
Checkmate Quotes

There are 145 quotes

"This is checkmate possibly when it comes to fighting against online censorship."
"Your black is simply checking his way to checkmate in this case."
"Chess has traveled more than a thousand years through history."
"You want to capture the king, checkmate him off the board."
"Oh my god, that's amazing, bishop g7 f3 is checkmate!"
"The buzz saw is on its way and uh even if fishy were to lose this rook you know f5 check queen g7 look at this can you imagine getting mated like this."
"You got the bishop, you got the knight, you got the rook, you got the queen, you got a check here, trying to pick up the rook and you have mate on e1. Don't forget, who cares about the rook?"
"Stockfish wins with Bishop E6, checkmate to follow."
"And we conclude the game with a simple sacrifice, knight takes g7, followed by queen h5, and this is already forced mate."
"Knight G5 is even stronger naichi 5 is even stronger Bishop G5 check and mate and black is utterly overwhelmed here"
"It's a very pretty checkmate, you know, up close and personal with the king."
"The combination of tempo gaining, a slightly loose piece moved twice, and King in the center has resulted in this nightmare forcing sequence."
"The queen is placed in front of the king. The king cannot move anywhere. The queen is protected by the king. Let's Checkmate."
"...it's nearly a Scholar's Checkmate."
"Black is threatening a Checkmate on G2 and there is absolutely no way to stop it."
"With the King stranded in no man's land, the move Greco plays is Queen B4 using The Bishop's support to deliver Checkmate."
"He's going for checkmate, he's actually going for checkmate."
"You're even threatening just checkmate in one."
"When two checks are given, the king must move. If the king cannot move anywhere, it's checkmate."
"If you take the rook then bishop f8 always play bishop f8 checkmate."
"When the king is in the middle of the board, you don't want to waste any moves, you have to try to find a way to checkmate him."
"You need to find a move after which black resigned here because he's going to get checkmated in two moves."
"Since everything was checkmate, he decided getting mated wasn't the best idea so he gave up."
"The only move allowing checkmate."
"Remember what I talked about when you're at this level, always want to look for checkmates. Focus on your king and if you do that on your king and your opponent's king and if you do that, you'll probably win most of the games."
"Queen to E4, reversing the metaphors, setting up for a deadly checkmate."
"So now, let's put it on your radar. They Castle, we play c4, and then b5, and you checkmate them. Happens all the time."
"Checkmate is the aim of the game."
"The d-pawn running up a little bit with a pretty neat mate to finish it off."
"King goes here. Check and checkmate. Cool. Alright, nice game."
"Rook h1 and now guys there is checkmate."
"White sacrifices the rook because black cannot take it, leading to checkmate."
"I have the opportunity for a Checkmate, can you see it? Queen G7 checkmate."
"There is a Checkmate in two moves: Rook H3, Rook H1 is mate."
"There's no way that we're winning this game in any other way other than Checkmate."
"Don't be fooled; basic checkmates are essential. The back rank mate, Queen Bishop battery, and more are fundamental."
"This move is about putting the queen on G3 and looking at checkmating attacks"
"In those middlegames, whoever checkmates their opponent usually does pretty well."
"Queen to F5 check, and that is Checkmate."
"It would have been a unique example of castling with checkmate."
"If the rook takes, guys, we have checkmate in one move."
"This looks like it actually is Checkmate because... yeah, that's Checkmate."
"We actually have Checkmate in three moves."
"You force white to dig his own grave and queen f8 is going to be Checkmate."
"Knight g3 would be a devastating checkmate."
"We have a forced mate in three with queen h6 check."
"The simplest is Ladder Checkmate."
"This is super dangerous for White; I think White's about to get checkmated."
"Smothered mate is the example where the queen and knight are lined up, you create the discovered check, and the knight delivers the checkmate."
"Finally, the last piece getting into the game enters with a dramatic threat of mate or winning the Queen."
"Rook and queen attacking a lone king is going to be checkmate."
"If you're able to give check to the king, that means he's forced out of his home."
"The plan is to checkmate on this square."
"Now I get my queen, if they promote, I'm just going to take it and we walk into queen and king checkmate."
