
Unhealthy Relationships Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You've got to know when to remove yourself from unhealthy dynamics."
"One sign of a relationship being unhealthy is when there is this sense of wanting to be the winner and the loser."
"Fast food is like a toxic boyfriend. You just can't break up with him."
"If you're in this type of relationship, y'all, this ain't living, this ain't happiness."
"This isn't a healthy dynamic between you. Trust yourself enough to let it go."
"Trust issues: either trust no one or give over trust to those who haven't earned it."
"Never too early to teach kids how to stay away from unhealthy relationships."
"There can most certainly be aspects of abuse, secrecy, shame, and hypocrisy, and that wouldn’t, in itself, make it a cult. It would make it unhealthy. It would make it toxic."
"This is not healthy, this is not a good dynamic at all."
"Avoid unhealthy people...recognize behaviors...hold on to ourselves...self-empowerment."
"Just kind of smashing their feelings down and telling them that they can't have the feelings that they have, like that just crosses an unhealthy line."
"If something makes you uncomfortable in a relationship, it's unhealthy and needs to be addressed."
"Believe me when you take the creation... it's not a healthy love and it's not a peaceful love and it's not an enjoyable love."
"I can't enable this unhealthy and destructive behavior."
"Unconditional love can become unhealthy if you attach other things to it."
"It's demeaning and disrespectful to yourself to continue trying to keep someone who doesn't want to keep you."
"That's not romance, that's a hostage situation."
"It feels almost like a psychotic type of love."
"Self-empowerment is knowing when to leave an unhealthy interaction."
"You're not supposed to live to make sure that someone else can walk while you are repeatedly re-breaking your legs for them."
"You cannot break a soul tie on the phone with the virus. You cannot break a soul tie letting the virus in your house every Friday night."
"With unveiled faces, we reflect the Lord's glory and are being transformed into his likeness."
"Somebody grew up thinking that was okay to accept in a connection. No, that was not okay."
"Mixing in love and companionship with somebody who is beating you on any given day is not a healthy dynamic to remain in."
"Your entire relationship can't be some guy moody, brooding, angry at you, and then having like brief moments of vulnerability every time he thinks he's gonna lose you."
"A relationship with a love bomber feels like fast food."
"I know you don't want to be in this sort of entanglement."
"They want to possess you; they view you as a possession."
"If you are in a relationship that long that is making you unhappy, it's unhealthy. Please leave it for your sake and for the sake of your children."
"You're realizing what is not healthy for you."
"You might not be somebody's cup of tea and that's okay, but there's no reason for you to stay in a situation that is literally detrimental to your health."
"It will cause you to get into and stay in relationships where in fact you're not cared for."
"Relationships where one or both parties settle are often filled with resentment, disrespect, communication gaps, and a lack of intimacy."
"There's a lot of people that think they're loving, but they're really, really unhealthy."
"Be willing to separate. If it's so unhealthy, I can't do it anymore, or maybe I could do it, but now I got kids, and when the kids see this, like, I just can't do it anymore."
"You were setting yourself on fire to keep this person warm."
"Meanwhile, you're hurting yourself by allowing yourself to be in something that's not good for you, so it doesn't really make sense."
"But I also have some enablers in my life that will just let me do whatever and those aren't healthy relationships."
"Honestly, I would get out of that relationship because what you're currently dealing with is super toxic and it is not healthy for you in the slightest."
"Relationships that consistently generate feelings of anxiety, sadness, or stress are highly detrimental."
"We've romanticized so much this roller coaster of emotions unhealthy unpredictable relationships."
"Why be with someone that yells at you all the time? It's insanity."
"Love doesn't mean signing up to be repeatedly abused because you feel bad for someone; that's not love, that's masochism."
"We waste so much of our energy and time on people that we know aren't healthy for us."
"Wouldn't it just be better to leave the unhealthy situation rather than to spend all this time trying to find out the lie?"
"Love is not abusive, possessive, and controlling... this is lust."
"I don't think you should feel a compulsion to stay there, I would argue that that's unhealthy."
"It doesn't really matter if someone loves you or not if they're treating you badly."
"Getting out of an unhealthy relationship is so much more important than finding someone to be in a relationship with."
"It is not love to beat up one's partner; that's violence."
"Choosing fear to keep someone shackled to you isn't the bond of a family."
"It sparked conversations about domestic violence and the importance of recognizing the signs of an unhealthy relationship."
"Sometimes we get attached to someone and we know it's not good for us, and we are still staying there or hoping for something to happen."