
Price Increase Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"The recognition did not stop here... everyone in the audience knew a spectacular new act had arrived."
"Gold has moved. I mean, you know, you should talk to me a couple years ago. Gold was $1,200, it's now, you know, it just broke out through its all-time high of $1,900."
"Netflix first came onto the scene a decade ago... Netflix was $7.99 a month... now they max out at $16 a month."
"Global food prices increased by roughly 40 percent."
"Prices have gone up 30 to 40 percent in two years across the Dallas metro, propelling the market to levels it's never seen before in terms of price point."
"These figures were definitely not this expensive when they first came out, but because now they're collectors items, definitely the price now."
"Home prices are up a record amount 24 year-over-year to a record high."
"We're seeing prices shooting up like crazy... and we're seeing a lot of that happening."
"Impressive upgrades come at a cost because one negative rumor for the Pro series of phones this year is that they're going to be increasing in price by 100 each."
"Global inflation will mean more than just paying a dollar 10 for the same goods that you paid a dollar for just a few months before."
"After about a year, you're raising the price of houses in Tampa."
"We're looking at a gold price that is very significantly higher than it is today."
"We're going to see explosive growth in those metal prices."
"I'm talking about copper going to seven eight dollars."
"Chocolate is set to get more expensive as cocoa prices soar to seven-year highs."
"Prices of OJ went higher by over 200%, tripling in price."
"The inflation that we're seeing is incredible, guys. The price increase in everything is insane."
"A loaf of bread is gonna run you seven dollars, a gallon of milk is gonna run you ten dollars."
"Amazon may include a Prime price hike when it reveals its Q4 earnings. So this is a huge bullish thing. If they increase their prices, man, then everybody's got to readjust their forward outlook."
"This year hit a new milestone that nobody wanted to see: 70 dollar video games."
"After wide release of FSD beta 10.69.2 the price of FSD will rise to $15,000 in North America on September 5th."
"The industrial use alone will drive up the price."
"I see clear evidence of inflation; I see clear evidence that companies are rapidly increasing their prices."
"They've essentially tripled the price point of Pokemon Bank which was five dollars a year now we have sixteen dollars a year which is a little more than triple actually."
"The median sold price for brand new houses reached $400,600, a gain of about $100,000 ever since April of 2020."
"Chanel has just recently yet had another price increase."
"The rising probability means that the price of gold has to go higher."
"Bitcoin is surging... almost thirty thousand dollars now."
"The next generation games are becoming ten dollars more expensive across the board."
"This thing's going to be a hundred and fifty dollars more."
"Teslas are in high demand, and over the past year, we've only seen their prices go up."
"People expect prices to keep climbing higher."
"Due to an increase in demand, the price of king salmon has slowly gone up over the last five years."
"Prices on everything are going up, and that's not stopping."
"Paraffin heaters are a lifesaver. Stock up now before prices skyrocket."
"If we see inflation isn't transitory so things keep going up in price."
"This is going to increase oil prices, maybe 110-115 dollars a barrel for some period of time."
"Energy prices will continue to rise higher and higher and higher."
"If you can get them before the prices go up and buy more of what you need."
"Prices, ladies and gentlemen, are going to go up a whole bunch this year."
"Prices are going up on Monday. This is your warning."
"Everyone's super bullish... we are going to have prices rising once again." - Video narrator
"Oil prices jump as Russia and Saudi cut their oil production yet again."
"Yesterday two cars for the first time in memory broke the $100,000 mark."
"£ 6,600 he waited all day but at home look that's £ 6,600 on bid there now then at 66."
"Chipotle had to put through a 6 to 7% price increase to pass on the cost, and the sales weren't even dented."
"The price increases are also happening because of all the legal fees that they have because of all the theft that has been happening since the pandemic began and yes again they're insured but the premiums keep going up."
"As you can see, even from November of 2019, where the median home price in Franklin was $515,000, now that number has climbed to $677,000."
"Prices have increased about 23% in Franklin alone."
"This colossal influx of new collectors quickly sent prices soaring."
"I've noticed that so many things are double the price or more of what they were just a couple years ago."
"Throughout bitcoin's history so far, every single Bitcoin halving has led to a major increase in the price of Bitcoin over the next one year."
"Prices have to go up, wheat has gone up, yeah our prices have, I gotta pay for beer somehow, we gotta, like, you gotta pay for cereal."
"But fortunately over the last month or two we've definitely seen prices move a little higher."
"People need to understand prices are going up from here. This is a price that's going up from here."
"Reason number one: Prices for new watches are skyrocketing."
"Electricity prices are going up, yes, but these prices are not going up because of some kind of problem because of an underlying inflationary pressure. They're going up because of fraud."
"Demand as it goes up, prices go up."
"The average price for a room on the Strip is now $193, a 12% increase."
"As the prices go higher and higher up, the FOMO actually gets bigger and bigger."
"We saw this meteoric rise in demand for luxury watches, so prices just went through the roof."
"Gold prices are on the rise after hitting its highest level ever this week rising above $2,100."
"The typical home price has increased 70 percent more than the typical rent throughout the United States."
"From 2021 to 2023, olive prices went up by 27%."
"By year's end, Americans may be paying up to 17% more due to the seasonal shift in demand for these goods."
"Many popular products amongst kids will be harder to find and may cost from 17% to a whopping 68% more."
"Our benchmark price has climbed to $572,000, which is about a 10% increase year-over-year compared to 2023."
"The price increasing is part of... that's a manifestation of adoption."
"The prices of new road bikes have gone through the roof over the last few years."
"It makes sense that home prices are up big time as well, we're seeing that same scenario in Orange County as well."
"When you start a dime sale, individuals will be able to buy at a starting price, but with each successive sale, the price is going to rise."
"Inflation is the persistent increase of prices in an economy."
"When demand skyrockets and supply gets cut in half, you are bound to see a parabolic increase in the price action thereof."
"One day ticket to Disney World during peak holiday season has risen 47% since 2019."
"Let's talk about hot dogs, I just had one, delicious but more expensive by 22%."
"Let's discuss some massive price increases that we're seeing in the grocery stores."