
Visual Clarity Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Visual clarity is essential in character design for games like League of Legends."
"Set your screen resolution to high definition WQHD+ for maximum clarity."
"Whatever you do add, it should be adding and not distracting... that alone will preach right there."
"Chaos in this tiny corridor can barely see what's going on but all you need to do is read the kill feed and there you go you can see the Dallas Fuel are the ones who come out on top of that one."
"Hubble paints pictures of unprecedented clarity, pictures that bridge the domains of art and science."
"You absolutely 100 percent of the time want to have world motion blur and weapon motion blur disabled."
"In a panel that has both a foreground and a background, maintain visual clarity between the two."
"A good composition isn't made up of lots of random specifics but an immediately understandable arrangement."
"As designers, it's up to us to step away a little from our natural preferences to encourage visual clarity and diversity."
"Turn off vsync, motion blur, set GPU options for low latency."
"The display is incredibly sharp, text looks like printed paper."
"Disable motion blur for clearer target acquisition."
"His pages are fun to look at they're exciting and finally there's readability he tells a very clear easy-to-understand story panel to panel."
"The image is sharp and reading text or seeing things in the distance is pretty easy."
"The 15.6 inch 1080p 60hz IPS panel, no G-sync here though, and no response time listed. There were no issues with viewing angles, colors were still perfectly clear for me on any angle."
"Edge clarity on this optic is phenomenal, you just see into the future."
"Squint your eyes and look at your game. What stands out from that blur?"
"They also fixed an issue where friendly player icons would sometimes not be hidden behind walls, which would cause additional screen clutter."
"Your lens, the glass on your camera, is what determines the quality, full stop."
"Designers should try to use shapes, symbols, shading, animation, and other visual tricks to make critical parts of the game stand out from one another."
"Having that clear representation of how you want your film to look makes a big difference."
"The less crowded the background is, the better."
"We wanted combat that was visually really interesting where you could look at a skill and kind of know what the skill was doing by the visuals of the skill."
"If you want the VR headset with the best visual clarity and at a reasonable price, then I think the HP Reverb G2 is a great choice."
"Motion blur, do yourself a favor and turn it off. You don't want any blur when you're turning around the screen."
"Sometimes a drawing can dissolve into a muddy sea of gray with too much detail."
"Every frame would look as crisp and clear as a comic book panel."
"I think the nice clean aesthetic is very good it helps you differentiate the background from the foreground the enemies from the items and the obstacles and all sorts of things like that."
"Some people find it easier to see bolder text as opposed to just the light thin text."
"The OLED viewfinder is huge, it's bright, it's vivid, it's one of the best electronic viewfinders I've ever used."
"The utilization of the screen is better and the clarity of the visuals and all that stuff."
"Clothing: Avoid clothing with patterns and colors that are the same color as your background."
"Faust is perhaps the one time the director successfully married the clarity of his visual style to a complex narrative."
"It's not about having a million different font types, it actually looks better to just keep it simple."
"Absolutely gorgeous launch of the Falcon 9 today, a totally cloudless sky."
"If you plan to do photo or video editing, I would absolutely get a high resolution display."
"The eye Neo 2 has one of the sharpest displays on any handheld ever made."
"Image weighting helps focus on specific elements."
"Always look for clean, simple backgrounds when framing your subject."
"They have eight million pixels... everything sharper, clearer, and generally appears more detailed."
"This video is extremely important because you have to be able to see the nuances."
"Even text, it's just sharper. What's most surprising to me is how well it handles things that are supposed to be out of focus."
"These settings will give you guys the best balance of visual fidelity, FPS, and removing some of the clutter within the screen."
"Use a brush that gives you a sharp edge. No point in having an unempowered shadow."
"Change your nameplate scale... it becomes way easier to see the opponents."
"With all these different alternate looks, how are you gonna tell what form you're currently using during battle? Well, this is gonna be because the icon on the bottom of the screen."
"Because everyone on TV wants everything to be evenly-lit and bright."
