
Survival Gear Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The main thing is to have a reliable fixed blade belt knife."
"I got frog gigs, trotlines, catfish hooks, and sharpen buck knives. Solved for you if you cross me for the last time."
"Fire sticks are one of the best fire starting products I've ever come across."
"This whistle on a lanyard is for signaling purposes - always be prepared."
"These toilet paper tablets are more inexpensive and plentiful - a cool trick I learned from Canadian Prepper."
"This chest seal is good to have on hand in the rare case that you have to help someone in need."
"This Israeli bandage battle dressing is highly recommended for trauma kits."
"This contractor garbage bag has multiple use cases - a makeshift shelter, a backpack rain cover, and more."
"This watch is incredibly versatile; it's a survivor of any situation."
"Your first tier of your emergency survival preparedness is the stuff that you automatically put on your body every single day."
"Flashlights... have multiple flashlights because they are that important."
"Until you need it, until you need it, it's worth its weight in gold."
"So yeah, I'm christening this the best survival rifle in the world, mmm, pretty much. Not absolutely."
"The LifeStraw can filter out almost all the bad stuff from water."
"Another great option for if you're just starting out with your bug-out bag is the LifeStraw."
"For winter backpacking, carry the same things for fix-it stuff as you would carry for three-season backpacking."
"For the prepper, it's gonna be very difficult to beat Glock...extremely reliable and durable."
"I have never ever read an account of anyone who disappeared who is carrying a firearm and a personal locator beacon."
"Outdoor survival bag that you can even turn into a tent."
"Winter clothing is absolutely essential especially for a bug out situation."
"Let's talk about the top 10 things that every bug out bag needs."
"We've combined our expertise and done an incredible amount of research for the 72 Ready Bag, our goal is to provide the highest quality 72-hour survival kit at an affordable price for you and your family."
"The tactical walking stick is an ultimate camping and survival tool."
"Hands-down my favorite survival rifle without equivocation."
"Contractor bags somebody mentioned this on the comments from the low survival kit and I thought that was great and I've used 50 gallon drum liners in survival bags so this is obviously these are smaller but still quite good."
"Having that massive volume, that giant balloon over you, the idea is that's going to help you float and keep on the top and not get buried underneath."
"Brightness is good but it's not as important as resolution."
"So in some ways those who have access to a high-rise building in case of a nuclear event are better off than those just hunkering down in their homes."
"Having a way to drink with it is is I think vital."
"That's where this knife got its name: Kivar, kill a bear."
"Initially, I'm gonna say I'm giving this a recommended tool, recommending a piece of gear from survival on purpose."
"This kit is for everyday carry. It's designed to help manage day-to-day problems in an urban environment, and I wouldn't leave home without it."
"The 22 pistol is probably one of the better survival options you can get."
"If I was about to go out into a hostile world full of mutated elephants and shit, I'd probably want my boobs protected too."
"Having an emergency bivy is an absolute necessity. For 15 bucks, it's worth the peace of mind to have something like this in your pack."
"Being prepared it's not the main point up here is where it takes you have to have the mindset to survive if you don't have that it doesn't matter what kind of equipment you have."
"This is a survival kit that's just one bag is something that I can throw in."
"Emergency blanket, if things are really, really bad, this will keep you alive."
"He looks like he goes all over the map but I think he's going to be wearing survival clothes."
"The goal of a bug out bag is to keep you alive for 72 hours."
"When Chevy design manager Dave Ross said the Silverado Black Ops is a survival kit on four wheels, he wasn't wrong. It really is."
"Something to sleep on, something to sleep in, something to sleep under."
"Every new prepping and survival innovation I commit to reviewing on this channel even if it sucks and I'll tell you if it sucks."
"That's only 17 pounds that is I am very impressed that is fantastic very very it's a $49 bug-out bag weighs less than 20 pounds."
"We've got some tools, currency, food, armor, and a little backpack."
