a purified single bacterium. I think for inoculating soils, especially when new crops are being grown that haven't been grown before, it's much better to use the fecal transplant model."
"Soil life is going to be at the center of anything that works."
"Soils are one of the most underrated and underappreciated resources on our planet. They provide all of the food and nutrition that we need to survive."
"It's possible for soils to revive extremely rapidly when supported with biology and a food source."
"Biochar application should be purpose-driven, addressing specific soil or environmental needs."
"Thirty percent of the world's cropland has been abandoned in the last forty years due to soil decline."
"Most of the carbon that we put into the soil mostly gets respired."
"Effective rainfall is what can be infiltrated, moved, and stored in the soil."
"Your soil is there, reminding you that you are here, that you are allowed to rest, to take any nourishment or comfort that you need from the world, that it is there for you."
"If I could tell any beginner anything, I'm going to tell a beginner to grow... Start in soil. It's just a no-brainer."
"A soil solution is right beneath our feet."
"...thank your soil. Give back to it by allowing the cow to trample about 25% of the forage they go over and feed it every year with composted manure..."
"But yeah, this is a good example of how this can improve any soil."
"We've got to get the fungi back into the soil."
"Your soil should be that deep, rich, dark brown color of humic acid. That's what we want to see when you're out picking up your compost."
"Roses prefer a clayish soil for consistent moisture and nutrient supply, though they tolerate a wide range of soils."
"The soil mix... is a kind of revolution."
"The most important lesson we can learn from the past is how important great soil is."
"They grow in almost any soil, sand you might have a little problems that you would have to amend it with some good organic matter."
"I heard about the mycorrhizae relationship, especially with oaks. In fact, when I planted my street tree oak, I shoveled some soil over from my existing old oak because I thought I'd inoculate a little bit."
"They hold a lot of soil, which means I can finally put in some more fun things."
"The soil is the most important thing you can do for the health of your garden and the plants."
"Nature plants very densely. I have well-mulched soil, so the activity in the soil and nutrient cycling is through the roof."
"Good quality soil is like dark rich chocolate cake."
"By leaving this vegetation in place, just mashing it over, there will be zero erosion here and we’re building soil by allowing this to decompose over time."
"What I found is a lot of the germination took three to four weeks and with bedding on each side of this long soybean field they just didn't stand a chance."
"Peat moss is actually considered a sterile medium or even an antibiotic or an anti-fungal medium. So, it's one of probably the safest organic materials to use."
"Smell the aroma of the soil, the aroma tells you a lot about the biological profile and biological activity in that soil."
"If it drains through the middle of that container within 30 seconds, that is a good potting mix and that potting mix will work with 99% of the plants out there. It's that simple."
"A chunkier mix of soil actually encourages a plant to grow stronger roots."
"...the reason for that is because all that grass around the base of the trees and the shrubs is taking the nutrients as soon as it comes into the soil so it's taking it out before because the grass layer and the grass roots are a lot shallower than the tree roots and shrubs"
"Peppers are heavy feeders and need very rich soil, so a shovel full of compost in each planting hole will really pay off."
"...if anything else is out of whack like if they don't have the correct soil the correct watering if their leaves get covered in dust I mean you name it I could go on and on they're more susceptible to pests because cause they won't be as healthy."
"...these succulents sitting in these really big pots means that their soil kinda all around their roots and then what happens is that soil when we water it becomes really saturated and there's nowhere for that moisture to go."
"So, topsoil here is a commodity and it's expensive and it's mostly clay so they mix it with little chips of gravels made of lava to kind of fluff it up and add minerals to the mostly clay content because the ground is so rocky."
"holy smokes this is definitely a well-rounded soil"
"The issue is not the sower and it's not the seed, it's the soil. The issue is the heart."
"...potatoes love loose soil rich in organic matter and full sun."
"...potatoes don't like soil that is too dry or waterlogged either. They love soil that is equal to the consistency of a rung-out sponge."
"You want to take that green material and put it on top of the soil, not blowing it away from your garden plot."
"Our agriculture and our management strategies must necessitate an environment that fosters soil microorganism growth."
"Every year I'm going to test my soil and I'm going to be able to see the history."
"Microorganisms in soil are much the same as the wolf, they fill an ecological role."
"The tiny tunnels that earthworms make as they wiggle through the dirt help water and air deep into the ground."
"Earthworms get their nutrients from dead and decaying parts of plants like leaves and roots that are in the soil."
"So, we're just going to back fill that back in with some more soil and some more compost that I have here in the bucket."
"Well, it's interesting that people have that problem, they've been told all their lives that they've got a horrible clay soil."
"And it all starts with you guys’ soil, right."
"There's really almost no place you can go on Earth now and not find lead in the soil."
"Animals heal soil. Livestock heals soil."
"By moving along in succession with soil biology we can actually create soils where we're having less weeds come about."
"The development of humic substances in the soil profile is a function of the fat content, the lipid content in plants."
"Organic matter improves water holding capacity."
"You could grow right in this container but this recipe is for less than 100 gallons and this is mainly just to make your soil in."
