
Provocative Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Thank you for aborting your kids, you're making the future better."
"His unapologetic approach challenges prevailing narratives."
"Nobody needs the coronavirus more than conscious black people."
"What do you guys think? Did you see the show? Am I crazy? Did you love it? I'm telling you, I ate it up like a tiger, rare."
"Bet I'll have you naked by the end of this song."
"Some refer to filmmaker John Waters as the pope of trash, with Pink Flamingos serving as arguably his boldest cinematic statement."
"That's even more of a reason to put bomb, do it Joe, don't do it!"
"The government is your biggest criminal organization on the face of the earth."
"The more men you sleep with, the more you are sticking it to the patriarchy."
"As they say, 'socialists don't have children, they have yours.'"
"Vote for Bolsonaro because your country is a shithole."
"Here's my provocative thought of the day... do black people have an advantage in getting a job at a big corporation... the answer is yes and it's a big one."
"If you love them, stop giving birth to them, it just is what it is."
"The man with the golden gun showcases just how risqué the series could get with its love of double entendre."
"Forget Jesus, the stars died so that you could be here today."
"Race is not important, and to say it is, is racist."
"That's like saying from one side who's more likely to [__] animal, you."
"Azealia Banks is one of those people who know how to push buttons and go way over the line."
"Who would you say your number one enemy is today? Great question. Satan."
"If Israel doesn't want to be compared to the Nazis, it should stop doing Nazi-like stuff."
"If there is no God, you don't love a woman, you have a sex drive, and that woman satisfies your sex drive."
"Men, look down in between your legs, those dangly things, they're your testicles. Act like you have a pair."
"This movie will piss you off, it's kind of guaranteed fun."
"The phrase 'Black Lives Matter' is intentionally provocative."
"It took a white man named Donald J Trump to care enough about black people to expose the very issues."
"Black people don't need reparations, they need liberation from the Democrat Party, mic drop."
"The Babadook... is brilliantly filmed and provocative."
"Who is the being that brings the most people to God? Probably the devil, actually."
"Writing the word 'piss' on something is maybe the ultimate comedic move you can ever make."
"Life requires effort, thought, ideas, and effort."
"A 90s beatnik doing a spoken word piece about her genitals."
"The Supreme Court is a white supremacy court."
"There aren't any easy answers. It falls in the gray, and it just provokes so many questions."
"If you're wearing Bird Dogs, you're probably having some sex."
"This is to demonize your government so you can provide money and aid to people who aren't citizens by the way who are here primarily because the billionaire class wants to lower your wages." - Jimmy Dore
"It's just I decided to write 'Rape Me' in a way that was just so blunt and obvious that it's like no one could deny it."
"This is a very, very good example of when you should be putting women last."
"If Jesus was a Christian, he would be going around saying 'I am God.'"
"Black power they're saying pale people power."
"Religion should be treated with ridicule, hatred, and contempt."
"A lot of people know a school shooter when they see one."
"If more teenage girls were given testosterone, our politics would be more logical and rational."
"He's a punk and the [ __ ] in you will be brought out."
"Humans would appear as rampant genocidal maniacs that thrive on suffering. Bingo."
"Current day Star Trek should make people bothered by its message, it should discomfort the comfortable and comfort the discomforted."
"If it does make you mad please also read it."
"Sailor Moon is enticingly adult, she's a 14-year-old girl alternately drawing in hot couture dresses and the shortest miniskirt you can have before it becomes a porno parody of itself."
"Maybe religion isn't the solution to all of our problems but maybe it's the cause of many of them."
"No, let's just say it would look like something that would have done really, really well on OnlyFans."
"Rap is entertaining, it's informative, it's provocative."
"Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative; gets the people going."
"Isn't it at least conceivable that you could have lost your virginity to your mother in an out house?"
"Sex in a bottle, sex in a bottle, sex yeah."
"It's better to be a murderer than to be killed."
"That's just a wild thing to just throw out in the conversation: 'Your [ __ ] Dick's still working like whoa.'"
"Organize the biggest sex party in the world."
"I've got an incest donai up my sleeve that would make them all look like nursery rhymes."
"The Bible is the most offensive book ever written, damns the entire human race and no one escapes."
"Read the back of my shirt, now pick an orifice."
"If you like aggravating watches if you like watching something and you just can't believe they're doing that and that's happening this is the movie for you."
"Hard work and open legs and an open throat and an open ass."
"You guys get a little nasty. The type of energy that's like, 'Oh, you know, it's fun. It's definitely a little freaky.'"
"Your church ought to be known as the best sex place in the county."
"I pop a pill, I [expletive] your [expletive]."
"Big dick is what I said. Oh, do you like to hear that?"
"If this doesn't want to make everyone do cocaine, I don't know what else does."
"Everything this guy says opens a whole new can of worms."
"I bet you that I have had more penises in my mouth than 99% of you. Yep."
"The movie is provocative, original, and deserves better than being sold as the very thing it's not."
"It makes Jesus look like a [ __ ] freak in bed."
"Controversy creates cash." - Eric Bischoff
"That girl's not coming home... Jesus is never coming back."
"We are really trying to get the word out there that we are the trashiest [ __ ] nastiest, we are the most beautiful pig pigs but also kind of hot girls."
"You're doing that red pill [ __ ] where you say something and then you're like, 'Whoa, did I trigger you enough?'"
"Trigger warning: I'm about to blow your [ __ ] mind."
"...tug his little [__] cat package just to get a reaction. It's [__] crazy, you know?"
"It's a provocative title but of course it's definitely true and unassailably accurate."
"The only bright spot in your life will be those five minutes a day where you masturbate in the shower."
"When a woman decides to get dirty, them hoes go all the way. They'll [ __ ] your father, they go all the way."
"Russo said nothing new but said everything on fire."
"What could have been better than the death of Michael Jackson?"
"Open wide and get a taste of my sugar tits because I'm made of candy, bitch!"
"If you let me slap you, I get $500,000."
"These innuendo-laden lyrics packed a potent punch."
"It's just so provocative, and there's so much living inside their work."
"I think that controversy makes people think."
"Her work is still provocative and useful."
"This was pitched to me as like a sexy Harry Potter."
"The film's provocative nature undoubtedly stirred the public."
"It's always provocative, it's always interesting, and it's almost always right, which is really neat."
"I really wanted to make something that was going to turn people on, but that was also messy and unapologetic."
"Your type is extremely inspiring, provocative, and influential."
"It's a wonderfully provocative piece written in a harsh, biting idiom, and it's just brilliant."
"I know this book will drive people crazy. I sure hope so."
"No one knows what it means, but it's provocative; it gets the people going."
"This is a snarky, thought-provoking, thrilling read, and one that you're going to want to devour in a single day."
"The lead single from 'Can't Be Tamed' saw her starting to become a lot more provocative."
"Just get your dirty little minds to work and think of the sickest things, and you will see it on new Mötley tour."
"The most provocative is Andy Warhol."
"This is definitely a film with a message. A big, overt, subversive message."
"She's dripping wet for our pleasure."
"I'm more thought-provoking, how about that?"