
Personal Request Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Could I ask if it would be possible for you to send me this letter by the end of the week?"
"Before I get obliterated into past tense being my only request, remember me."
"The most anyone can do for my birthday is at least follow me or subscribe."
"Just give me tonight, you know? Just let me have world record for tonight, I think I deserve it."
"I'm going to put an email down below for you guys to email us and if you guys could help us find him we're going to appreciate it."
"I would love to get you on the show if possible."
"Can I come on this week? Friday sounds good."
"Can you just please get your own Skype account so we can video chat after work?"
"Give me that consistency, that's all I ask for."
"Be cool and just support my movie 'The Machine' that will be coming out."
"Please don't ignore Ariane, please for God's sake do not ignore Ariane."
"Let's save that for the tour though. I need her to save that for the tour. I love it. Thank you Suki!"
"For the moment, I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me."
"This card is a request to you to literally ground yourself."
"First order of business: Doritos and a cup of coffee. AI, make it happen!"
"It would mean the world to me, literally, if you'd hit that subscribe button."
"The word I don't want you to ever use again is 'No.'"
"So I need your time I'm tired take a break okay okay give me a few of those and two."
"I need your help ladies and gentlemen, I need your help."
"So this Christmas, my friends, do me a favor."
"I just saw a sign that says, 'Can I have your shirt please, Cole Palmer?'"
"Can I use your shower for real? I need to go shower."
"And again, don't give them any money. If you want to, you can send it to me instead. I accept cash, checks, PayPal."
"Pancake, can you let me out if you're outside my cell please?"
"I need you to help me set up my home network."
"I'd ask that you no longer see me as a role model."
"Save us, Lord, from our sins and from ourselves for Christ's sake. Amen."
"Please don't show anyone, please I'll do anything."
"I only expect to stay on the farm for the next year, so before returning to Maine with your permission, I'd like to visit your home on the way. Thank you for your time, Vic."
"I actually need you bro, do I go do this and get a Ferrari?"
"I don't want to speak to anyone else other than a big you and Dream if you'd like to."
"God, if you want me to stop eating meat, you have to take away the desire for me to eat it." - Dr. Milton Mills
"Make sure that you send me your news for next week. Anything you want to see, anything you want me to cover, send it through."
"The one change that I was personally asking for."
"Do you think maybe you'd want to be my new Mini?"
"If I win, I would like you to find a room for Vex."
"Trevor Matson wants me to review more random things such as the butt."
"I'm not in a good way at the moment, but can I ask one thing of you? Can you make me look like an icon just once more?"
"Here's to all the J Cole fans that want to see him in the NBA or people that have been requesting me to do this here the hell you go."
"Pray for your brothers and sisters, you ever want to do anything for me, man you pray for me, alright?"
"Just keep supporting and just for those who are believers pray for me."
"If I ever go vegetative, shoot me in the brain." - Ross Cornett
"Thank God for Cameo because that's why I'm asking these for my big bang fantasy."
"It'll mean the world to me if you do."
"Can you yourself take a polaroid of how you would like me to pose in things?"
"Please don't misgender me, please don't dead name me."
"Please know that I would not be asking if it did not mean a lot to me personally."
"Please attend my wedding as my parents."
"You tell me you want a real smile."
"Do me this big favor, friend. You'll be doing it for Christ, but it will also do my heart good."
"It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside; do it for me, and if not for me, do it for you."
"Well, he requested pancakes for breakfast for his birthday."
"...he requested to be buried in France along the banks of the Seine..."
"I'm going to write a letter to the owners of my childhood home and ask if they wouldn't mind selling me my cow back."
"This cute little iPad or tablet cover... was requested by a subscriber who sent me an email and asked me if I could help her out."
"In the 1960s, JFK stayed here, apparently, and he had back pain, so he requested a rocking chair."
"Hong Lim asks why he was chosen to be part of this and the King replies that he wants his heir to look just like him."
"I finished that drawing of a sheep you asked me for, but I drew it inside a box so it wouldn't eat your rose."
"If you live in America, if you live near a Hot Topic, please go into one and just stand in the doorway and just go, 'Oh,' just once, just for me."
"I'd like to meet with everyone in the family."
"I'm super excited to show you these colors because a couple of our colors that I've been asking for for quite a while."