
Mythical Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"At its conception, it was infused with godhood."
"Thor has a strong will and has used it to control some things with his mind. He was able to take control of the Destroyer armor using only his mind in order to fight Hela and have the curse reversed."
"We must go to Macari, where my brothers and I once ruled."
"I feel like when you get into the cartoon stuff, you can find some Atlantis shit."
"I absolutely love her, she is looking super epic, really floofy and Kirin-like."
"They see you as someone mythical, with inner strength."
"That cup... everybody there is looking at that like a mythical beast."
"Constellation is described as an almost mythical group within the world of Starfield and the last true explorers of the Galaxy."
"Her strength was so great that just the stomp of her foot created a crater in the ground."
"If anyone deserved its wrath, it was the fabled."
"He states that the era where demons live in fear of humans will soon come to an end."
"I was captivated by this creature that seemed like something out of a fairy tale."
"I really like the idea of a traditional Chinese legendary Pokémon."
"A box of golden treasure at the end of the world."
"The Beast comes from the pit, he comes from the darkness"
"The tournament of the seven heavenly cities is starting."
"Once exposed, it begins to whisper, corrupting the host at their very core."
"With the assembly of all nine ferocious beasts, the god tree's long-awaited objective was achieved."
"A sword that can defeat anyone, that is what Itachi is."
"The Daedric armor in Oblivion is forged by infusing the heart of a Daedra into ebony ore, creating the unholy set."
"It looks like a fearsome mythical creature with its unusual voice and membranous limbs, but upon closer inspection, it is quite adorable."
"Keep the circle of Mythicalness, Mythicality going. Congratulations."
"He understood the language of dragons."
"The image of him sitting alone working while electricity crackles around him has turned the man into an almost mythical figure."
"The lady of the puddle, Vanessa, gives Phineas and Ferb their quest to retrieve the fabled Excaliferb."
"... it's a beautiful piece of commentary on the magic and wonder of the doctor as a character showing how incredible and mythical this figure is."
"He's looking for the Horn of Winter."
"I'm a sucker for mythical stories."
"The Griffin with its amalgamation of feline and Raptor traits is an imposing yet intriguing creature."
"He was like a Mythic kind of character like Achilles."
"It was as if all the legends and stories had come to life in front of us."
"Those lucky enough to have shared in it experienced it still find its mythical power hard to explain; they just smiled wistfully and talked of something unique, intangible, something they all still share and hold very close to their heart."
"Our ship! Oh, release the Kraken!"
"At last, I have created the cursed dragon."
"Blackbeard pirates captain, the second ship, Katerina Devon, the Crescent Moon Hunter, user of the Dog-Dog Fruit, Mythical Zoan: Nine-Tailed Fox."
"Whosoever holds this hammer shall possess the power of Thor."
"The Sandman gently lulls children to sleep and rewards good children with pleasant dreams."
"It was like I was looking at a gorilla with the head of a dog almost and bat-like wings. It's not a super accurate description but it's the best one I can muster up."
"The creature's body was huge and strong like a bodybuilder's but covered in dark thick hair."
"It had glowing blue eyes and looked like a wolf, but much larger and more muscular."
"A creature bigger than any dog, possessing glowing greenish-yellow eyes."
"What's creepier than a normal dog man? One that's got one eye."
"Just such magnificent, almost mythical creatures."
"Stake is a sensible guy, a smart one, and he has an experience with a sea serpentine salute."
"He really believes it because one day, just like Gene Shepard, Jerry came face to face with the monstrous creature."
"Only a worthy person can wield the holy bow and arrow."
"Dragon who brings victory, be with us this night."
"She really is made of water, and every inch of her is composed entirely of what looks like the purest, cleanest water the sailor has ever seen."
"The eight times refined pill in the cauldron has the strength of a middle ranked true God or even top ranked true God."
"Bodvar faced the creature and for the first time drew the enchanted sword, slaying it in a single blow to the heart."
"The holder of Dawn becomes known as the Sword of the Morning."
"The beauty of the forest leaves you feeling inspired and transported into some mythical land."
