
Fear Response Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The Necromorphs are horrifying not just in their appearance, but in the way they scream and move, tapping into our primal fears."
"When sufficiently frightened, most people will not only accept authoritarianism but demand it."
"Fear takes over. It's like fight or flight. It's just scary."
"They're a bit scared and that's why they're clamping down."
"When we are frightened, we're more susceptible."
"I think she's scared and this is her chance to try to put on her best act, put her best heirs and try to get out of trouble."
"Fear makes a human body start protecting arteries."
"I'm out, I'm out, gotta go. We out, nah, I don't play with that."
"Destiny should have had protection the moment she felt afraid."
"I had a satisfying grin cover my face. Emma was scared, she dared not venture into someone's house without permission."
"First we get terrified and then we get down to work."
"He acted like a deer that had been caught in the headlights of an oncoming car it's almost as if he had six sense realized had been spotted and just panicked and froze."
"It's the same chemical response, whether you're scared in a horror movie, about to be the victim of a crime, or on a roller coaster at Disney World."
"Fight or flight kicked in and we turned and sprinted full speed out of that park... never looking back to see if they were following us."
"What's going on in my brain that's stopping me from doing that jump? Fear is otherwise known as the fight or flight response."
"Never in my life have I as a grown man been so terrified."
"Sometimes the scariest experiences happen when we least expect them."
"The gate swinging wide open. I was grasped by sheer fear."
"They have no idea that this is happening, take them like drive them away take them they look all look completely scared."
"When I get genuinely scared I just immediately start bawling."
"They're abandoning ship, they're leaving. Yes, run in fear!"
"Oh man, oh man, I have to move. I was so scared."
"It's genuinely creepy, spine-chilling stuff."
"I dropped my flashlight and ran back to the car."
"That's got to be one of the scariest incidents to have to go through man."
"Oh what the [__] was that? What was that? Did you see that crawl across the i?"
"Something black and hairy started shaking saplings and breaking limbs and moving towards me."
"I definitely think that the fear and what's going on is probably going to be much worse than the actual illness itself."
"I swear to God that it looked like a huge hairy spider coming at me with all arms and legs."
"I fled into my home, barred the door, and then backed away from it."
"Your body feels fear and remembers fear way before your mind does."
"Stranger Things freaked me out, I can only watch it during the day."
"The silence was terrifying. I was frozen in fear, footsteps started."
"The people in charge know this. That's why they're hysterical and aggressive. They're afraid. They've given up persuasion, they're resorting to force."
"I remember being frozen still, hair standing up on my skin."
"Because at the end of the day what they did was wrong and it was illegal but it was out of just this primal fear."
"The January 6th insurrection scared the out of certain Republicans and even those nut bags couldn't pull the trigger on Trump's scheme."
"Once the news spread through the small town they were on high alert they were shaken to the core they didn't understand how anyone could do something like this someone was out there hurting children and this made the residents very fearful."
"Even people who don't believe in the Paranormal got quite afraid after watching this video."
"Terrified, I hung up the phone, made sure my doors were locked, and closed the curtain."
"I didn't finish it because I was scared. You mean Half-Life: Alyx? Yeah, on VR, that was scary."
"There is somebody legit inside the graveyard or maybe it is I don't know I'm not claiming anything all I'm saying is that somebody's there and that scared the hell out of me."
"Holy shit, holy shit, it's terrifying, what is that?"
"Nobody can tell you you shouldn't feel scared when you're truly scared."
"Understanding if we can just trade the crypto pairs to each other, the fear comes automatic, it becomes it just comes naturally to everyone."
"What kind of man could lie about the deaths of his children? That really scared me because now I had no idea what this person was capable of. That really changed everything."
"Fearful people go into an overprotective mode."
"Magical thinking happens when people are afraid or uncertain."
"Everyone... likes to be a bit spooked every once in a while. That huge rush of adrenaline and realization that it was nothing can be so jarring you can't help but laugh."
"Fear the response to fear ends up being violence... we're going to have to work on changing that response."
"Our brains are meaning-making machines, and there's nothing that scares humans more than having no clue what's going on."
"The lungs of whatever was doing this had to be massive, and as it roared, it echoed a lot. But it was not the echoes that made it sound strange, Vanessa just looks at her husband who is also clearly startled, looking at her."
"Large cities scare me, they normally have an established homelessness problem."
"You had damn well better be scared to death."
"It's a feared panic scream as I just spray the room."
"What would you do if you encounter this creature in the dark? Would you drive away as quickly as possible, or would you want to examine the creature up close?"
"He's like, 'Can we please play 'Ultimate'? And she's like, 'No, that's scary.' 'Link looks way too real.' We're biased because I feel like we have a lot of '90s nostalgia."
"This is like a really interesting thing because like our brains are evolutionarily programmed to seek out to be activated by fear indicators and stress indicators for survival."
"That night was the first time I ever slept with my door closed."
"I'm terrified and this is definitely not somewhere normal."
"I thought that maybe I was having a stroke or something so I ran to my door to get my parents to take me to the hospital I reach for the door handle and just like with the blanket my hand passed right through it."
"I know I was paralyzed with fear as it dashed away."
"It's incredible that the human brain and nerves can elicit that kind of a physical response just to that level of danger or anxiety."
"Fear forces you to recruit muscle, fear forces you to produce force, and fear forces you to fight."
"Why can't I open this jar? What I mean is why can we only access this dormant power in moments of extreme fear? Why not whenever we want to?"
"In this business every scare is real every shadow has something inside of it."
"When confronted with a fearful face, John's insula is not responding in the way it might in others."
"Epigenetic inheritance of a fear response."
"When we experience a situation that is frightening or alarming to us as human beings, we tend to react in one of three ways: fight, flight, or freeze."
"Increased connectivity between the autopilot and the fear response leads to a reduced ability to turn off the stress response."
"When an animal hears something scary, their body releases a chemical called adrenaline."
"When you're scared to death, you do what you train to do."
"With each anger-driven moment, we become less in control and more scared."
"For anger, usually the urge is to attack; for fear, usually the urge is to avoid or to hide."
"When we're afraid, we categorize our responses to fight or flight, but did you know there are two additional responses to fear: freeze and fawn?"
"Venomous snakes bite you for one reason and one reason only, and that is they're afraid of you."
"Little Albert actually generalized this to not just white rats but white rabbits, anything furry and white."
"Hostility, in its deepest sense, is a response to fear."
"Highly creative people have a low fear response to novelty."