"Queen takes here on f2, and this is gonna be checkmate."
"But if the queen takes your king, then that's checkmate."
"Drop the mic, yeah, Knight D7 mate."
"When you sense the mate, be methodical. Where can the king escape? How can I take away these escapes?"
"We're already up a piece and we're essentially trying to go for checkmate here."
"Any situation where a king is out of squares, by definition, you should be searching for mating patterns."
"I love mating patterns where the enemy pieces are blocking the escape path for the king."
"This is checkmate. Unstoppable checkmate pretty quickly."
"Knight takes G3 is a beautiful and lovely Checkmate."
"What is checkmate? It is indeed the end of the game."
"Scholars mate style Queen F7 mate, that is a cool sequence."
"Queen G6 Checkmate, defended by this Knight."
"One of the coolest looking checkmates."
"All of white's pieces are potentially about to be taken, and on top of that, this is just checkmate."
"This is amazing, queen g5 mate, Charlie."
"If you have a queen and a rook and he has only pawns, that is enough material to give checkmate."
"What we need to do is drive the white king out into the center and then deliver a decisive check."
"The power of two rooks on the second rank on full display, it's over."
"This bishop can't be taken because queen h4 to f2 would now just be mate."
"This move, Knight b6, is a nice finishing blow here. The king is in check, and the queen is hanging."
"If the king is in the corner and the h pawn is on h2, if the queen can check on f1, it'll actually be mate."
"Queen B6 check, oh no my queen, and then Bishop B6 is checkmate."
"The open H file almost immediately leads to checkmate."
"All it takes is two pieces to threaten checkmate."
"This is a very simple deflection, and Rook C1 is mate."
"We're gonna lift the rook up, thread checkmate."
"Queen F8, the final coup on this king is checkmate."
"In reality, a player wins when his opponent's king is put in such a position where no matter what he does, he dies."
"Look for sacrifices and try to checkmate the opponent."
"Instead of stopping the pawn, we have to try to Checkmate the king; it's the only plan that makes sense."
"Rook to B3 is a beautiful Checkmate."
"The H file is now opened; if you try to save the Knight, your king is going to get mated."
"Here we come with the bishop, and it looks like we have checkmate."
"Once you queen, you're going to win the game; you can checkmate him easily."
"One of the attractive things I'll show you is a checkmate plan where you can use to checkmate white on h2."
"It is clear that if the white Rook now captures the black Rook, that would allow checkmate in two."
"King c2 and again we see black only has one move, b3. King c3, b2, only move, and checkmate."
"Neither rook should take either, so like if white tries to take something, then just mate."
"That way, Queen you choose me, and it ends with a checkmate."
"We're basically going to play for checkmate here."
"The ultimate objective of the game of chess is to checkmate your opponent's king."
"Sacrificing the rook, dropping the king to h8, and queen f8 is checkmate."
"This leads to a forced checkmate."
"Everything is square guarded, everything is occupied, and now Queen d5 checkmate."
"That's correct, that's a checkmate."
"Jimmy the true king locks them in Checkmate."
"Knight on E8 threatens mate on G7."
"Great minds think alike, queen f3 is mate in two."
"It's the only move, rook f8, and if you take the pawn there's rook f4 checkmate."
"If we checkmate him, that's the end of the game."
"That's a nice little checkmate there with the king smothered in the corner."
"The good old Kiss of Death checkmate."
"Killer, the bishop watches this, the King has these, even if the king steps over, that's mate."
"Okay now we got mate in the corner."
"That's mate, next, back to tournament."
"By playing knight to e6 we're essentially setting up a secondary knight to deliver the mate after queen to e5."
"Queen to e5 check is almost a mate in two."
"It's checkmate in one threatened and the King's just locked in."
"If Queen takes Queen at this point, we're gonna have a mate in seven."
"Look for the mating motif you're gonna get your opponent with."
"It's close to mate, very close to mate."
"That's mate next, that's a cool one."
"The knight has to block, and then there's mate here."
"Believe it or not, White plays Rook G3 check. Wow, the king's gonna get slaughtered surely."
"Knight takes F7, hitting the queen and encouraging the king to go into a double discovered check."