
Stage Performance Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"I love memes, they're just good, it's fun, I like jokes."
"As long as the sport shows up and proves that it should be on that stage with those other sports, then that would make me the happiest."
"Once the tanker was in place, members of the Banzai Predicament took the stage and began to play."
"It's a lively piece that's both magical on screen and on stage."
"I just walked out on stage, I locked in, and the crowd went bananas."
"I don't usually talk like that on stage, but when I saw pogs and weird eyes, I couldn't help it."
"One of the most beautiful comedians that ever hit the goddamn stage."
"For me it's about conquering that first night and getting through and meeting an audience... feeling like you make a connection."
"I still suffer from kind of sickness and up before I go on... but I love hearing an audience laugh."
"I love the message behind the bamboo paper and how they executed that idea on stage... it captures your attention." - Commentator
"I think the stage is always what I'd planned to do."
"It's amazing what being a comedian does, how hot it is. Yeah, yeah, I mean it's my whole new act right now."
"It was like the greatest column essay that I've ever read and it was spoken on a stage."
"It's like a TikTok For You Page but put on a stage."
"Once you go on stage, that's your stage for an hour. You can do whatever you want."
"The first time I was on stage, it was like, 'Oh, well this is it. This is perfect.'"
"He's accustomed to the bright lights, he's accustomed to the fans, he's used to fighting on the big stage."
"He sat on stage as well, he's like I've only ever lost this arrow in these events and that's why I think it's extra nice for him to get the job done."
"Big Poppy... This is my stage. This is what I do." - David Ortiz
"The issue is always the same, I just have to say the lines convincingly and avoid bumping into the furniture." - Steve
"I mean, especially I'd also suggest, I say, 'What did I miss?' as the second act opener." - Eric
"Thanks for watching and good luck on the rift."
"Think of our show as a standing comedian show. Exactly. Nothing that they see on that stage is factual."
"I say those catchphrases on stage like I still throw in you know, 'vagine' or whatever."
"Give them a chance and give them a stage to perform on."
"Hopefully, July next year they'll bring you another big stage."
"Team Liquid veterans showing their poise on stage."
"I play the confines of my own little room somewhere fine but like go out and publicly and play try to play you know something that's well I I doubt that he I bet those guys were excited because it wasn't feeling the same."
"I love the stage because it's an immediate give-and-take. The audience tells you what they like right away, they tell you what they don't like right away."
"As I was up there rehearsing, I was very scared. This is the moment I've been waiting for since I was a little girl."
"It was the first time in my life I never felt like I could make a mistake on stage, right once I was on stage it was like wow it was like you know it was there was something holy and magical about it."
"One of the things I love is that normally when she does her little pratfall as she falls in the lobby, she gets a laugh nearly in our theater."
"Feels easy being back on stage. I couldn't be more grateful."
"How can you ask somebody to use their life on the stage and then say I'm gonna credit you for two months how can you I was two months in the game I never asked to use a joke."
"Performing on that stage obviously is nerve-wracking but at the same time is such a joy."
"When I first worked on the stage I was really nervous... it's been unreal."
"I need to go on stage and groove and get attention and have people like me."
"Getting on the stage is never changing like the element of what that is, standing on stage, you and the microphone is never going to change."
"As soon as you see someone like kind of being fake onstage, yeah, you're like 'oh dude, you know, it's a wrap.'"
"Ella's cheeks blazed as though she stood beneath stage lights."
"Bradley oh my gosh it's a dangerous combination concoction to get on stage with."
"Ain't nothing like being on that [expletive] stage, you know how long a minute is, right when your [expletive] is on that stage and that joke ain't funny, a minute is a long [expletive] time."
"I really love the sound, so even though it's a prototype, I actually use it on stage."
"It's not as just a stayed and motionless on stage, it really adds a lot."
"There's nothing like being on stage by yourself."
"Right when she got on stage, she was flawless."
"It feels easy being back on stage."
"I always feel better as soon as I get on stage."
"There's nothing like that energy exchange when you're on stage and people are in the audience."
"If you don't learn to Worship the Lord when you're alone, you'll never be able to worship him on stage."
