
Rainfall Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The heavy rainfall caused a landslide to break loose above the protective wall."
"At least 14 people have died in New York and New Jersey as record rainfall from Hurricane Ida pummeled the region."
"The best chance of rain we've had in months."
"The north Crimean Canal changed all of this forever... most of Crimea's land only receives an average of 300 to 500 millimeters of rainfall."
"Many people love hearing and watching rainfall as it brings a rhythmic sense of calm."
"The earth today is almost exactly as it was millennia ago before the very first rainfall."
"Oman, a country in the Middle East, gets just around 100 mm of rain annually and can go long periods without rainfall. However, in just 2 days during July of 2022, the nation experienced a deluge equivalent to a full year's worth of rain."
"...the rain here does not get to that sort of like torrential quantity."
"...the Met Office found that in Snowdonia, the Lake District, and the Scottish Highlands they received more than four meters of rainfall in a year."
"This image was taken after heavy rainfall covered the frozen lake."
"Nice little soaking rain in it. It lasted all night. It just sprinkled so we never really got a downpour of any kind."
"Effective rainfall is what can be infiltrated, moved, and stored in the soil."
"The desert Death Valley received more rain in one day than it typically gets in a year!"
"Yesterday we had like three inches, or two inches of rain."
"In what language does rainfall over tormented cities? I'd say without hesitation in the language of translation."
"It came down in torrents, blanketing 20 square miles."
"It's best not to complain about the rain... Vancouver gets around three times the annual rainfall of London."
"We've had about three and a half inches of rain over the last 36 hours."
"The climate was far more equitable. And so there was lots of vegetation. There was lots of rainfall."
"Coffee requires two rainfalls: one for the flowers to open, which is called the blossom showers, and within the 23rd day after the flowers open, we need a second shower called the backing shower."
"We've just had 28 Ms of rain over the weekend, which is awesome."
"Australian farmer celebrates rainfall on farm for the first time in months after the Australian bushfires 2020."
"The rain gauge cup is self-draining and will measure your rainfall rate."
"We've got a serious rainfall the other day, we actually had a lot of water wash through the gardens."
"We have gotten absolutely plenty of rain... we got so much water we almost filled a 600 gallon tank off of half of my 12 by 16 roof."
"Environmental degradation is not only a problem for the dry regions of Ethiopia; it can be just as devastating for countries like Rwanda where rainfall is plentiful."
"Rainfall is a good one because that would be a cumulative histogram of how much rain occurred throughout the year."
"Well, we're finally getting some much-needed rain here."
"Maui typically has the least amount of rainfall."
"Isn't it beautiful out? And we nearly got two inches of rain last night... that rain is going to be helpful."
"All we need to do now is let the rain water this in and we'll be absolutely perfect."
"We ended up getting about 5 and 1/2 in of rain, yeah that's a lot of water."
"We do need the rain and it is a good soaking rain."
"They got like a month's worth of rain in 10 hours."
"The warmer atmosphere holds more water vapor, impacting increasing rainfall intensity."
"We get about a thousand millimeters of rainfall annually in the Mara."
"We've gotten more than 13 inches of rain this month. Wow."
"The ideal thing would be to get this sprayed, couple days a nice half inch to an inch of soft rain to reactivate the chemicals that we're putting down."
"Just staggering to think that the rain rained all day yesterday, we only had seven mils, did the world of good on these plots green up."
"The short rains have finally arrived, soaking the landscape with downpours of life-giving rain."
"Rainfall is vital for human life; without rain, the world would be a desert."
"We just had quite a bit of rain so everything was nice and green and lush."
"That warm air rises, cools, condenses, forms rain, and we get rainfall."
"What a beautiful morning it is after that rain has come down."
"We're over five inches for the month of June, marking this as the wettest June in history."
"Almost an inch of rain this morning. That's amazing."
"The plot displays smoothed average minimum and maximum temperatures throughout 2018 with a notable annotation marking a big rainfall event in late September."
"Rain like that will absolutely set the garden off."
"I love it when we get a good amount of rain in the late fall pre-freeze."
"Look at all that water, man that's a bunch of water, I'm super thankful for that."
"That is the best kind of rainfall for grass."
"This may not be a million-dollar rain for a soybean crop, but it could be close to a million-dollar rain for our corn crop."
"We now have had more moisture in the past five maybe six days now than the past four months combined, and that is wonderful."
"This was the first time in 90 years that we've had this much rain in a 24-hour period."