
Multiplicity Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Our soulmate isn't just one person. Soulmates can be many people."
"Doctor Strange is able to make multiple copies of himself."
"Let's look at how much more you are than a skateboarder. You're a musician, dude."
"The creative person almost doesn't seem like one individual but instead as many individuals inhabiting the same body."
"You can hold two things to be true at the same time or multiple things and I think we can still have fun."
"You're attracting an opportunity that is equivalent to like three opportunities...it could be love, could be a job."
"It's always multi-purpose, man. It's always four different agendas. It's the eugenics program, it's the Georgia Guidestones, it's depopulation. It's all right here, right in front of everybody's face right in your skies."
"I thought to achieve all those things in a single film was quite remarkable."
"Multiple things can be good at the same time."
"You don't have to know what your life purpose is... many people have multiple life purposes."
"Having many arms allows me to help a lot more people." - Stinger Flynn
"Magic is probably a pretty good label to slap on all of this because magic has multiple meanings."
"Building a relationship with ourselves, however many selves we feel we have, is the most essential key."
"The one yearns to become many, and the many yearn to become one."
"Self-government today requires that politics plays itself out in a multiplicity of settings."
"The radiance of divinity is present in a thousand different ways."
"To what extent are all of us composed of multiple people, and to what extent are we a single unified person over time?"
"There's a sense in which, as you get closer to the one, the multiple becomes more real."
"The unity is superior to the multiplicity, but the multiplicity can fully participate indefinitely."
"You have gone on many ascensions. It's like you've lived multiple incarnations in one incarnation. You've been many people."
"Truth isn't one thing because I'm not one thing."
"You're not one person. You're many."
"What I like collecting things in multiples."
"You're not one stream, you're many streams, but you walk with heaven."
"The best way to come back is to start with yourself. All of us are made of multiplicities."
"...a lot of things can be true at the same time..."
"There's a very holistic theme of self-awareness and integrating different aspects of the self and also this embrace of multiple selves."
"Everything doesn't have to be one thing. It could be nine different things."
"We got about 30 major problems, and so we need 30 strategies in play at once."
"The creation of multiple identities has followed a similar pattern."
"We have to have both I think it's very important to insist from the beginning that we are multiple amphibians living in many diverse and even in some sense incommensurable universes at the same time."
"Now, that's 101 streams of income if I want to break it down like that."
"It really is going to take multiple treatments, multiple types of treatments, and a plan."
"It's just a bunch of little ones."
"Beauty is unity and multiplicity, unifying diverse phenomena under a simple rubric."
"You can have multiple identities."
"Why do you have to have just one thing?"
"It's not one thing that makes it good, it's a plethora of things."
"I have my main volume and I have five faces below it."
"It's not an either or to me, it's a yes and."
"Side by side by side multiple sides."
"Identity is not a hat you can have a lot of identities."
"Your calling isn't singular. I am called to preach. I am called to write. I don't put one above the other. They're both very important."
"A person can be more than one thing, Box replied. I can be a doctor and a pilot."
"The logic of war is redundancy, coverage, multiplicity."
"He said, like, he just walked into the store, bought it, and left. Kind of like... But now, but now it's not like he has just one pair, but it's like two, at least."
"There's more than one Nash Equilibrium in this game."
"Oscar Isaac stars as three personalities fighting for control of the same hot bod."
"You've got just so many names as I do."
"Every man, dare I say person, lives three types of lives in one life."
"The Holy Spirit is one Holy Spirit but many operations."
"There are three Solomons, so to speak, in the biblical text."
"So giving this single-story building several potential flows which not only gave other versions of those works but also doubled the building itself."
"So, even in that context, the Beldam is a 'we' because it's not just her soul in there."
"Any deity can have multiple personalities or identities which are literally different but they come from the same source."
"The Torah is eternal; the Torah has many, many reasons, not just one of them."
"Candyman isn't just one person; it could be anyone, and there has been multiple ones."
"The Hydra possessed many heads, the exact number of which varies from source to source, and in some texts were actually infinite."
"People can care about more than one person at a time."
"Can you have more than one calling in life? I think so."
"God's oneness should not be considered oneness despite multiplicity, rather this is oneness encompassing multiplicity."
