
Gaming Standards Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Legendary Pokémon should have 100% IVs, hands down. Like, no argument whatsoever. That should happen."
"Let's elevate the standards for what people expect from a mobile game."
"Brotherhood is truly the staple for what makes the perfect Assassin's Creed game."
"I think it really does have to have some level of improvement just releasing games in their basically original unmodified form as a new release I don't really like that."
"It's like Elven Ring is a ten out of ten to so many."
"I hope they absolutely nail that combat, God of War set the standards high."
"Melee is not only great, Melee is the [ __ ] standard."
"Better graphics, better sound, better gameplay, more diversity, it's just really a lot of people, I think people that are Metroid fans would say Super Metroid is the gold standard for the series."
"Sets a new expectation for what a Prince of Persia game should deliver."
"Every seasonal activity is now judged against the Menagerie and that's why I imagine the Sundial is so heavily influenced by the Menagerie: because it was really good."
"Is there such a thing as a perfect remake? The 2002 version of Resident Evil argues that there is."
"Mass Effect 2 is simply the gold standard of video game sequels."
"But its distinctive layout has also led to becoming such a firmly entrenched standard in Super Smash Brothers."
"The public outcry is enough maybe things really will change and 60fps will always be a standard."
"The number one important rule for gaming these days is that on day one you've got to do it right."
"Microsoft believes that a core tenet of the console experience is consistent level performance on every box out there."
"far harbor is the golden standard of what a dlc should be and if far cry blood dragon can be its own game far harbor is worth it too"
"From here on out their games have to look at least as good as Demon Souls remake."
"Any game that comes out and does things competently in the way that Tribes Ascend appears to is extremely important." - Totalbiscuit
"Luigi's Mansion 3 just became Nintendo's new standard for quality online multiplayer."
"Capcom set the damn bar for what it means to remake a beloved property."
"This is hopefully going to be the high bar of you know what we can look for visually in terms of gameplay and the experience with it."
"Final Fantasy VI: The gold standard for any RPG I play!"
"Red Dead Redemption 2 will inevitably be used as a benchmark games will now be compared to it."
"His hums, his verses, his vibe just his aura, his aura just kills it"
"Every re-release of a game should contain more content than the original game."
"If it couldn't stand tall among the other giants of the FPS genre, I wouldn't be doing a series on it."
"The AK is, was, and always will be the benchmark for greatness in tactical first-person shooters."
"Halo 'represents the new standard of excellence that only the Xbox can deliver' - IGN"
"Things that feel like the normal game are the baseline power that we play around."
"Klonoa 2 sets a standard with its first stage."
"This game marks a gold standard for the size and scope of DLC."
"It can't just be as good as Genshin, it will have to be better."
"Unsurprisingly, the best character as of patch 1.0 is in my opinion Zaylee. She is just right now, by far and away the best damage dealing character."
"This game is a pitch perfect example of how you top a game that was already considered by many to be a masterpiece."
"It's a legitimate gaming experience I want... more competition in the marketplace for real games."
"Remakes generally follow the same rules of only ever happening to great or at the very least decent games."
"There's no reason to dumb down the game just to make competitive easier for younger players."
"Even if you don't like the game, you gotta appreciate what Larian Studios is doing here because this will set the bar and raise the standard for CRPGs in the future."