
Financial Focus Quotes

There are 157 quotes

"Channel your King of Pentacles energy being all about your business your career your finances and watch how much better your life is."
"Not every achievement is worth it. Get that bread, exactly."
"It's about the bottom line, it's about that money."
"D&D is where we're going to make our money now."
"Eliminate time-wasting activities to focus on getting money."
"It's not red or blue, it's green." - Rupert Murdoch
"We've wrecked it in money, focusing on economy was key."
"Primary focus should be on adding value, not just making money."
"Don't ever focus on the money, focus on the percentage because the percentage is how you're going to get there."
"This new moon is bringing in this like massive theme of money income finances resources."
"Didn't mean to get all like money money money at the end of this, but hey, someone asks what would I do. That's what I would do."
"If what you're doing for a living right now is a means to the money, you fucking lost."
"Focus on your work and your finances right now."
"Focus on your work and your finance. You know what the best revenge is? This is mainly for the new faces because I've said this a million times, the best revenge is success."
"I'm the only shark that tells the truth. I don't worry about your feelings, I worry about your money."
"This thing is about money... we haven't wake up and smell the coffee yet."
"It's clear that investors have been paying a lot of attention and spending a lot of money on defense companies."
"Your business is too small bro, you got to figure out to get you should be completely focused on raising two hundred million dollars."
"I'm more than happy to see Disney in this financial state because money is the only language people like Robert Iger understand."
"The key to getting out of debt is all about focus. Put your focus on your sights and stay single-track minded."
"Your focus will be on your resources, your own resources and the material things."
"Forget about one particular stock or crypto."
"Money, money, money, love that about the money."
"The mistake of spending your whole life increasing your bank account and then you die and you're like, 'Ah, good, I died with like a large bank account. I won.'"
"I want to create a neutral, financially directed Ben Shapiro show, where I can cover politics and finances while remaining as neutral as possible."
"The most important relationship in your life is with your bank, then your wife."
"It's the money stupid, the economy is the supreme issue right now."
"Woke corporations that put ideology ahead of returns should be on notice."
"Don't focus on the dollar signs... What is important is getting good methods down."
"I see you making money but I also see you kind of, some of you, you're so focused on your money that you put love to the wayside."
"Money seems to be the only language that a lot of studios talk, but congratulations, that's all it's doing, a lot of talking."
"At the end of the day, we all man, let's get back to this bag."
"They're money-focused, worried about what's next, love this energy."
"All in a day's work, you see what type of time I'm on bro. I'm always about that bag, y'all."
"At the end of the day, where the money at? That's what Apple's saying."
"Attention and revenue is the name of the game for them."
"Focusing on business just to make money is going to destroy you."
"Opportunities that you need to focus on in career and money situations."
"I don't need knowledge, I just got what's more green."
"I'm just worried about my bag right now, Loki. That's good energy."
"I'm not always the sharpest tool in the shed, but I do work here. The only color company cares about is money."
"If you solve the financial problem, you solve at least probably 70% of the problems most black people have."
"Why do I say this trial feels like fraud? It's not that it feels like fraud, it's that they have focused so intently on the financial elements of this trial."
"Mars transits through the eighth house can sometimes indicate a period in which you're putting a lot of energy into other people's money."
"We need to target the wallets of the bad guys."
"I'm going to the money, Candice. I don't want Netflix to do that. I want NBC that airs the Golden Globes to say I'm going to the money Golden Globes."
"Manchester United isn't about being the best football team in the world. Manchester United is about being the best money-making machine for the Glazers."
"They're very passionate, focused on their dreams, and about their money."
"Seeing them being hit where it hurts them - the money - is certainly satisfying to see."
"Wow, that's money, that's money, I know we look at love here on Sunday nights, but that's money, Pisces, working hard at it."
"The only thing that apparently matters to them is their pocketbook. That's the only thing they're going to listen to."
"Financial rewards, financial rewards, financial rewards."
"The Glazers are waiting for the Super League. When it comes in, it's money money money."
"He's obsessed with it that's all he cares about it was from like the day one we met him."
"I just want to be around girls that are just about their money."
"Focus on the things that made me more money, which also made me happy."
"There's no point of doing these little fights, go fight big, make that money."
"Money and savings are seen here and you're certainly going to be thinking a lot about it and focus a lot about it."
"Money dolla dolla bills y'all that needs to be where you put most of your energy when it comes to love when it comes to love you need to be doing inner work."
"I think on this occasion, keep the focus on the money."
"Money money money can I queue up the Million Dollar man's theme song seriously they're worried about money money money money and that's all they're worried about and it's causing the product to fucking suffer."
"I'm excited about maybe my top three things... the treasury obviously because that's like a cornerstone in everything."
"Stop pocket watching, stop worrying about who winning."