"This is going to last you multiple grows it's so potent and you're going to want to keep using it to make sure that anything you add to the soil will be evenly distributed."
"We're not necessarily changing the soil per se, but we might want to be inoculating some keystone species."
"Restoring our soil is a good thing to do regardless of whether climate change is real or whether humans are causing it."
"Organic farming has always grown food in vivo in the soil with all of the features that the soil brings into that."
"Soil is the answer, what's the question."
"We're making progress, but ask yourself, are we progressing toward an understanding of the secrets of soil that will help us achieve a predictive grand theory of the biosphere?"
"...you can't rely on your soil and soil analysis to ensure that you are supplying adequate iron and manganese."
"Regenerative farming is all about building natural fertility in the ground."
"The unfertilized plot had actually gained organic matter, and the fertilized had lost."
"There's four times more carbon under the plants than between the plants."
"Soil is the foundation of everything. Because, like I mean, it's under our feet, not so much today, but it's under this building, it's under our crops and our pastures and our livestock, and it's under everything."
"Soil is not actually soil unless it has been in contact with plant roots."
"The holy grail is to form humic substances in soil from simple sugars that come out of plants."
"The importance of the soils is the start of everything."
"Human societies actually can build fertile soils and improve soils while still using them intensively."
"The challenge is fairly simple: we must reinvest in life at the bottom, life in and of the soil itself."
"...it feels good to be back in the dirt."
"It's a good quality soil that can keep the moisture in there all year round."
"Mulch does several things: protects roots, retains moisture, suppresses weeds, and feeds the soil."
"Soils covered all the time and you're just planting into and through that."
"The roots will actually grow four times quicker in pumice than in standard planting soil."
"This feels nothing like topsoil. This is so light, it's very well aerated."
"My potting soil was 25 quarts or 6.25 gallons, and I used 5 1/2 bags."
"It's always a good idea to keep track of what's going on in your soil and what nutrients it might need."
"I couldn't be happier because these are the steps that begin to save this precious asset we call soil, and we can do this and still be profitable."
"Josh, the microbes can also lie dormant in the soil for decades or even centuries."
"You're just changing the organic matter and the nutrients that are in the soil that can be used by those plants."
"Few people realize that there's more carbon in the first three feet of soil, than all the atmospheric carbon and all the biomass combined."
"Having a good soil mix is super necessary to keep your plants happy."
"I make my own manure. I make my own soil."
"The higher the organic matter, the more moisture you can hold."
"Compost improves the soil fertility in gardens, landscaping, horticulture, urban agriculture, and organic farming."
"As long as there is water in the soil, life will be there, and that life in that soil is what's going to be feeding your plant."
"Dirt does not cost you very much, in comparison to something like an aqua soil. This is an extremely cheap way to get really good results if you know what you're doing."
"So start digging. I hope today's Nerd Lab cleared up how soils affect wine."
"...my soil is looking so so good."
"Another tip I have for you guys is when you are watering and you are planting things in pots or on your balcony, you're gonna want to make sure the soil is extremely rich in nutrients to help your plants grow over time."
"Trees are expert rejuvenators of soil for future generations of flora."
"It's like a symphony in the soil."
"Vermiculite is a soil additive that is made from an expanded volcanic rock and it can hold up to three times its weight in water."
"Soil fertility is the living process of a living soil."
"If you're using this for a break, it's going to provide nutrients, it's going to provide that soil coverage so you're going to have very little loss from erosion."
"You want the soil that can hold itself together because we know in Utah, we can get some quite a bit of rain pretty quick."
"They produce a unique sticky compound called glomalin, it's essentially like a super sticky super glue protein for the soil."
"Your soil is easily the most valuable asset of any garden."
"That's the beauty of compost; it has organisms in it that are helpful to the soil and our decomposers."
"If this is what we can get out of the soil, letting the soil speak for itself, then anything's possible."
"Soil is an incredibly important topic... it's going to serve as the foundation for our understanding of how plants grow, how water is filtered, and so many other important functions that soil plays."
"Soil is a mix of geological and organic components... these are rock-based components and components that come from living things."
"Soil is a really important water filtration system... the spaces in the soil, the pore spaces, will actually trap pollutants so that clean water can pass through and recharge groundwater sources and aquifers."
"The A horizon is extremely important because it houses most of the biological activity... it's going to hold much of the nutrients of a soil."
"Soil degradation is the loss of the ability of soil to support plant growth... it's a really harmful thing."
"Compaction is the compression of soil by machines... it forces the soil particles closer together which eliminates the pore space which is really vital for holding water."
"Soil is more than just this stuff on the ground, and it is a complex mixture of a bunch of things."
"We've pumped enough carbon into the soil to equate to 92 tons per acre."
"The microbes have such a large factor in soil and how it all works together."
"We're creating a similar ecosystem in your soil that your plants are growing in."
"Let's make certain that we're eating that organically grown food that had really beneficial biology in the soils."
"That a handful of good soil contains more living things than all the human beings that were ever born."
"It dawned on me that without soil, life as we know it would not exist."
"The nation that destroys its soil, destroys itself."