
Adventurous Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"It allows you to be very adventurous, it saves you money."
"Cooking is about being adventurous and having the confidence to go off piste and being a little bit more daring."
"Raul Paul got to end with this of course you know crypto is risky you could lose what you put in but we are headed west this is the frontier it's not for everyone but we're glad you're with us on the bankless Journey Don't f it up."
"This Daphne is a jiu-jitsu motorcycle riding badass who uses her infinite wellspring of money to fund a cross-country ghost ass kicking tour."
"I want to figure out more like adventurous life goals, like beating Mike Tyson. I might add that to the list."
"People, they're just so adventurous and energetic, and I love being around them. I just love their attitude towards life. They're always up for a challenge."
"Your person is very free-spirited, and they just want to play, have fun, and take that leap of faith."
"This is a minivan, but it's doing everything in its power to convince you it isn't. It wants you to get on board with the notion that it's a more adventurous compact option."
"Hotel sex, you gotta use your imagination, it's dangerous."
"Listen, okay? If you want to get strung up from the ceiling and Diddly done dids six ways from Sunday, I hope you were getting it."
"I knew immediately without hesitation that the polar bear was my spirit animal and so I returned to earth from my DMT trip dressed in a dead bear's head with a bunch of sheepskin on my bollocks ready to crush creepy maggot guy in real life."
"You possess this rebellious, adventurous persona."
"It's a treasure hunt that's worth it because 'Freaked' is one of the wildest comedies I've ever seen."
"An Intrepid Spirit who set his course towards uncharted waters."
"Everybody get ready and buckle up because here we go!"
"The pilot house was awesome, you just felt like you can take on the world from that steering position."
"He started his escape taking off on that hang glider at 3am without telling his parents that he was leaving."
"This is definitely one of the most dangerous expeditions ever."
"It's nothing but high octane excitement. That one brings me back to like Harry Potter. Five, four artifacts. You've got one."
"This person is adventurous, loves to try new things, and has deep conversations."
"So, Kristin's driving down this nasty rock crawl section. She is one badass off-roader."
"Risk it for the biscuit, you feel me? Water pipe is such a hit or miss though."
"Thor: Love and Thunder is a total blast, reuniting Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi for another fantastic adventure!" - Unnamed commenter
"What a [ __ ] crazy idea this was, but we're doing it good, I love it."
"Every once in a while they find somebody just crazy enough to keep flying with them."
"Visually very fun, but had that sort of danger and excitement of a world to explore."
"It's futuristic, it looks a little adventurous, a little bit off-roady with an eye toward the future."
"Grandma Tala is very adventurous, supportive of Moana."
"I got a sword and I'm not afraid to cut things with it."
"Your connection with them will feel like being invited into a different world, filled with adventure and revelation."
"To be there for the tears, to be there for the laughter, to be there for all of it."
"More than one bounty in the harbor, super Souls."
"You're always down to try new things and your friends love that quality about you."
"I don't believe in non-extreme pegging, if you're gonna peg somebody, make it extreme."
"Have fun with your life, you know what I mean? Like, she was very liberating."
"She was the one that taught me to be adventurous and to take the risk and to stand up for what you believe in."
"I'm actually hella hype. I'll eat anything. Literal duty water, don't care. I eat it."
"You're down for the shits, like 'alright well I may become small I may become big I may become whatever I'm going for it cuz it's different.'"
"They love challenges, even if it may involve some element of risk or danger."
"You're a go-getter. You're not afraid of an adventure and you're not afraid to fight back and defend yourself."
"You're adventurous, spontaneous, and kind of intense."
"They're very free-spirited, someone who is kind of like a daredevil, they're very free-spirited, they like to travel."
"I am a courageous, adventurous soul."
"Yeah, it's turning out to be really cool. It's gonna be an adventurous, um, action mysterious drama comedy. It's gonna be everything. It's gonna have all the good stuff."
"You're always doing things that are always, like, they're always trying some new adventure."
"I feel like this person's very daredevil-y though I feel like this person's going to bring you out of your shell I think um very daredevil-y very outdoorsy they like the ocean I'm hearing."
"I think it will actually make your baby more adventurous with different flavors over time."
"I always like trying out new stuff."
"Guys, we had such a fun adventurous time today!"
"I'm that crazy guy who's willing to say yes."
"You two are really vibrant, you're very adventurous by nature."
"This idea is probably crazy but I think it's gonna be insane and we're gonna love it."
"People find you very adventurous and free-spirited."
"I'm like that friend, if they're like 'I think there's a bear over there,' I'm the one that's like 'Let me go check.'"
"Honestly, I think I'd be a dual sport. Just down to do whatever, down to have a fun time, and just want to do some good rad stuff with my friends. I'd be a dual sport bike."
"Your soul is so adventurous and brave; it takes risks and shines your light."
"For her 80th birthday, she jumped off this dock that's like 35 feet off the ocean."
"David was kind of a risk-taker and a thrill-seeker."
"There's nothing wrong with getting a little kinky now and then."
"Red Bull is adventurous. Red Bull is doing stunts. They are doing aggressive United States marketing. This is an interesting brand. Pushing the limits of how fast humans are willing to go."
"You're the type of person to move across the country just off an inspiration or a vision."
"If you're adventurous enough and you're careful enough in your preparation, you can eat almost anything."
"...the wild wild west of cooking."
"This album is musically adventurous."
"Subaru knows its customers and those are adventurous people."
"I just go into the wild like a jungle man."
"Either I go out cool style by Silverback gorilla or I have the best story of all time."
"You're a bit of a risk-taker, you're adventurous."
