
Prelude Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The menus and UI were a part of the overall experience, they were the warm-up act before the main show, they primed your brain for the tone and the atmosphere of the universe that you're about to dive into."
"The Blade Itself tells you a lot and certainly matches the tone of the story you're about to read."
"It's just the right fun song before we get into the number one song."
"To understand something so profound, we must start before the beginning with what Winston Churchill called the Gathering Storm."
"This is the story of The Forgotten Prelude to the Holocaust."
"But what I'm saying is that's not what we're going to be talking about here in a few minutes. I'm just telling you how bad it's getting."
"This is not the apocalypse, this is the garden party before the apocalypse."
"I just want to say a huge thank you before you get into this video."
"What happened to the loan sharks before the games?"
"Shoutout to Lars, we have a just a little thing before we get before we jump right into it."
"We've already had like great conversations before the mic even opened."
"It feels like you've known them for months before you meet them."
"The Battle of the Catalonian Plains had a pretty intense prelude before it even began."
"The dark days 3 years before the first annual Hunger Games."
"This feels almost like a prologue to something bigger."
"Long before the cameras rolled, Linda's heartstrings were plucked by the melodies of music."
"You have to have a storm before you have a story."
"Michelangelo's statue of David was meant to show David before his battle with Goliath, which was quite strange for artists to do in the 16th century."
"This is not the end, merely a prelude for what is to come."
"I've always been really confident, even before the weight loss surgery."
"It's like the calm before the storm."
"News of what's going on in Europe is becoming a storyline as we start to set up for the US involvement in World War II."
"It's like a wild innocence before the darkness comes because it means more then when that innocence is lost."
"Loving yourself is something you need to do before you can love someone else."
"The setup for Kid and Kaido... it was there before Wano Country."
"2023 was just a Prelude to what is about to happen in 2024."
"This is how deep this goes: in order to get to the topic I want to talk about, I have to go through some other things."
"It felt like a calm before the storm."
"The last calm and reflective moments before the monsters came to Maple Street."
"Everything's already destroyed before they even get here."
"It was nice to know that there were actually some fun times before we got there."
"Before the truth will set you free."
"For what has my life been up till now? A preface. An empty foreword."
"The fear begins before you've even entered."
"It's the calm before the firestorm."
"That was like the calm before the storm."
"Darkness is the prelude of something greater; darkness doesn't have to be bad."
"It was quiet before the storm, everyone knew what was coming."
"Broly tells the story of Planet Vegeta before its fall to Frieza."
"Everyone sees a beautiful sunset before the show starts. How great is that, right?"
"By the end of the prelude, you really know that something awful is going to happen."
"Everything was a prelude to today."
"For if the war itself is the seminal catastrophe of the 20th century, then the weeks before the war are its seminal tragedy."
"You gotta love yourself before you can love somebody else."
"I just wanted to get that off of my chest before we start the show."
"As the countdown from 20 seconds began, Peter from 12 looked at Katniss from 12 and shook his head."
"This Prelude is entirely built out of big chords... this slow chordal drama gives the piece a march-like effect that is so clear in what it's trying to convey that there is no doubt that this is like a funeral march."
"Even if you've heard it, it's important to the story I'm going to tell."
"The pre-merge was freaking great."
"Frank didn't remember much about the funeral itself, but he remembered the hours leading up to it."
"Your current circumstances... are but a prelude to the triumphant story yet unwritten."
"My life changed forever on April 30th, 1986, three days before my wedding."
"The events before District Six's games had passed relatively uneventfully."
"That was democracy versus fascism, that was the dress rehearsal for World War II."
"I think the calm before the storm."
"Calm before the storm of the moment."