"The fight scenes are planned out so well... making the scenes easy to understand and so much fun to look at."
"So the next mod I'm showing you is the smaller mosaic sensor, so the sensor is a lot smaller, it's not as huge."
"The sights provide a great sight picture and good accuracy."
"Text benefits from a sharp picture, and RGB is how you get that. Every TV internally supports it, and it's absurd that we made anything that output composite at all if it wasn't intended to be broadcast over the airwaves."
"Your eyes should not have to dart across the screen all over the place so core information should be sensibly placed and reliably placed."
"Look how much more you're able to get into a photo than the iPhone 11 then the iPhone 10s so that's pretty surprising in it of itself."
"Silhouette is important because it helps you at a quick glance know what an enemy is."
"I cannot see this on that picture, okay?"
"The clarity levels are just stunning, giving a really immersive gaming experience."
"The goal of layouts is to present information in a logical way, making the important elements stand out."
"WRS has the least Distortion in that that's what you want especially in high level of racing like Moto GP and world superbike."
"I'd really love to have a clear focal point here."
"If you're going to leave one eye a little bit clearer than the other, leave the dominant eye clearer."
"That's a gaming monitor specifically for gaming, that means it's gonna look crystal clear."
"Maximizing the data ink ratio helps us process the visualization more efficiently."
"That allows the foreground object to stand out a little bit better."
"We're going to add some clarity. Clarity always really works quite well."
"Everyone can benefit from good contrast."
"I like to color coordinate... so when I'm looking at this spread, it doesn't look too confusing."
"The resolution is just unbelievably clean and sharp."
"Doing this makes the dark edges of images clearly contrasting against the black background, so the overall shape of the image is clear and visible."
"I think it's much better to show people the great big photos and if they're going to buy them then they'll be able to see what they're getting."
"This is the clearest wide FOV headset I have ever used."
"If something's not feeling right to you, or if it's reading wrong, spend the time to either wipe it out, fix it, make it right."
"These dials are huge and magnificent; they're brilliant clear dials that I do think of a wonderful piece of design actually."
"The screen does look very good; this 4K display is sharp."
"The image is really sharp and crisp."
"The display is 1080p transmission, so the image I see on the display is 1080p, which means the resolution is really good for your eyeballs to make out small items."
"I think the formatting for me is like the most important."
"You can see that pretty much all of the details are intact; you can see all the mountains in the background and the different layers."
"This watch is fantastic; it's a good size, the screen is extremely legible, it's nice and bright."
"The good thing about that is it actually reveals details, finer details, far better than I can see in the eyepiece."
"So anytime a tool can offer really clear visual clarity to the precision of a tool, I'm definitely a fan."
"Everything on this monitor is just super crisp and super sharp."
"The screen looks exactly like the screen that's on the watch, crystal clear, nice and smooth."
"I like a blue reader back deck because the blue is a higher contrast than red, so it's easier to see from further away."
"I want to make sure that when I'm looking at this screen, I'm giving myself the best opportunity to see every little detail."
"I'd rather have a sharp frozen picture with a little bit of grain than have a blurry picture with no grain."
"It's a lot easier to see than it is to explain."
"Having things be visual and not stacked makes it easier to keep it tidy."
"If you're somebody who gets bothered by visual clutter, this is a great thing to help keep everything just like neat and tidy."
"The site context has been toned down to then make the important information on these drawings help that be readable."
"When you change the optical sizing, you can see that we're getting an adjustment that's bringing us back to much nicer looking lettering."
"They just make everything look sharper and clearer."
"It's incredibly sharp with a picture so clean you might mistake it for an LED TV."
"It's like HD 4K; it just sharpens everything just a little bit."
"You can see so much more detail... much sharper, much more crisp on the enhanced version."
"The display itself actually looks really nice; it's really clear, it has great colors."
"It is fully laminated, the brightness tops out at 510 Lux, and images are just so crisp, sharp, and clear."