
Narrative Enjoyment Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"I enjoyed the storyline up until that point."
"We're clever, we're patient, and we love revenge stories as much as you people hate us for it."
"Every beat of the story, I was just like, 'Yeah, this is a lot of fun.'"
"I love a storyline like that, similar one in Throne of Glass with Aelin as the lead girl."
"I believe chapter nine and ten were where I went from being undecided about this story to sincerely enjoying the experience."
"It was whimsical, magical, and everything I wanted... it was just so nice to be back in Wonderland."
"Always delighted whenever the twist shows up."
"I genuinely enjoyed it, the story told here is one that feels uniquely interesting."
"This chapter is so cool so far. It's just like crazy."
"Charles and Sebastian become such close friends, you just want them to be together."
"Super Sons is just fun, like it's just good old-fashioned fun comic book storytelling."
"From the start to the finish I thought solid book I'm enjoying myself it's creepy it's odd it's enough to keep me going I'm having a good time and then that ending hit me and I gave it five stars."
"I liked our main character a lot, I also liked her handler Dell as well, I liked her relationship, I liked how that developed."
"This was a story that I really, really enjoyed, and I don't think again I'm able to like articulate fully what exactly was like the standout thing for me."
"I give so much credit and respect to the writers because I love what they did with this story."
"It's just a heck of a good RPG about people and monsters and stuff."
"The romance was great, multiple romances were great."
"What an ending, what an ending. Love that, absolutely love that."
"A story should be enjoyable even if you know the end at the outset."
"Morality is definitely something that's more intrinsic."
"The music, the playing, the emotion, it all hits this sweet spot."
"The story is great, it looks amazing, it's surprising and varied and imaginative and funny and shocking and all of those good things."
"it's very good writing do not get me wrong it's actually quite an enjoyable minute-by-minute story"
"I really enjoyed the character you meet halfway through the game."
"I had zero expectations, but the story legitimately is awesome."
"Such a sweet and wholesome story. I absolutely enjoyed it."
"I think it's so important for you to kind of feel or at least relate to the character or at least and importantly like the character when you first start reading something, right?"
"Learn to drop your pet peeves about a story."
"This is a delicious parfait of storytelling."
"Characters in the story exceptional, you just so quickly love everyone and I just can't put it down."
"I like the story, that's me, I like the story."
"I really enjoyed that. I thought it was really well done."
"I do quite like the main story especially how it all wraps up it's the smaller Tales along the way that are the most interesting for me."
"I think if you can grow yourself a little numb, turn up that sense of disbelief, I think that if you can get past the wonky time travel you'll enjoy the story a lot more."
"This is grim and I love it. I love this setting. I love Percy's story so far."
"A fantastic story as far as what stories go."
"Having somebody else tell you a story gives that part of your brain that comes up with stories a rest."
"I just really enjoyed it, and it's like because it goes over such a long span of time and the way you could get attached to characters."
"It's marvelous to hear these stories."
"We like a good story, not just a good story, we want a tall tale, a fable, something mythic."
"We love a good yarn; we love a good story."
"I think it's really easy to have the character from the wrong side of the tracks be completely shunned, and that's just not the case here, which I am really enjoying."
"I'm really enjoying this Arc just because of the focus on family."
"I really enjoyed the pace and the story that is unfolding in front of us."
"It was very heartwarming, it was lovely to see the progression of the characters."
"I loved it, like really fell in love with the characters."
"I really love the family dynamics."