
Success Perception Quotes

There are 65 quotes

"Success is one's own opinion. So, to change your life, change your mindset."
"I often think that people see other people succeeding as them [themselves] becoming less successful, when that's not the case."
"Everybody seeing the glory and not the grind."
"That smirk, those eyes, that was success. That is what is known as duper's delight."
"For me, 'successful' means, in the moment, recognizing that I have enough."
"I've been lucky enough to taste what I think is a good amount of success... what I'll remember more when I'm on my deathbed is my day-to-day."
"By the time I was being treated like an overnight success, I had been making films for whatever eight or eight years, been closet full of short films."
"I first felt successful when I moved out of my parents' house."
"As long as we are here calling it out, we're winning."
"Good posture became a defining characteristic of a morally upright and successful person."
"I feel like people love an underdog until they make it."
"I think for me the way that I've described in the past is when I succeed that's just a day I didn't fail."
"The reason why their anger comes from that place is because somewhere along the line, they think they got shafted and they see the success you're having."
"The African concept of success is collective."
"I feel like this is just luck... something you've been working towards for a very long period of time."
"You know everyone thinks I'm an overnight success but it's like where the were you for the first 20 years these people."
"The first problem of any kind of even limited success is the unshakable conviction that you're getting away with something."
"In a world where money equals success, DeLorean was a successful man."
"Criticism is a sign of success. I want more."
"Everyone only sees the success stories so much that they don't think there's a hard graph."
"Success is subjective, but dedication and effort matter most."
"Success and competence are things to be aspired to, not to be envied or punished."
"I feel like success is very relative... if you're passionate about something and you're working hard, it almost doesn't feel like work."
"It was just inspiring to feel like that you could be a gangster and be successful."
"I think the more I can try to train my brain to just be like, 'Oh, if this person's doing it, then like, I could probably do it too.' And being like, success for other people, it is not like a scarcity mindset, there are so many things to do."
"Success isn't everything; it changes the way you measure."
"You've been asking for this level of success... it's unquestionably a reading of success."
"The real successful women are usually on the arm of a way more successful man."
"Regardless of its success or lack thereof... I know who I am."
"A lot of people like what success looks like, they don't like what it takes for some people to get there."
"Success often feels hollow without the threat and possibility of failure."
"The threat of failure is needed to help someone feel successful."
"When we started it was just not cool to be making money off of it, it was just not cool to be perceived as successful on it."
"Success isn't always what you think it's going to be."
"I feel like we're succeeding, you think so? Are we succeeding? Yes!"
"Success needs no explanation. Failure needs no alibi. Failure is not an option."
"Success is not always based off of how much money you have and what you've achieved and how many followers you have on Twitter."
"Guys are objects of success for success objects."
"Stop viewing success as inherently negative or inherently evil."
"Success only looks like a straight path to those who aren't on it."
"It's very easy to let yourself just be seen as an incredibly successful person who never struggles with anything."
"The new age community does not teach you to be successful, it doesn't promote really successful people."
"I always find that interesting when I talk to great athletes they always seem to remember what they didn't accomplish more than what they did accomplish."
"Other people's successes does not invalidate your own success or potential to succeed. And going back to what you're saying about doing all these things for the algorithm, it's okay to not be the absolute best at absolutely everything."
"No one sees or knows about the effort, the commitment, the time behind and before your overnight success."
"If you really are successful, you shouldn't feel a need to prove that to anybody."
"Success can mean a lot of other things though, it's how you perceive success."
"Success by its nature is extreme. The 99% of people out there look at people in the 1% and think that they're crazy."
"People notice your results but they don't notice how you got there."
"Overnight success does exist, it does, but the truth of the matter is overnight success is more about awareness."
"People see you as someone who's kind of destined for success."
"Some people nowadays look at your success as their failure."
"There's a reason that success stories tend to overshadow the tough times."
"Living here, I would literally feel like I'm successful."
"This view... living here, I would literally feel like I'm successful."
"Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success."
"Success is power, and a good kind of power, it's respect."
"Success is all relative to your levels and what is important to you."
"If you're a winner, people will think you're cool."
"Someone may look at your success and think that it just happened for you overnight."
"What people don't see is like you see the people on the stage or like the success that everyone has."
"They see you as successful, and your work, they think you're well respected in society."
"Don't worry too much about what people will think about you being successful."