
Prerequisite Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"Before you can love anybody else, you gotta love yourself."
"You have to have it like that's a prerequisite if you don't have it you're really going to be in trouble but that isn't the thing that's allowed us to navigate through and get here."
"You have to love yourself before you can love anybody else."
"We cannot have a meaningful conversation about how to fix our immigration issues until that happens first." - Federal contractor
"To take this course, you don't need any prior knowledge of Next.js."
"To understand how to program a quantum computer, you must first understand how to program a classical computer."
"This is the prerequisite for revival."
"It's a prerequisite for full functioning."
"Despair is definitely a prerequisite for awakening."
"If you're going into security, you should already know this cloud stuff, you should already be familiar with Linux, you should already know Microsoft Windows, you should already have familiarity with Active Directory and how that security works."
"I think it's a prerequisite for Success."
"If you want to be courageous, fear has to be present. It is literally a prerequisite for courage."
"Courage is not present without fear. So, if you want to be courageous, fear has to be present. It is literally a prerequisite for courage."
"It's very important to love yourself before you can love anybody else."
"Fearlessness is the prerequisite for a genuine spiritual life."
"You have to love yourself in order to be loved."
"Justice is a prerequisite for peace."
"You can't love anybody else, you can't be a good father, good son, good whatever unless you love yourself first."
"In order for us to do, in order for us to see these people doing, we must first be."
"You can't do any of this if you don't know who you are."
"You cannot love anyone else until you love yourself."
"In order to love you, I need to love myself."
"You can't get to the upper room unless you go through Golgotha."
"Self-love is the prerequisite to really harness the I am."
"In order to love someone else, I needed to love myself first."
"You can't love others if you don't love yourself first."
"I got to choose to love me before I can ask anyone else."
"You got to love yourself before you can love anyone else."
"The elimination of the kids and the chiefs is a prerequisite to the unification of the people."
"Education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity and success, it's a prerequisite for success."
"You've got to like yourself before you can expect anyone else to."
"You cannot love others without self-love."
"How can you bring change if you haven't been changed?"
"The woman cannot love you if she does not love herself."
"If you do not love yourself, you will be unable to love others."
"You gotta love yourself before you love another."
"Before you can love anybody else, I need to love myself first."
"Understanding what it is, is a prerequisite for being able to use it properly."
"You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else."
"You got to learn to love yourself before you can love someone else."
"I gotta learn to love myself before I can love somebody else."
"There is no manifesting without management first."
"Vulnerability is a prerequisite for toughness."
"Before you can love anyone else, you got to love yourself."
"You got to love yourself first before anybody can even show you that kind of love that you want."
"We will never be able to forgive until we have first been forgiven."
"To become a candidate for true love, we must first love ourselves."
"To love someone, to love, for example, if I want to love my brother, I have to have something as a prerequisite which is the attribute of love."
"Survival is a prerequisite to achieving any other goals that a state might have."
"You can't truly love other people if you can't love yourself."
"Public safety is a prerequisite to prosperity."
"You need to love yourself before you love anybody else."
"In order to make someone else happy, you have to be happy with yourself."
"If you don't love yourself, it's impossible to love others. Believe me, it does begin inside."
"If you don't love yourself, you can't love anyone else."
"You have to make yourself love yourself so that another person could love you."
"Strong data governance and security is prerequisite hygiene for deploying Genera AI in your organizations."
"You can't love someone else until you first love yourself."
"You have to love yourself first before you can love anybody else."
"There's no way to build a van without you owning the van first."
"Love it, you can't love no one unless you love yourself."