
Artistic Journey Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"It's an ever-shifting journey throughout these tracks."
"He really took you on a journey with this album."
"Everyone starts from underground until they go mainstream. When they go mainstream, you don't hear people saying, 'Oh, you're too mainstream anymore.' It's just how the world is, it's all about perception and patience."
"Creative expression is the articulation of this inner journey."
"The artist that's obsessed with creating perfection is the artist that's the furthest away from attaining it."
"Discovering the magic of anime, one drawing at a time."
"The goal is self-acceptance, being okay with not immediately being the best."
"He was feeling his way towards... there was something about him that was not to be denied."
"They had something essential to convey, something unique to convey, and that's what carried them from the start to the finish."
"As long as you love creating and making music, there's never an end."
"Me never making it as an artist was the greatest thing that ever happened to me."
"Man be yourself that's why around the time when you discovered me."
"That's my whole trip here: the mastery of music in whatever genre it is."
"It's a very non-linear process. You never know when it's going to happen."
"The road to success as an artist is a marathon where not much happens for a long time initially; it's really those that can keep pushing through that period who will succeed."
"That journey to get there is really important for the artists as they're like playing through the strings of their progressions."
"Starting a new sketchbook is intimidating and exciting, you're face to face with countless empty pages. The possibilities of success and failures, as you start this new adventure."
"Honestly, what motivates me is perfecting my craft. I might never reach it, I probably will never reach perfection, never-ending, but you know, see, you know already, man."
"That's not the goal anymore, the goal is creative fulfillment."
"Release all of your expectations of where your creativity is going to take you."
"The films that we make are our teachers. I mean, they are our teachers and then we sort of surrender to them."
"I'm here for the sole purpose of exploring my creativity and you know just going through this journey and process of self-discovery."
"just the journey that art that these guys had gone on was so special and I was just so proud of the team and everything that they accomplished in that in that moment"
"Every everybody's gonna have a different process and you just gotta respect that people are different you also work with coal on Eve right it's a journey."
"We all started off as a beginner when we painted when we started our painting journey."
"It wasn't about the nice journey... It was about my songs, I had to write, and watching people sing them back to me."
"All art is difficult at first but with time it does get a lot easier."
"The beginning stages of being a beginner artist are so exciting."
"Your unique journey is what will allow you to have your own voice."
"His paintings span from the early stages of his diagnosis to his final works, offering a raw and intimate betrayal of the artist's struggle."
"Citizen Kane may have brought people lots of joy in its now 80 years, but it was a very rough journey to get there."
"I'm back and I'm enjoying the artist journey once again. It's a process, you know."
"You have to be a bad artist before you become a good artist."
"On this day, being my 30th birthday, I've decided to continue my new artist reboot series."
"This is pretty much a huge milestone for me as an artist."
"Lee started drawing at 3 years old and never stopped."
"They wanted to shock people, they wanted to stand out from the crowd, that's exactly what they did and this is their story."
"I'm still growing, I'm still learning new things and I'm going to share them with you all the time. That's what I like to do. I like to learn it and share it and grab you guys with me as we go up and we take this artistic journey. It's a lot of fun."
"It's always a roller coaster. Sometimes you have highs, sometimes you have lows. Being an artist is having lots of ups and downs emotionally about things, but you just gotta go with it. It's part of the journey."
"Your journey as an artist takes a long, long time, and you'll always be growing."
"I like things that are fresh and new and it just if something seems tired and played out like I don't want to be over there that's the artist's journey I think it's this constant search."
"So even though I haven't finished the project and that no one knows about, I'm still growing as an artist which is really what you want to do."
"I think a lot of times we can get down on ourself as artists and like I said think we're not doing enough but just remember that you're on your own timeline you're in competition with no one but yourself."
"There's a lot I want to create and accomplish as an artist. It can be really rough, but that's definitely what made me who I am. So I'm grateful. That's my rainbow."
"Her journey is an inspiration to aspiring artists everywhere."
"I want to share my journey along the way to become a full-time artist and share my resources that I've been using to get to this point along the way."
"You never forget the journey, that struggle, what it took you to get there, those late nights, and you just up, dreaming, thinking, plotting, you know, putting it together, you know, in the studio 12, 15, 16 hours with no sleep and no cares."
"You did the hard work of an artist already, now it's just time to expand and explore deeper."
"Let's dive in and let our creativity flow as we embark on this exciting artistic journey together."
"I made a decision that I haven't changed since then, and that was that the inspiration for my work would come out of my own life, out of my own experience."