"You tend to live life on the edges."
"He's being super adventurous bringing in techno trap music, post-punk music, and merging them all together."
"They don't like to belong to society, happy-go-lucky, adventurous."
"I may have already taken a sneak peek, and this place is so freaking cool."
"No, there's definitely, you're doing stuff every day, whether it's parachuting, diving, shooting, you're always doing something that can give you a bad day."
"Everyone was just so game and ready to try anything."
"I think it's cool because he's just like, 'Oh, that would be fun. I'm going to try that.'"
"Go big or go home when it comes to hair, you know, you gotta be adventurous."
"What is something you want to try but you've never? Snake. Oh, I mean, alligator. Tastes like chicken!"
"Only try this if you're very adventurous."
"He lived life on the edge, flying planes without a license, smoking Cuban cigars with solid gold lighters, and dating women both young and considerably older."
"You need somebody who doesn't mind mixing it up and getting crazy."
"...you're gonna be Columbus the disrupter all right that's what you do man you go in there and you just shake things up man that's what I love about you."
"Are you ready guys for some more dodgy one-star takeaway food? Oh yes, you better believe you are."
"That's what it's all about not here to play it safe I like it that way it's much more interesting."
"People see you as being adventurous and the ideal partner."
"I'm good looking and adventurous, and if you pick me, I'll show you a great time."
"Actually, I have not tried bear fat, but I 100% would try bear fat."
"You're kind of like adventurous, very interesting. You kind of like bring people in with your vibe."
"If you're looking for something new to try, I recommend the trash can nachos."
"The food is definitely a little more adventurous."
"Truthfully I was a very strong-minded kid who oddly enough would Adventure into the woods all day alone."
"I've never been known for my cautious side you should know that I'm way."
"They're always up for something new, adventurous, and taking risks."
"I'm a real like up in the air type of person."
"They have an adventurous spirit. They could be a Capricorn or an Aries. I feel like they're going to be protective."
"I'd say I'm an adventurous eater. I'll try pretty much everything."
"I try to be adventurous and progressive in some material and others I try to be as down home and as ethnic as possible."
"Macho is quite the climber and has gotten stuck in trees a couple times back when he was allowed outside."
"I started racing when I was about six, I think. But as young as you can, but like off-road stuff, you know?"
"I love it that you're willing to do crazy stuff."
"I've becoming more and more adventurous."
"Marilyn herself was adventurous and she wanted to get out there and experience life."
"She was fun, carefree, playful, she had joined the Air Force because she wanted to go and travel, see new places, see where life took her."
"I like how adventurous and free you are."
"Someone who's smart, energetic, very perceptive, and someone who really truly enjoys living on the edge."
"I'm very adventurous and I really like to explore."
"She's quite adventurous; she likes traveling to faraway places."
"Outdoorsy, rugged, looks great with his top off."
"I literally will eat anything. I'm totally open when I'm traveling to trying the different cultural experiences."
"I'm always game to try new stuff."
"Both my husband and I, we're risk-takers when it comes to food."
"Both of you will have a lot of fun, but also both of you are like risk-takers, happy-go-lucky."
"She was very, very adventurous and always had a smile on her face."
"It's very good, you're going to try something who never imagined in his life that he would try beef heart."
"His brand of Pop was one of the most berserk and adventurous ever heard."
"She's vivacious and brave and she is always pushing herself to extremes."
"Carolyn was spirited and gutsy, always looking for new sources of excitement and fun."
"It has whimsy, it has adventure, it has magic, it has charm."
"It's designed as a bit edgier, more adventurous than your average Audi design."
"She was known by those around her as being a free-spirited, adventurous, outgoing woman."
"You're definitely a type of person that takes action, and you're adventurous, spontaneous, maybe a little impulsive."
"Live life restlessly, that's what I say from now on."
"A guy will be lucky to be with me because I'm outgoing, I love to have fun, I'm goofy, I'm adventurous."
"Abby was always game to expand her horizons and try new things."
"She was described as being adventurous, independent, strong-willed, and outspoken."
"I'm not too choosy with the foodie, so I went for it, and it was all great."
"I think this is one you should probably try if you like things on the spicier side."
"She was known to be adventurous and very talented in multiple different things."
"I'm really fun and adventurous and spontaneous, so I like to just do anything."
"I'm very adventurous, and I'll try different stuff."
"Yoshi is very open-minded with food."
"I always get more adventurous with my fashion in the spring and summer, color-wise."
"I know that life's a gamble, but I'm always game to play."
"Open-minded and liked to try different things."
"I'm very adventurous, aren't you? Just keep swimming."
"We are the most adventurous people ever."
"I'm a very adventurous and spontaneous person."
"I'm looking for someone who is adventurous and would make my daughter happy."
"She's cute, she's quirky, she's ready to try new things."
"She was described by her friends as being cheerful, caring, full of energy and always down for adventures."
"It's so good, even if you're scared to try something new, definitely try this out."
"I'm just a blooming risk-taker, aren't I?"
"Diane enjoys eating new foods and will try anything once."
"This book is full of magic and adventure, fantastic characters, fantastic friendship, and also a very intense plot."
"Free spirited, risks, and possibilities."
"You are open-minded and always up to try."
"I'm from the future, I'm ready to walk on the moon."
"It's wild, it's romantic, it shows Bronstein at his most adventurous, completely unafraid."
"I'm so happy I wasn't scared to try this out; it's so delicious."
"You're adventurous, strong in your emotions, you tell it how it is, you're enthusiastic about life, you're an achiever, you're very interesting."