"You will lose a whole lot of money chasing it but if you chase money and you focus on your career you'll never lose any woman of significance chasing the money."
"Disney is trying to force people with money."
"I care about the checks, and my checks are always super heavyweight."
"It's all about money, it's all about showing the investors that this is a thing and it makes money and it's not really for the gamers."
"I'm about this money. I don't hold negative feelings." - Tory Lanez
"Having kids is not all it's cracked up to be. Go live your life, focus on your bag, focus on having your own place."
"Everybody's focusing on the money. I focus on building relationships."
"Some of you are just working on your pentacles, bringing things into justice, bringing things like the yin gang, bringing harmony through balance."
"I just turn it up to 11. All those guys are just scared to put it all on the line. They're here to make friends, I'm here to make money."
"You're very grounded, practical, very focused on your money, your finances. You like to plan for the future."
"You guys could be very, very focused on your financial situation, focused on making money, focused on generating your wealth."
"Everybody's always serious about the brands, right? 'Cause we're also everybody here, everybody here is serious about the money, we'll help you."
"The universe is saying it's time to put your focus on your finances and your career."
"It's crazy so for me like me personally like I'm just focused fully on long-term buys right now."
"All these people... ain't worried about no beef, just trying to get back to the money and the family."
"Stacking up the coins bro that's what it comes down to stacking up the coins stacking up the coins stacking up the coins that's all that's about."
"The whole point of the teachers union is to have as much money as they can, as many people in the building so that they can control."
"Focus on your money. Focus on your career, on your business, or if you're thinking about starting a new business, look, you gotta start somewhere."
"You're really, really focused on finances and your career, really focusing on building, very focused on being successful and being recognized for your hard work."
"There's something about money focus on business, making money."
"You're all about your money, your status, and I see you guys are going to be doing great."
"Some of y'all are the last one standing and you're just focused on your financial, you know, your finances and stuff like that."
"If you're upside down with a massive amount of debt, you need to really focus on the debt."
"We pay much more attention to free cash flow than we do net income."
"I got money on my mind, I'm inclined to speak when I find my seat."
"At the end of the day, it should be about money, period."
"It is going to be important for them to focus a lot on margins and become more and more profitable."
"It's clear this fund is focused on companies with sustainable, solid dividend growth."
"Once you get over that ego stat and you realize all that really matters is how much I take home."
"Focus on the number one thing that comes after love, and that would be your finances."
"Just keep doing positive stuff, positive things, and focusing on that paper, you know, focusing on that money and getting family right."
"Too many people look at what's happening just from a financial viewpoint, not a social viewpoint."
"I didn't come here to do all this and that; I came here to get my grades and make my money."
"If the conversation isn't going to produce growth or money, then I'm not interested in having it."
"Money has always been in my head, okay? Always."
"I see you focusing more on your money, your career, your success."
"Every single thing I can do to build efficiency into my workflow and maximize the amount of money I make, that's something I'm going to focus intensely on."
"They're very focused on their money right now."
"This is going to be a very focused month when it comes to your finances, your personal resources, your material wealth."
"You're really just gonna focus on your money, your career, your stability."
"The first big money you make has to be one thing you put everything into."
"The full moon brings clarity, full awareness, and turns your attention onto your financial area of life."
"Money is more important to me than grudges."
"Everything's framed in terms of the economy and whether it is going to make money."
"Imagine business, mind the business that pays you."
"We just got to focus on the bag and just try to move away from the negativity."
"Remember, this is money business, not funny business."
"If it don't make me money or help the people I care about, it's usually not something I'm gonna care about."
"Making sure you get the right setup will give you the ability to focus in, hone in, and pay off the loan faster."
"Cut out all the junk, cut out the stuff that you don't need, but really focus on the bigger picture."
"As long as the outcome is income, that's big."
"One of the best things you can do is say, 'Forget what I like, what do people pay?' and you go and make the money there."
"Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition. It asks too little of yourself."
"All you're focused on is getting your income in."
"Use this time of isolation to focus on getting your bag up, focus on getting your money up."
"Focus on one thing, focus on increasing your income."
"Focus on your money, focus on your wealth."
"I feel like you're really focusing on your finances here with this King of Pentacles."
"We don't even bother to use that number anymore, it's just cash flow, cash flow, cash flow."
"If you're talking to people about AI and they're talking to you about the pros at AI and the only pros they have are revolving around money, run from those type of people."
"You're focused on your money, you're focused on building your business, you're focused on yourself."
"Once you become the Empress and you love yourself first, focus on your finances, your career."
"Focus on your finances and creativity."
"Stay focused on your money because it's looking really good."
"You're focused on your money, your focus is to put more efforts into your business, your finances, your goals."
"You're focused on your money, your passions, your abundance."