"That's my natural progression, you know? That's where I belong. And so, it felt good to really be in the studio."
"There's no end of rejections that you will go through as an artist."
"I'm always most fascinated by the beginning, the humble beginnings of an artist's career."
"Every artist has taken their own path to get to where they are."
"It's been incredible. That's the beautiful thing about being an actor sometimes. We get to be consistent students."
"My journey actually start from me being an artist."
"Until he bows out or he shits his bowels out of him, whichever comes first, for better or worse."
"The influence kept growing, and I never stopped."
"Alvin Ailey's artistic journey led him to establish the iconic Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater."
"It's a brilliant way to start your creative journey."
"Have a great journey in ICM wire photography."
"So embrace the journey of building and enjoy the process of creating a beautiful piece of art of your own."
"Keep your heart open, your mind open, your ears open, and it will come really, and just be persistent."
"My first classic ever was Swan Lake, then Giselle, and I never had a sort of burning desire to hit Sleeping Beauty."
"If you want to be a famous artist, you gotta practice."
"I wasn't expecting anything ever, I didn't expect anything, yet I was expecting everything from my music."
"I wanted to do something to show my gratitude to everyone who's stuck around and kept enjoying my creative output."
"The beauty of creation is that it's never really finished; there's always room to improve and evolve."
"Realize that there are going to be bumps and you don't have to feel completely blissful every minute of your painting."
"I really like to see those lines, almost a trace of a journey through the piece of artwork."
"You are not other artists; you are you. So just focus on you, focus on your improvement, focus on your art journey, and everything will be okay."
"By the time I got to the end of a work of art... by the time I actually completed a painting that I was satisfied with, it was satisfaction, it's kind of like I finally made it to the top of the hill and I'm still alive to tell the tale."
"Art is not about instant mastery; it's a journey of gradual progress and continuous learning."
"I've been the skinny kid with big ears in my basement making songs, and now the whole world is listening."
"The greatest song I've ever written is around the corner."
"I appreciate you guys for coming on this visual journey with me."
"I began my art journey when I was 19 years old."
"That's what you love it because you love it, and it takes a lot of that before you find out what it is your voice is or what you have to offer or what's your take."
"Nas's journey, marked by Grammy triumphs and a consistent stream of compelling releases, reflects not only his enduring influence but also his unwavering dedication to pushing the boundaries of his craft."
"J-Hope's music journey is one of the most beautiful ones I have seen."
"One artist's journey to self-realization through the evolving art they created."
"Thank you for drawing today and thank you for all of the drawings you've ever done and all of the drawings that you will do."
"The art journey is really about breaking up for yourself, well, what do you like and why, and then having the confidence to roll with that."
"Persevere, because anything that you do that's creative is 90 to 95% rejection."
"Every single artist that you admire has started at this point right now."
"It's given me this new sort of understanding of why I've been doing this."
"The fun of this is in the exploration."
"He painted for decades in obscurity before finding fame in old age."
"Tonight's conversation is one that has been unfolding for over 20 years in the artist's studio."
"The journey was like a dream and being able to live her life on stage was truly special."
"You just have to start, look at something that inspires you that you would like to create, and then go from there."
"I just fell in love with it and it gradually became like I have to do this."
"It's inspiring to see him break through with his own music."
"Classical music takes you through an entire emotional journey."
"The interest of a fugue tends to lie less in the subject itself and more in the journey that subject undertakes across the duration of the fugue."
"I have been enjoying this journey, and it seems like with every movie, in my opinion, it kind of gets better and better."
"When you're an artist, there is no end game. It's just you just keep on and you just keep on and you just keep on."
"It's always dope to like see where artists start at and then where they end up at."
"It's okay to not have an award section; it's not going to make people think you're a terrible artist."
"You go through ups and downs as an artist."
"With all these in place, we have our sword ready to take into the battlefield and become an amazing artist."
"I want to give a body of work. Sometimes that journey might be way far from what you feel is I'm about, but that's my exploration too."
"We really can take control of our artistic journeys and our personal journeys."
"I'm in the land of giants, but for someone who is booking people like Danielle Peck and Lisa Carver to give me that recognition... That was the start of me going, 'Yep, this is it as an artist.'"
"I think it’s part of the process, at least for me."
"I really hope she's going down a path of discovering herself as an artist."
"I think in the end, I came to the conclusion that I was in it for the music more than for anything else."
"It's such a special part of your journey, both as a person and as an artist."
"It really takes artists ten years of their whole career to get this much joy."