"Rayquaza is a Mythic Pokemon who can telepathically speak with people and has lived since the dawn of time."
"A tiger discovering the lost city of Atlantis."
"A sword to lead the people, a magic sword to rally under, gifted by an otherworldly entity and only wielded by one who is worthy."
"We bring joy and dreams; we are the Sandman and the Tooth Fairy."
"The dragon sparkling in the holy night."
"The Seven Cities of Cibola was said to be a district far to the North beyond the land of the Aztecs."
"He's strong. He's been trained by a dragon."
"Standing at least eight feet high and giving off a light from its forehead as bright and searching as an electric headlight."
"The time time fruit is like this really sacred devil fruit."
"There's something really mythical about the way this Bankai is presented."
"The Emperor Dragon is proper powerful."
"For the entrances of the elder world were wide and sure, and brought immortal fruits."
"Sounds like a chariot of the Gods."
"The realm that my house is on is a level that only the gods can come through."
"The Grom is absolutely a grind hard mythical beast."
"A bath in Dragon's Blood helped people see into the future."
"The legend of the Swan Man was born."
"The beauty of Feanor’s work nearly turned the heart of the Great Foe himself."
"Phoenix and Griffin... they have those cool kind of powerful meanings again behind those two."
"He's a one-eyed, one-horned, giant purple people eater."
"The Thunderbird was somebody that could walk on the ground and fly to the heavens, so he had magical powers."
"He has the power of an ancient beast in him."
"This Golden Apple can heal all of a person's injuries but not only that, it can also improve a person's physique to twice its current value."
"She is a unicorn, a vocal unicorn, without a doubt."
"I feel like I'd be like a calm dragon."
"Thunder dragon, you lost this time."
"Oh my word, it's the noble Phoenix!"
"The creature was a horrible version of a goat but massive in scale."
"I came face to face with what I can only call the Kraken."
"You can't put a price on Sasquatch."
"Terrifying and paranormal as the Rake, stiff anonymous as the Slender Man, and of course, a boogeyman whose only entrance is warned by the pitter-patter of rain on your roof."
"It looked something like a wolf or a dog or something, but it appeared to have the body of a man."
"It's me, my little dragon," Zoe said. "Zoe has come back."
"Krakens are super intelligent, with an intelligence of 22."
"The Kraken can't be frightened and can't be paralyzed."
"The Kraken understands abyssal, celestial, infernal, and primordial but can't speak; however, it can use telepathy."
"I will warm you with the fires of the Phoenix and carry you as far as I can."
"Born of moonlight, storm, and sea, he will rise and fall to bring unity."
"Stormbringer swallows the souls of those it slays and basically brings doom to everything it touches."
"I feel like if Loch Ness Monster was real, I feel like she'd be sweet and nice and friendly and want to cuddle."
"That was so epic, Barbs, thank you for blessing the chat with the Pegasus."
"The Garden of Eden wouldn't stop expanding its territory until the eight formation eyes are still standing tall."
"It must be brandished by humans alone, for it will bring death to all demons who wield it."
"Like a wolf but much, much bigger and more ferocious."
"Here the horn is named: I am Dragonbinder."
"Dragons are definitely a force to be reckoned with."
"Kyogre has the ability to summon Primal Reigns to flood and destroy the entire Earth."
"A fantastic looking Yeti as well."
"Dragons never back down from sharing some love with the world."
"For the first time in 800 years, he felt whole, even without his dragon."
"You're a mermaid in the night sea."
"Through these dark deeds, he became known as the Death Singer."
"I'm not a doctor, I'm a mythical muffin."
"Soul of a dragon, heart of a phoenix."
"There's just something about them, they're almost like a mythical creature."
"I love fairy tales and fantasy and mythical creatures, so I was eating it up."
"Bigfoot doesn't believe in you either."
"Some say the first Walker woman came from the forest, her bones built of roots and thorns as she sprouted up from the ground."
"Her presence appeared to Scott as a Phoenix."
"It was a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people eater."
"Because I have the power of a dragon."