
Protective Instinct Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Don't mess with the mama bear because she'll tear your face off."
"I want to be someone with the power to protect his own baby."
"When animals are attacked even if the predator that's attacking is much more powerful you'll find a Buffalo trying to fight off a lion to save its young."
"I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't lose anyone else. I was gonna find Carlos and I wasn't gonna let anything happen to him."
"If they come for me and they're trying to take my life or take my children's lives, I don't have an obligation to let you kill me, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."
"His first reaction was concern about protecting me. That is how I want the father of my children to respond."
"I still can't believe my girlfriend spotted him from so far away and I'm so thankful she did."
"There's this natural human instinct, it's almost probably better not to have it but there is a natural human instinct to protect things that we care about."
"Mama duck leads her family of ducklings across the road and into the wilderness."
"I would lay down my life for any one of you guys in a heartbeat."
"I want somebody with that survival instinct and somebody that is going to fight not just for her lives but as we saw in the first Halloween movie is gonna fight for the lives of the kids she was babysitting."
"What you did was heroic. I just went into fatherly mode at that moment and I just wanted to keep the kids safe."
"I will bleed out on that [ __ ] Street before I ever go out as a hoe because my whole life I felt like a [ __ ] I couldn't protect my sister I couldn't protect my mom."
"For most of us, we'd actually die for a stranger's child."
"That's not quite a dream killer but it's a nightmare killer. I'm big on killing nightmares."
"She's willing to fight as strong as she possibly can just to protect them."
"She seemed to understand the little girl's need to be protected especially in that time and place."
"No one would question if I were to say if my family was drowning or in a house fire."
"No because I'd rather that happen than it be somebody else."
"Love means that you can, you'll do anything for your family. Yes, you will die for your family."
"I'll do anything to protect you, that's the whole culture."
"I didn't let him finish his sentence before I pushed him aside and informed him it was my daughter that they were supposed to be protecting."
"Heck yeah he almost killed an Eternal, they almost killed him in his sleep. Yo, he went straight for Kingo. He's like, 'Yo, you look like a vampire. I'm gonna take you out for the good of humanity.' That's a good man."
"If you see my kids doing something that I think is going to hurt them, I love them and I'm going to say, 'Oh, you don't do that.'"
"I couldn't have put it better. When you're protecting something you love, you would do things that you never thought you would do."
"And that's the reason why I can't stop, you know? Because I can't let nothing happen to that person."
"I know each person in my group would die for me and I would die for them."
"That's your baby. You need to know who's around your crazy."
"She made a call, it was a call whose instinct was to protect other people."
"A sheep that has a broken leg has a tendency to move closer to the shepherd."
"Riku has always been everyone's favorite bad boy, but this game shows his commitment to keeping his friends safe."
"He went from a lonely, starving, and powerless kid and ended up with the love of his life, the best of friends, and the power to help protect them no matter what happens." - Narrator
"If something major happens, I'm going to be running to your side to be sure you're okay and taking care of you."
"The threat of killing my kids pulled me back from the brink and gave me the strength to fight for my life so I could save theirs."
"I wish that I had been more of a mama bear in that moment."
"Men have a natural desire to defend, protect, and fight."
"I would die for Brianna and I'll take my last breath for that little girl up on the screen right there." - Mr. Brock
"My uncle noticed my crying face in the doorway and mouthed the word 'run.'"
"There's something so satisfying about a chicken pot pie. It's just so good."
"Real men's natural instinct is to protect, period."
"If someone were to try to kill Boruto, I don't know what I'd do to them."
"Here's a woman that's precious she's a Wonder in heaven she's giving birth and a dragon wants to get her baby."
"She overcomes her imposed fears for the reality of a girl that's standing before her, someone that she doesn't want to destroy."
"If somebody even mentions your brother's name you snap."
"If they even threaten to hurt his friends, his family, his party, everything will be set ablaze."
"It's gonna be okay, let me save you for once."
"It was used as a guard dog because of the intelligence, quick hearing, and an instinct for distinguishing intimates and strangers."
"It's just instinct. Protect the president. That's what I've been trained to do for years."
"It's like you're mentally ready to fight a hyena and more in love with your wife."
"You gave me a new purpose in life to form bonds with others and protect them to the best of my ability."
"You may not be concerned for your own safety, but I can assure you that there are those amongst us who do care, care very much indeed."
"He is stronger not because of the act itself, but because of what he gained from it."
"I couldn't stand to see that dog sit out in the rain another day."
"I'm going to find her, I'm going to save her, and if possible, I'm going to hurt whoever took her."
"Gohan's power is derived from a need for it, a desire to protect others."