
Financial Projection Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"By the end of next year, we aim to reach over $50-75 million in income."
"That value ladder would generate you a total of $324,700 per year."
"I think it's going to be somewhere in that 60 70 80 range, and I actually think 80 is a legitimate number."
"I'm projecting to make close to three million dollars in Combined income once again because of my YouTube channel."
"Ethereum can get to a 2 trillion dollar market cap."
"Bitcoin could be worth over 500,000 dollars in five years."
"That 18.5 billion in operating profit for the year that Toyota is guiding, Tesla may have a shot at eclipsing that."
"This could hit a 5 billion market cap this year well certainly in the next 12 months and that would make it a 98 times gainer."
"I'm gonna get 300k by the end of the year easy."
"If you maxed out your HSA at $7,200 per year as a family over 30 years, then at a 7% return, your account would grow to $680,000 of tax-free money."
"Our subscriber base grows, we forecast revenue to more than double between 2022 and 2025."
"The gaming market is set to reach $256.97 billion by 2025."
"Eventually, your returns are going to be 2x the return of any other car manufacturer."
"I don't know but what price point but I know last time we spoke you said a hundred thousand dollar Bitcoin by 2025, that's still a pretty big pop if that is still your view."
"I see this stock minimum 275 to 300 in under five years."
"Tesla is a sixteen hundred dollar stock and will reach two trillion in market cap by around 2023 if they continue to execute and grow their revenues like they have been."
"This company will become a food giant... this company has a good opportunity at least to have a market capitalization of 10 to 20 billion dollars."
"I think Amazon's going to have incredibly explosive free cash flow over the next couple of years."
"Peloton has potential to have really high margins. I see Peloton's upside at 8 to 10x over 3 to 5 years."
"It's a 400 billion dollar industry right now and it's on the way to targeting towards the trillion dollars and I suspect it'll get here faster than we think."
"Things are looking like we're gonna be way above 48 000 by the end of August okay unless something really derails this Market."
"Most analysts are projecting that inflation will hit its peak in February."
"This is just one of those slower growths that we could see push into 80, 90,000, and then maybe that parabolic top off."
"The most bullish scenario that I could imagine, that's realistic, is to go up around 50k or so and to ultimately come back down and hold the bull market support band as support."
"I think it is very possible this company, best-case scenario, does 400 million dollars of net income in 2022."
"Calendar year 2025, the console market can reach 88 billion dollars."
"I've got no issues going long on a breakout because I do think that ethereum has the ability to run to 2736."
"It's all about where Bitcoin is going; if Bitcoin can do a 4 or 5x, then there's no reason why Solana can't do a 4 to 5x either."
"I would be pretty confident that we see Bitcoin in the six figures. I'm gonna say by the end of 2024."
"We think they'll go up 80 percent on average per year over the next five years."
"Even in Europe, we expect to have a record quarter."
"So you catch that? Ark Invest just said in eight years, 2030, they expect the AI opportunity to be worth approximately 87 trillion dollars."
"This approval will be looked back on as a Hallmark event that will allow BTC to reach levels past $100,000."
"Marvel's track record over the last decade has been pretty good... they're always bringing their A-game." - Robert Meyer Burnett
"Tesla has to grow its free cash flow over the next decade by 20% every single year."
"At some point, this is going to ramp significantly to where we're going to be moving in order of magnitude from 30 million to 60 million a quarter in revenue." - Jack
"Airbnb is losing money in 2021, expected to be around two dollar EPS by 2023."
"Bitcoin should be worth more than 10 trillion dollars in 2024."
"2025, 2026, when I think silver is going to hit Triple digits."
"By 2028, the e-learning industry is going to be a $1.2 billion industry per day."
"Two trillion dollars in revenue means Tesla would be approaching a 20 trillion dollar market cap and the share price would be 20,000 a share."
"The potential market cycle top right now for Ethereum based on the previous bull market where we hit 1400 is about 20 thousand dollars."
"Amazon could have upwards of $60 billion in free cash flow."
"We feel confident of at least a 50% growth year over year next year."
"What we didn't even touch upon yet is once he starts phase 3 with stabilized cash flows, the property could be worth in the millions."
"I think this is going to be a thousand next return think about that because if it goes to where it's going so seed round was about 12 a. half million FTV."
"I believe on 2024, this company will earn over $2 billion in free cash flow."
"Understanding what that's projected to look like because if it's going to continue growing you very may well not have an estate liability or state tax liability today but you may be projected to have one in the future."
"I'm not joking, it will more than double the amount of revenue that you guys made last year."
"At the worst, you're going to make 14 grand."
"Our projected price is going to be 13.2, yes, per unit."
"So let's just pretend you're making 11%. We'll round down for the people that go bananas when I start talking about this stuff."
"If crypto index funds were to grow to be 25% of the total market, they would account for about $32 billion worth of crypto assets."
"The global market for cybersecurity is projected to grow from 167.1 billion dollars in 2019 to 248.26 billion dollars by 2023, attaining a 10.4 CAGR."
"They expect to see 25% subscription revenue growth by the year 2024 or FY25."
"If we were to contribute one thousand dollars a month for 25 years at that 3% spread, the difference would be $446,000."
"We're 95% confident that our costs are going to be less than 27 million."
"A company's free cash flow is typically projected for a period of five years."
"It is critical to project free cash flow to a point in the future where the target's financial performance reaches a steady state or normalized level."
"By 2026, the blockchain games sector expects to be worth around 67.4 billion with a 'B'."
"Mobile commerce in the US alone this year is expected to exceed 150 billion dollars."
"Once you have that, you have to project out the cash flows and deal with uncertainty the best you can."
"The economy is gonna grow at six percent. That's what they're projecting right now."
"We project that sales of key therapies in NSCLC will grow from $7.8 billion in 2016 to over $20.8 billion by 2025."
"If this is achieved, it will help grow Carlson's sales by 1 million pounds."
"In 15-20 years, it's probably going to be a 100,000."
"Social media by the end of this year or next year is going to be in the tens of billions of dollar industry."