
Buzz Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Life's not perfect, and then along comes some game changer that everyone keeps talking about."
"The amount of positive buzz is overwhelming."
"You have to have the hit to go with the buzz."
"It's a car that has everybody absolutely buzzing."
"This one is special because this is the most buzzworthy new Toyota out there."
"We were right in the midst of the LA Hollywood scene, and there was a buzz that was happening."
"I am definitely buzzing right now."
"It's not just the positive experience with your company and your product that can generate the word of mouth. You can also generate a lot of buzz with your content."
"All eyes are on you and the buzz created can be huge."
"There was a buzz around WWE again."
"Buzz and Jessie aren’t the focus of the 'Toy Story' series but do have a healthy romance."
"There's no better buzz quite like it."
"...it's a great buzz it keeps you young."
"The Air 2S has created quite a buzz in the drone community."
"Get the word out to make sure people know, get the buzz."
"Drake would immediately gain some buzz and he even performed for the first time that year."
"What a thrilling Main Event Joe C gave us. He created such a buzz around this Main Event. I have so much respect for you guys."
"...no matter where you're looking you're gonna get a lot of feedback towards it, a lot of buzz towards it, a lot of hype towards it."
"With so much buzz and hype around the tournament, it was a really exciting week."
"It's just been overwhelming, overwhelmingly positive, and we felt like there's a real buzz around this."
"...there has been a lot of Buzz about this book if you're out of the loop."
"There's a lot of buzz for this movie."
"What's A Black Beetle ended up creating a significant buzz on KTT back in 2013, and with the project peaking at number one on Audio Mac, it even proved to leave a lasting impact outside of the fan forum as well."
"It's one of those movies that could just kind of come and go quietly or could be a bit of a buzzy underground hit."
"I second all of that, you know there was a particular buzz around the studio when this was being cast and when it was being talked about."
"Anyone but you is a movie that apparently has really started to get the buzz going on Tik Tok and social media."
"The job of the movie trailers is to sell the movie and here's a truth now. Before that trailer came out, nobody was talking about Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness."
"This movie got like 80% of its buzz after that trailer. Disney and Marvel saw what happened with Sony marketing Spider-Man: No Way Home and they mimicked it."
"Everybody's talking about this Joker movie that's not even coming out."
"There is a buzz in the air as anticipation is peaking."
"The Bucks feel really stale right now, there's nothing happening, there's no buzz around them."
"It's got everybody in the industry talking."
"90% of the artists that are getting signed right now are getting signed because they have a buzz."
"The first thing is I would say you wanna make sure, I mean, create a buzz for your brand at first."
"'You understand the importance of promotion and given the opportunity to play, that you're willing to, kind of like, really promote it, you know? Create a bit of a buzz around it.'"
"So many of you are going to be buzzing on this."
"Every act which is done is a great act, but in the holy month of Ramadan, I think everyone's buzzing."
"This is a pretty popular series, and it's also by an author who's been a little buzzworthy lately."
"Some people think that it's quite a buzz."
"There's a huge buzz around what's going on."
"The Honda Hornet is a real buzz to ride."
"It's making a lot of noise, like a lot of people keep talking about it."
"They managed to drum up a lot of social media buzz with the help of Jerry Media's marketing campaign."
"If you release a film at a time when it can make a lot of money and it has time to resonate with people, they're not gonna shut up about it."
"The town was buzzing, hallways, lunchrooms, streets, playgrounds, west end, east end, buzzing about the new kid in town."
"I'm excited for this one, man. The word of mouth on this one seems like it is going to be a wild one."
"Word on the street says, yep, the hottest place in town is Bread Barber Shop."
"It's all happening so quickly that her buzz in the drill world is major."
"It's been getting fantastic buzz."
"It's not out yet, this one's coming out in January, but I think there's going to be a lot of buzz about it."
"It's creating a buzz and that's quite interesting."
"The media is buzzing with speculation."
"A lot of buzz coming off the Oscar nominations still."
"It all started with one dollar. Do we remember that? That was the buzz and that was what really put ELF on the map."
"This one created quite the buzz, it is the Datsun 510 Coupe."
"We're getting a like a Korean movie every year that's at least in the buzz for something for a best film."