
Visual Aid Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Having a brain chip could allow someone who doesn't even have eyes to see for the first time ever."
"Color modification increases the contrast of colors on a screen, making the interface easier to see for people with low vision."
"This is a good diagram to show you the potential outcomes."
"The best trick is you get a glass, a see-through glass, and a piece of paper."
"Visual models help us understand the situation."
"It's a tool that helps organize your creative thoughts and ideas in a visual, easy to understand way."
"This fantastic graph that shows you everything you need to know about human history."
"If you want to take a picture of today's lesson boards, here they are. Boom!"
"If you see all those colors, let me get the slides ran out and we'll talk about it."
"Using zebras to make sure I'm not clipping, then turning them off if I don't want to be looking at them."
"If you haven't used this and you are a visual learner, you're totally going to love this and you're going to remember information a little bit easier."
"This acts as a great visual aid to figure out what chords belong to a key and their relationship to each other."
"This is why I added it in first, you can see with your own eyes what difference it makes."
"...the blue lines here show the travel Parts..."
"I thought a little drawing might help make it all make more sense as you're watching."
"One of the nice things about the new Incoterms 2020 is that within each incoterm it has these pictures which are really visual indication of when costs and rest pass between the buyer and the seller."
"So just kind of show you just kind of the color difference here."
"Make the organization visual, physical, external so we all see what it is."
"And as you can see now this is the rectangle which we are drawing with the help of our tracker."
"YouTube is great, you get like a video format where you can not only hear what someone else is paying but see it as well and the visual element is a great tool for learning."
"When you have peaking enabled, then you turn the focus ring, you'll actually see color light up on where the focus is."
"The clock principle is a mental visual aid used to teach you the proper positioning of your feet and hands."
"Graphic novels can be brilliant because they support your understanding with the images."
"The basic principle of the VASI is that of color differentiation between red and white."
"It's really vital for someone with a visual disability to access the content of an image."
"Blue plates, red plates on a white tablecloth really helps them to identify the food well."
"Creating some sort of a visual reminder is something that a lot of happy planners really enjoy."
"A bionic eye to help blind patients."
"We are donating to guide dogs for the blind."
"We hope you have enjoyed this video and that it helped give you a good visualization of our boat."
"I quickly realized that what helped me learn and grasp on the information faster and quicker, and retain it, was watching YouTube videos in between taking the courses."
"It's always better to have a reference image than just go off memory."
"It gives you an idea of the colors, textures, and portions that I don't think sketches can fully capture."
"Having that visual reference on LDMOS stuff was very helpful for me."
"Dynamic coloring can provide visual cues."
"Most of you, if you're watching on YouTube, are visual learners, so I'm gonna try to help you with that."
"This is with a little boat for scale and with also the foam on it as well."
"By combining the verbal with the visual, we put ourselves in a position for success."
"Well fear not friends, our friends at Signal X have our backs with the phone screen magnifier."
"The concept of decision trees... illustrate, I hope, visually, some things related to dynamic programming."
"You can add a picture to your form, which can be useful for icons, for diagrams, like this pneumatics pretty pictures, whatever you want it to be."
"This can be your eyes and see exactly what is around you and describe it to you."
"The tour is powerful, the lecture is powerful, but the tour helps because you can see the artifacts."
"Pictures are a really useful way of helping understand what's going on without diving into all the details."
"And I feel like this kind of serves the purpose of being able to see lyrics on the screen."
"It's also a great visual cue, especially if you have unverified information in your tree."
"This particular pictorial diagram gives you a just that how hazardous this particular chemical is."
"It's a really effective visual tool."
"Visual demonstrations are really, really useful."