
Project Progress Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"Wow guys, this is looking really, really good."
"It's finished. No, I think we're just getting started."
"Alright, so updates. Surprisingly, I was able to almost finish the front side of all four of them with just one bottle."
"It's amazing how far the 73 Century has come."
"It's incredible how well things are going so far."
"This game has been being worked on for years and has moved out of its pre-production stage and is currently in a playable state internally."
"This bathroom is done. Actually, finally done. Hold on, we're not done yet."
"It is looking good folks. It is looking phenomenal."
"How good is that looking? I am loving this so far!"
"We're confident with the progress we're making."
"Yeah, my Iron Man Mark One is coming along really, really nicely. I am very, very pleased."
"Everything's coming together so nicely right now."
"Once these guys came in, progress was actually getting done."
"In Ashes of Creation, we have been kicking it, killing it, doing lots of awesome stuff."
"I'm super proud of where we've gotten so far."
"I mean I'm pretty happy with how this is actually going"
"I'm really happy with the advancements we made today."
"Guys, I'm quite happy with what we got going on here."
"I'm really excited about the progress we've got."
"The ocean monument project, something we started a long time ago. Today, I've made some really, really big progress."
"Part three will probably be done before Christmas, I still have stuff for part three."
"The development team has passed an important internal milestone in recent weeks."
"So seem pretty good and now with the steering done all that's left to do is just clean up the design a little bit."
"That's amazing, well done Alexa, that's coming together so well."
"That point where it's almost like just at the edge almost halfway through I think it's a really good stopping point."
"From something that looked like that all the way to something that looks like this now."
"We have officially reached the halfway point of the fourth floor."
"How's the fork looking so far? Absolutely awesome, it's really going great."
"Is that heavy factory done yet? No, it's not."
"Day two began with ripping down the front edge off the white oak countertop."
"Now all of a sudden now things are coming together."
"Another long week of work guys please, I got the frame up."
"I'm very excited about all these renders that are coming in."
"...but just in about a day because I don't really have a whole lot of time to work with here plus I know you guys love watching me up."
"We're going to see if this thing runs and drives because if it does, great, we can head out tomorrow to Oklahoma."
"It's drivable, it's way better than it was."
"After just 21 days the 911 is complete."
"But I didn't glue anything just yet because first I needed to work on the Storm Bolter."
"I'm loving it, but we have a lot to do."
"Already it's looking so much more spaceshippy."
"I absolutely love how it's turning out so far."
"It's coming good, and I hope everyone likes this truck because we love this truck."
"It's coming together pretty nice."
"I'm so happy that slowly but surely I'm taking off everything that I wanted to do with this car."
"Things are moving along pretty nice on The Fast and the Furious eclipse tribute car, looks good."
"Already you can see we're getting something much more natural with our character."
"Our Superbird tribute car is coming along really nicely."
"People like to think you're ever going to finish this; can't rush these things."
"I think it's safe to say that the sawmill project is on track, and I will not apologize for that pun."
"We're back for another day and the headliner looks fantastic, this painting idea was a really good idea."
"The tank is starting to become real."
"We're making a star, can you see it? You can see the star coming together."
"We're one step closer to getting like the architectural drawings done, knowing the full cost, and then getting planning permission for it."
"We're at a really exciting stage in this build, we're starting to put stuff back together and getting to see the final result."
"It's the next day, and with the rim and the main blank removed, I could see that both had cured without any cracks or voids."
"It's starting to look more like a go-kart every time we add something to it."
"Saving over 100 pounds, man she is starting to come together."
"I'm excited to show you more of that and I love the way it looks so far."
"Look, everything looks good so far, I remain optimistic."
"Every single year, there's a certain phase of the project that moves forward."
"It's really cool when you sort little issues out here and there, it just kind of motivates you to keep moving on."