"Some people are setting up their bug out bags completely wrong."
"The Gerber Bear Grylls Ultimate Survival Knife is an impressive value."
"Gas masks are definitely an important part of the puzzle in this situation."
"Essential survival items include a good water filter, durable pair of hiking boots, axe, fire-starting tools, portable shelter, camping gear, multi-tools, pocket Swiss army knife, light sources, and more."
"A flashlight's probably one of the most important things."
"You need to have a lot of ammo don't get me wrong but you need night vision too."
"Having a reliable source of hands-free illumination like the Pathfinder UL Scout headlamp can make all the difference in a survival scenario."
"Experience warmth and comfort even in the harshest of weather conditions with the Titan survival myar blankets, your ultimate shelter in Extreme Survival scenarios."
"Ensures you stay connected for days on end without the worry of power depletion looming overhead."
"A vital lifeline guaranteeing warmth, dryness, and security."
"Your ultimate survival companion, versatile and reliable."
"A beacon of resilience and potency in the world of survival gear."
"In survival scenarios, versatility is paramount, and the Atomic Bear Cobra survival bracelet exemplifies this concept."
"The Aqua Quest Defender Heavy-Duty Tarp provides reliable protection from the elements, making it a must-have for any survival end."
"The Mountain House Just in Case survival food kit is an essential for any emergency preparedness or survival situation."
"Surviveware Stormproof Matches are a must-have for any survival kit, providing a reliable source of fire even in the most challenging conditions."
"Got me thinking, what's flexible like paracord but I can trust my life with it? That would be amp steel."
"He had a whole bicycle cart full of the type of gear that you would need to survive in just that type of environment."
"Every one of us got an army overcoat. That was really survival because that really helped us survive."
"What I carry in my haversack is going to vary due to conditions, due to activities, and due to seasons. That's what this bag is, this bag is meant to be a quick gather, quick carry basic kit that I add to as the need in plaques."
"Don't ever let anyone fool you, an MMS sleep system will keep you warm just about no matter what."
"This is a great whistle, great whistle, and it won't freeze up."
"Chopping and batoning for such a compact lightweight tool that is very impressive."
"If you want to have something that's going to be a hard-wearing dual survival knife nowadays, there's been about 40 years of solid iterational improvement over those things."
"This has more utility. Yes, it can be a weapon, but mostly it is going to allow you to do a lot of things in order to survive around camp."
"The Go Time Gear Life Tent, your stalwart guardian against nature's most unyielding trials."
"This is a strong contender for my smaller family-sized bug out bag."
"A survival knife will have a much thicker tip, just designed to give it that bit of extra durability perhaps when pressed into an axe type roll or a pry type roll that you might come up against in a survival situation."
"I am a huge fan; I would say these are definitely on my top five of all the ultimate survival boots that I review on this channel."
"If these really were your ultimate survival boots, would they be good? The answer is definitely yes."
"No kit is complete without a canteen cup or some sort of metal container to boil water."
"The number one piece of survival would be a personal locator beacon."
"I was very pleased with batoning; it would do anything that I would expect out of a mid-weight survival knife without any issue."
"For me, belts are a first-line kit item, so that means they contain just the essentials of what I would need."
"To win, we do it all; real world gear for people who live in plain, unforgiving environments."
"Your bug out bags should be no more than 25% of your body weight."
"It's amazing how much paracord you can have in a bracelet like this."
"It's an emergency blanket; it says it retains up to 90% of body heat."
"This is an excellent survival rifle; in fact, I think it's one of the best I've seen."
"The Tom Brown tracker survival knife is made exclusively for Tom by Rob Resin, a Custom Knife designer."
"If you want possibly and arguably the best survival knife on the planet, go with this."
"I like to talk about tarps for the thing they do best, and that is keep you warm and dry."
"This is definitely not in my top ten; this is definitely my top five of all of the boots that I have reviewed so far on this channel whenever it comes to the ultimate survival boots."