"You must exit very gracefully. The bottle hits you, keep just one inch ahead of the bottle. But don't panic, you're on the stage. Keep your cool."
"He was very shy and quiet but the minute he got out on stage he was like this super loud guy."
"She taught me a lot, she taught me how to work stage how to captivate an audience and you know put emotion into a song."
"If you're a comedian you can fart on stage"
"When you get on that stage and you perform, there's nothing like it."
"It's true that on stage, you get to control the time within which you sculpt the work that you're doing."
"That was really good, but you can never ever tell me again what I should or shouldn't say on stage."
"Being able to jump on stage um you know obviously I was I was paying close attention to to you know I have been paying close attention to everything that's going on with the band."
"Adapts very cleverly onto the stage."
"When I'm I feel the adrenaline do on stage yeah and then as soon as it's over it's like there there's none left."
"it seems like it would be like a perfect song for the stage right, just rousing, just energetic"
"I think on stage, for all of us, you know, we feel pretty confident."
"I never think of my story I feel like what I'm there to do on stage is to help everybody else who's around me tell their story as well and in doing that aids me to tell the story I need to tell for myself as well."
"Man, even though, you know, we talk about the preparation, the setting up, the bussing, and getting ready, once we're on stage, it's like, it's okay, it's okay."
"I could totally picture them on stage with this."
"While it was passed over for a gentler scene, 'Someday' was later adapted for the stage performances of the film, where it is sung prior to Esmeralda's execution."
"It's one of the many things we have in common, that first time you walk out on stage without your brother. Like, god, how awful is that feeling?"
"There's something about being on stage with a mic, it just felt more natural."
"Stage and television star of to tell the truth, lovely Kitty Carlisle."
"There is no such thing as a mistake on stage. It's really only about how you deal with that and what it inspires."
"After I've done the national radio show for a while, I was put into the National Lampoon show, which was an off-Broadway comedy review."
"It's pretty amazing that's your first time; you seem very comfortable on stage."
"The MD series are aimed at the professional musician on the stage day in, day out."
"It's very professional and doesn't make you feel uncomfortable on stage because you know you've got it all there quickly."
"The piano overall is the best stage piano for a pianist that I have ever used."
"It has a unique voice, it has a powerful voice and one that I've absolutely loved to play on stage with."
"Incredible, now go get on stage, my princess."
"Vegas was more stressful, but Wrestlemania 33 was really cool with the stage."
"I get to blow things up on stage, that is the audience's best job ever."
"The more comfortable you are on stage, the better comic you'll be."
"I have a lot of respect for artists who are able to go on stage in front of thousands of people and not only do the bare minimum of performing without passing out but actually go above and beyond."
"The Eagles agreed to step on stage together once more."
"This Pro Line is made for stage use specifically."
"Everybody has a story and you perform on stage that way."
"Getting up on stage and embarrassing yourself in front of people, it definitely helped me conquer a lot of fears."
"That's a dream come true for any artist I think that wants to do stage performances."
"What a day, everything that's happened on this stage has just been epic."
"The only way to learn it is to actually get up on stage and do that."
"It's amazing to think about how I started my musical journey being so nervous to go on stage, and now I'm a known artist here on campus."
"It's not the easiest, really. When it comes to music, I just loved being on stage."
"I got on stage the very first time when I was 8 years old. I was brilliant."
"Seriously, the best part of being an ATINY is that the stages are never boring."
"When you want to find how to act on stage, all you have to do is listen to the music."
"I saw tyshaun go on stage and he really nailed it, with who he was as a person."
"You shouldn't criticize them because they're on stage; you don't know what they're going through."
"It's lovable, it's likable, and they performed the hell out of that stage."
"The most spiritual moments I've had in my life have all been on stage."
"For me, has only ever happened on stage and that's why I always go back to it."
"I'm feeling the best on stage lately, I just go with no fear whatsoever, I just go completely positive."
"Comedians want to be loved, that's why we go on stage every night."
"I still want to do movies, but I would like to do some work on stage."
"This hack here will basically make sure that you don't slip at all on stage."
"I've always dreamt of performing a big illusion on a Vegas stage."
"If you've always dreamed of singing onstage, this is your chance."
"It is so, so good to be on stage in person again and I have missed this so much."