
Ideological Debate Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Wokeness is a religion, and it's not just us concerned with the damage it's doing to our societies."
"Socialism isn't some on/off switch nor is it based on your personal feelings towards a state."
"You don't have to support that Marxist movement to recognize that."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of truth or not."
"Wokeness is the left's religion. Banning critical race theory or the 1619 project won't fix the problem."
"The clash of ideas, which is the theory behind the First Amendment."
"My concern with some of the dogma that we have in the left... is that self-iding for gender is something that we've all agreed is pretty cool and based."
"It's liberalism versus nationalism, that's the real story of modernity."
"Are we going to have a society that's rooted in Truth, or are we going to have a society that's unmoored from truth and is basically being swept away with different ideological currents?"
"Need for Speed Most Wanted starting off you're watching a cinematic of cars racing against each other, then the next thing you know you're in control of one of them. That's very exciting when a game does that."
"Socialism will never happen in the United States."
"If you cannot argue your ideological opposition's point of view as effectively as they can, you have no business holding your own position."
"Bitcoin isn't the solution. It provides some types of ground stuff, but in its ideological fantasy form, it's incredibly destructive."
"I attack ideas, I don't attack people." - Justice Scalia
"We're bringing up a whole generation of children in America who are absorbing and being shamed if they criticize the ideology of Islam."
"They are dictating the odds. That's not capitalism. That's communism."
"Trans ideology isn't a fringe issue, it's an existential threat to the rights of women."
"Identity politics is what takes away your capacity as an individual to think."
"Equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism is not necessarily a conspiracy, but a certain aligned interest."
"I don't want him teaching ideological viewpoints about feminism or otherwise."
"If you cannot argue your ideological opponents' position, you have no business holding your own."
"The purpose of the manifesto was just to be a piece of propaganda, this wouldn't strike you as odd if Peterson is somehow convinced that this is the be-all end-all of Marxism."
"We must fall in love with the gridlock... It's there for a reason." - Cut 118
"I don't think the answers to how to solve that are on the left."
"You're gonna let capitalism be the hill that your children die on... that's the hill that your children die on."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You're quoting Thomas Jefferson, not the Quran."
"Terrorists can fight for the right things. Even the American Revolution was a terrorist act."
"We've got to beat you at better ideas, and our ideas are the classic ideas that almost every human throughout human history has adhered to—the idea of freedom and free speech."
"Who kills more people socialist or capitalist?"
"Fascists argue that natural hierarchies of worth in fact exist."
"We need our words, we need debates to define our nation's shared ideologies."
"It all begins between the ears, doesn't it? It's all about ideas versus ideologies, and communism is such an effective false substitute for the fullness of the truth."
"Leftism is just social decay transformed into an ideological system of thought."
"Wokeness is an incoherent concept... because it's based both on very left-wing emotions... but they're undermined by a whole host of philosophical assumptions that are actually very reactionary."
"If nothing else, we can firmly say that Jesus was not a capitalist."
"If you don't agree with free speech for people you disagree with, you don't believe in free speech."
"Reports of the demise of Marxism are greatly exaggerated. Mark Twain."
"Capitalist realism: Is there no alternative? It's easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to end capitalism."
"There has to be some kind of adversarial knocking of one meme against another meme to see which survives."
"Please be nice to each other but also don't hesitate to be rude to Nazis! They are exempt! If someone is being racist or homophobic or transphobic or just being a huge dick, they don't deserve your niceties. Fuck 'em!"
"That's a politics that is designed to squelch democracy, not to give it a chance."
"The only rational solution is to resuscitate the eternal idea of revolutionary justice."
"Questioning narratives: 'Right-wing people caring about historical accuracy is never about historical accuracy.'"
"The only way to address the authoritarianism of Islam is not for a new form of Islam authoritarianism."
"Despite the best efforts of many different sort of ideologues uh and rationalists materialists um these ultimate questions about who and why we are are still only really answerable in theological terms."