
Market Reaction Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"President Trump created a lot of trade chaos and then when the trade cast is temporarily postponed the stock market jumped which is exactly what you're seeing today."
"Think about your own pain and pleasure response. More importantly, think about everyone else who's trading that doesn't understand this."
"Dogecoin rallies on Elon Musk tweet anticipated Coinbase listing."
"There's really a lot to like here but the one thing that I think a lot of people are gonna have an issue with inevitably is the price."
"They're extremely high probability trades... they either have a really good move when they do or if they fail they present a trade in the other direction."
"Etsy smashing earnings yesterday, up 12 with Churchill Capital also getting a big push today up 12."
"Just a little mention of a chip shortage is all it took to take a four percent after-hour gain and turn it into a point seven percent gain."
"Apple is just such a phenomenal company, and to see it up only now 0.5% and really falling, it's just shocking after such an earnings crush."
"If we just get an announcement that Tesla's accepting Cardano, we would see Cardano explode."
"I'm almost hoping for a higher than expected inflation number because I'm really interested to see whether or not the stock market takes that as bullishness."
"You've got institutional investors reacting to this bitcoin ETF drama."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"We're going to force Disney to take you seriously."
"18% down 18% 18% negligible my butt could they rebound probably sure but with such a backlash that's going on right now it's going to hurt them for a while."
"The only way we get off that floor is when the market believes hey we finally finally are actually responding to the fact that we might be inducing a recession."
"The big takeaway here is not just that China's reopening disappointed, we knew that was going to happen, but how quickly we went from 'oh my God it's too much' to 'holy crap it's way too low'..."
"Good news, good economic news, means bad news for the stock market."
"Pal will taper 1 million percent on November. You think the market is gonna like tapering? I don't think so."
"Every time the Fed does something to support the market, the market actually takes it as a negative."
"Docusign earnings: Beats estimates but plummets."
"The reason why it's going up is obviously because this new sedan is just gorgeous."
"As soon as I found out that the price dropped like a rock and that it was an issue of a misunderstanding of RBF, I immediately logged on to Gemini and I bought $30,000 worth of bitcoin right when it dropped."
"That's great news for Lordstown Motors... Being rewarded by the market right now."
"The problem is, if the results come below expectations like really bad, then the stock will move down."
"If Coca-Cola turns out to be more resilient in the face of Delta, the stock price will move higher."
"But DWAC was going to get to up nine percent and look right when we got off air for the morning show that is and then you went to Trader Pratt DWAC did this breaking out on huge volume through 73."
"Powell's eight-minute speech erases $78 billion from richest Americans, showing how closely these remarks were watched."
"The markets hate uncertainty and right now we're getting a double dose of it from COVID and the unconceded election."
"Tesla's stock itself absolutely surging after their quarterly results."
"We need to get the market freaking out again."
"You want to take advantage of overreactions just like we did this month with certain stocks like SAP or QDEL or Zoom."
"Amazon absolutely got crushed for its results this quarter."
"Tesla stock falls one percent, he'll then double down and make a meme out of that and say hahaha you know so he just doesn't care."
"Interest rates coming down people wanting to pull their money out of US Dollars."
"I think everyone knows where this card's gonna go... absolute joke of a card."
"Nvidia's exceptional earnings didn't prevent a sell-off."
"This thing's going to be a hundred and fifty dollars more."
"The message is being sent loud and clear back to the video game industry: refunds requested up 800% according to IGN. Folks concur, players down to absolutely nothing."
"Pricing obviously will be a bit of a determinant on that I'm not exactly sure where the pricing is if it's too expensive it might have trouble of course but I like what I see and I think a lot of other people will too."
"Tesla and pool employees are smart cutting the X and S prices was brilliant."
"There's no tightening like FED tightening, right?"
"It certainly has made an appealing vehicle even more appealing."
"Litecoin soaring after Walmart announced this partnership."
"Jerome Powell knows that if he comes out too dovish...the market is going to blast higher again impulsively."
"Once you shut down the policy machine, markets get to move back up."
"This new wrist sporting behemoth is expected to start at a mind numbing 900 plus maybe 9.99 if that offends you like it does me."