"As a performer, there's this weird sense playing a comic scene... it's like you're several people all at once."
"Everything should pay you two or three times. You should figure out how does this benefit me three times, how does this benefit me four times."
"The presentation of this particular passage is a story that conveys a multiplicity of truths."
"Through the model or symbol of the pyramid, you see the whole flow from unity into multiplicity as an entire thing or wholeness."
"The way that we exist together is symbolic... you have a bunch of multiplicity and that multiplicity is aligned, recognizes that it has a unifying principle that brings it together."
"The Ark of the Covenant is not a unique thing, in fact, there were many arks every god or goddess of any worth had his or her own Ark."
"Our understanding of the multiplicity of history advances with contention, even as all master narratives find themselves critiqued and sometimes eroded."
"Honestly, if I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice!"
"Once there was a God with good intentions and a heart full of love; she shattered us into many versions of us."
"We believe this conscience to be a single thing, but it's many-sided; there's one for this person and another for that."
"He was so brilliant and so... incredibly talented that he was many people... all the time."
"I have had many names, one is Ericos; I have been many men, perhaps I am all men."
"I was living like two or three lives, and I think it helped me with my writing terrifically."
"I am one, may I become many," and then having become many, all the many continue to evolve to the point where they can recognize their oneness."
"...love is the coexistence of unity and multiplicity, that's what love is."
"Your soul is like a diamond with many facets, the facets being different lifetimes and experiences."
"The one contains the many, and the many contains the one; without the one there cannot be the many, and without the many there cannot be the one."
"When one of these nine gifts is working in you, there's another one nearby; they usually come in clusters."
"From divine simplicity comes the brimming plural."
"You can want more than one thing as a human."
"You also want to have multiple templates."
"People are allowed to want multiple things. People are allowed to have multiple things."
"This allows you to model documents which talk about multiple things, for example, traveling Europe."
"I feel like I'm living five lives at once, and the way that I found a center, a sense of peace, a grounding with that reality was to curate a philosophy around the idea of existing in existence."
"Finding your passion... it's not something that you have to go in search of necessarily, maybe there's more than one."
"Pluton exists in many forms, there's many being two: one is the actual battleship, and the second are the blueprints used to build that battleship."
"Can you complain though? Like, there's four selfies in one, love that."
"There's nothing wrong with multiplicity."
"The text is received by the audience, by the readers, in their own manners, and there are multiple meanings."
"I'm actually really struck by the fact that we need to remember there's more than one kind of communication going on here."
"Why can't things be both one and many? There is a unitive aspect to all things, and it ultimately does relate to God as the creator, as the sustainer, as the originator."
"The character of Legion has thousands of personalities, each with a distinctive power."
"There are a thousand different versions of yourself out there, in people's minds, and you exist in each version."
"If you really attain these kind of high spiritual states, then you should be able to gather into them the multiplicity and see multiplicity as an expression of these high spiritual states."
"It is a single dimensionless awareness that rises as an infinite number of minds and at any moment sees an infinite number of worlds."
"She wasn't living another life; she was living fractals of lives within lives."
"Why can't something have a unit of aspect to it and a multiplicity aspect to it?"
"The self is multiple, the self is social."
"When you have that realization, you can be many beings simultaneously."
"For those who want to double up or triple up, you got accessibility to easily get them."
"Yes, the Divine energy is one because it's one God acting, but it's also multitude and infinite because God does many different things."
"Multiplicity and unity are not contradictory."
"Many phenomena are in fact a product of a multiplicity of forces interacting in a nonlinear fashion."
"You can use the same send pin for multiple sensors; you have to have a different receive pin."
"The main idea is that a polynomial value can be a multiple of P squared in two very distinct ways."
"We're going to have more than one avatar representing ourselves."
"Now I a four-fold vision see, and a four-fold vision is given to me; 'Tis four-fold in my supreme delight and three-fold in soft Beulah's night and two-fold always. May God us keep from single vision and Newton's sleep!"
"No choice he makes matters because there's so many of him, it makes him irrelevant."
"You can come up with your own combinations, it is okay to be interested in more than one thing."
"You are especially gifted, some of you in multiple ways."
"Let this life seem as though you are living many lifetimes in one."