
Strategic Movement Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The bear is moving up slowly, using trees to help break up the silhouette."
"You have to move away because the left is going to come out right afterward."
"Going through the vents would have allowed Aidan to avoid needing to use the hallways at all."
"A commutator is how you can move around three pieces at once, it pretty much lets me move any three pieces without touching any of the stuff that I already solved."
"Forward planning... looking far enough ahead, anticipating what might happen, and adjusting our speed and position accordingly."
"The troops that are presumably been withdrawn and those troops that have been presumably sent to replace them they're having to travel along these country roads and across those fields."
"Let's try and move now. This is probably the best chance we got."
"In urban areas, get creative with your movement."
"We just gotta know how to move out here." - Quality Control Music
"We form military formations and we move from one place to the other. We don't chant, we don't wave signs, we don't go out and say anything. We move in silence."
"Liberate the territory from where the army will come from Khorasan. No one can stop that jihad when you see that army coming from Khorasan."
"This shot actually does create some effect, Nunes was trying to slip on the punch and counter."
"Swimming towards them so they retract their thorns cancel their attacks and run away is one of the most valuable strategies."
"I need to get this warrior over here because apparently there's an opening right here by Geneva."
"The best way to find out if they have wards is to go ganking and as you pass through ward vision, do they suddenly just back off?"
"A takedown is nothing more than a positional change. What do you do with that position?"
"Kaiser's movement around the map is just wonderful to watch."
"Expect a lot of shaking and moving this summer."
"The operation is a significant win for Ukraine demonstrating that it can counter Russian military movements within its borders."
"You're like a queen on the chessboard, you're allowed to do and move around any way you please."
"Rocky feigned to left then delivered a sledgehammer right."
"If I stuck to the road on prediction, we maybe could have KO'd the Delibird."
"Ukrainian troops making headway, isolating Russian forces in key areas."
"Start hunting, you'll see them actually moving around the battlefield now because they're on Hunt firing away."
"Seven Soviet armies were advancing exactly on Berlin."
"Packin was packing heat, moving in hot with those lava hounds and of course the balloons are always clear correct those defenses."
"The electro dragons are ready to make their move."
"That's what I did when I was on top side as well. I took their Gromp, I took their wolves."
"It feels so much more like Soul Calibur 1 or 2 where you can move really quickly and block at any point when you're backing up."
"It's always time and space, those are the two most important concepts. Are you moving efficiently so that you buy time for yourself? Are you moving efficiently so you take time away from that person?"
"Ziplines are a great way at quickly traveling across the maps."
"This cell has to evolve, this Pawn has to advance."
"That place is insane, now this is how I like to rotate into."
"He's standing his ground, picking and choosing his spots to land his punches."
"Somebody's putting some plans in action, this is some sort of warrior that is going somewhere."
"Don't get fancy, get cleaner. Don't get hit for free, move when you want to move, duck when you want to duck."
"This scrap yard only has 47 left so let's uh move up over here, I guess. Storage depot ruin, another 190 somewhat there."
"Napoleon would traverse massive distances outmaneuver his enemies isolate them and then move in for the kill before they even knew what was going on."
"What you want to do is make your opponent think you're moving forward when what you're really doing is moving sideways into his blind spot."
"The Vanguard veterans could perhaps make use of the pregame move to also jump forward for a pretty devastating Alpha strike."
"Only flip when necessary... you're completely committing to that direction."
"Yellowswerve intentionally jumps to the point where the door should be and then uses the torch picked up previously as the key to open the door to the boss room."
"A sustained crossing of the Dnieper River at Kherson, followed by a drive across the top of Crimea to the Sea of Azov, would be the shortest route to cutting it off from the rest of the Russian forces occupying Ukraine."
"Let's make it count, try to get one, two, and then again, this movement's a little slower."
"Each player has workers that are represented by dice and on your turn you will move a single worker in a clockwise fashion around the board."
"You need the halt to fly past the Bastion far enough so that it actually pulls him off the cart."
"Enemy surface force of four battleships, four heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, and 10 to 12 destroyers sighted 20 miles Northwest of your task group and closing in on you at 30 knots."
"Counter strafing is one of the most important things you need to understand."
"Take us as close to the border as you can before we seriously piss them off."
"They're swarming around like honey around the beehive."
"History is what it is, and rather than taking a breath, the Romans moved East."
"Knowing how to find angles, cut to the left, cut to the right, create openings for yourself."
"The most successful hustlers, the guys making the long money, they move quiet."