"The money printer is roaring on again, and Bitcoin is roaring on the news."
"I think the main reason for this is the market being spooked by the federal reserve raising rates this year."
"Nicola is now officially being investigated by the SEC for fraud and that's why the stock is being tanked in after hours. That's incredible."
"Absolutely incredible, up 21% in the pre-market."
"Observers believe that each favorable policy tends to lead to short-term gains but also provides opportunities for Capital flight."
"Maybe they're overreacting but there's a fear in the market right now that interest rates are going to slow it down considerably."
"Tesla just recently announced a quarter of profitability and maybe the momentum of that caused short sellers to have to cover their positions."
"The real reaction regarding the Fed's announcement or lack thereof will start tomorrow."
"If earnings disappoint, the human being will react."
"The market's gonna freak out a little bit... but it's just a matter of time."
"Do you feel like maybe we're overreacting to this a little bit, maybe this is a buying opportunity for the long term?"
"You should not be panicking. I don't know why anyone would be panicking at 54,000 bitcoin."
"Stop predicting and start reacting to the market."
"Lucid is expecting to deliver 1,000 vehicles this year, and if in January they report that they only deliver 200, the market's gonna lose its poop." - Elon
"We hit the hundred dollar target and a little bit of a sell-off off of that"
"Whenever bitcoin dips a little bit, there's mass panic even though it looks perfectly fine. When in doubt, just zoom out and go to the day chart and realize things are looking pretty darn good."
"What's interesting about the market's reaction to this possibility is that strategists out in our world are now trying to leapfrog each other."
"Boom, it just happened. We are at 174 as Etsy falls 5.2 on beating earnings, beating net, and beating quarter two guidance."
"But what happens is when policy gets too tight, well the market goes the other direction and that starts to become the risk." - Steve Admitter
"The end effect of that is the dollar and yields spiking higher, causing money to get out of equities and seek risk-free returns."
"Normally people are mad at 2k... but this year people actually aren't playing it anymore."
"If a breakout isn't accepted, the Market's likely to go down."
"Why is the market not responding so far to the help that the Fed gave it today?"
"Congratulations, GameStop, up 8.85% today, up another third in the after-hours."
"GDP came in really pretty disappointing, kind of caught the market by surprise."
"Does the Fed need to cut rates? No, that's going to make some markets scream."
"The problem with the debt ceiling negotiations is that even though it puts treasuries at risk, the market reaction is to buy treasuries. It is a safe haven." - Lara Rhame
"The company shares soared more than 30% after announcing its lative generative AI model."
"Every time there is a nice big red Candlestick, it immediately gets rejected with a green Candlestick."
"It's all about reacting to the market or reacting how the market reacts at those levels."
"A period of stability gives rise to excess leverage, and then a bump causes a tremendous reaction."
"Every reaction is an overreaction, and as news settles, it proves profitable to buy future run-ups."
"Any sniff again of any ETF news and this thing flies."
"Context is king, and a lot of my execution comes around levels where I believe there's going to be a fast reaction."
"I'm not predicting what type of market we're going to have; I'm just reacting."
"Lehman Brothers is going bankrupt, and financial markets from Asia to Europe are doing their utmost to prevent Monday from turning from dark to Black."
"When the market starts to worry that the economy is tanking too much, that's when lower yields are going to panic the market."
"The anticipation of an increase in interest rates has actually caused the markets to react."
"If you don't buy based on fundamentals, you're going to bail the second the stock turns on you."
"That's optimism when you get a report like that; that's optimism to the stock market."
"Markets tend to overreact to good or bad news, ultimately pushing stock price away from its fair value, but usually, prices trend back."
"The large impulse move from the area and the unfilled orders resting at the supply and demand zones cause the reaction."
"These large drawdowns usually have a reaction to them in some way and so we can trade them in lots of different ways depending on what our actual outcome is as a trader."
"Generally good news for the economy is being viewed as bad news."
"Don't give up when you are taken out; sticking around to see if maybe the stock is still having that breakout action could be an idea."
"These zones are typically created from high impact news."
"The news doesn't matter, it's how market participants react to it."