
Market Readiness Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Your portfolio is built for all kinds of markets."
"Have a budget in place in case of market fluctuations or recessions."
"It's all been done for you needs nothing it's ready to go."
"People are like, okay, well, you know at some point we're gonna have to launch these new products and this new cool stuff's gonna have to happen and it's like happening now."
"Rumbleverse was a shining beacon of originality."
"Moon boots Dow pre-launch progress is very impressive."
"A depression may be coming, and that's something the market is not ready for."
"It doesn't seem PC players will have to race out for new graphic cards."
"This had a very nice technical setup prepared for it."
"Now I think we know well, they've got the goods."
"Institutions are looking at stuff like that, I do think we are ready for an uptrend."
"Build your portfolio ready for whatever - bull markets, bear markets, let's call it kangaroo markets."
"Is the world ready for hybrid F-150s? Yes, I think they are."
"On days like today, you're not stuck like a deer in the headlights, you know exactly what you're going to do in whatever scenario, that is why everyone listening right now needs a highly specific trading plan."
"The digital asset thing is ready for takeoff."
"Don't be in a rush... develop your skills, and hit the market as good as you possibly can." - Erik Gist
"If you're not embarrassed of your product on the day you launched it, you launched it too late."
"We're starting to get to a point where we can see a horizon where people will actually buy these and use them."
"You have a great idea, you have a product or service for which the world has been waiting."
"Learning to be a student of this will help you get way ahead, I believe you'll be preparing for a massive, massive rush into NFTs."
"If asset markets aren't ready to kick off a new Bull Run, we need to be protective, we need to preserve our capital."
"The market is ready for it and asking for it."
"Believe in your product, work on building something and being able to produce something that is worth it and then things fall into place."
"Things do happen fast, so if we do get that dip... be ready."
"Quest 3 is a worthy successor and seems to be ready for whatever shift we'll see in the market and has lots of room to grow."
"Trading is about what you did before the market ever got there."
"What more do you need to see to be confident that a spot Bitcoin ETF is actually ready for prime time?"
"This house's new styling is elegant and adult...I think has a much better chance of selling."
"The name works sting scorpion you know what I mean the name was there and it already got green lit."
"VR has to be something that everybody wants before it can become something that everybody can buy or can afford."
"The next move is coming. Are you going to crush this market or get caught like a deer in the headlights?"
"I think it's definitely primed and ready to go based on the narratives and how unique it specifically is solving an important use case for this bull run."
"We should be able to bring an actual product to market at scale that is useful far faster than anyone else."
"...is the world or perhaps just the America's ready for a Land Cruiser that's smaller that's a hybrid and most importantly a Land Cruiser that's less expensive."
"Locking in profits is probably one of the best because that way you have a lot of capital on the sidelines for if a massive dip does come."
"This does not look like a spare parts model at all; it looks almost like something that could be sold."
"It's finally ready to go on the market."
"This improves your time to market."
"You can have an amazing team, an amazing product, but if the market is not ready for what you're trying to sell them, it won't work."
"They've got the experience, they've got the skills, just put it out there."
"The watch world, as in the customers, are now slowly starting to say through their purchases and their interests, 'Hey, we're ready for you guys to hit the gas again.'"