
Character Praise Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"I love this dude, so smart, so funny, so cool."
"That's some good Bruce Wayne, as far as I'm concerned." - Praise for Bruce Wayne's portrayal.
"He was one of the kindest, gentlest, most genuine, giving and courageous souls I've ever met." - Barack Obama
"He is a fantastic footballer but if you speak to anyone who has worked with him the first thing they will often say is what an incredibly good guy he is to work with."
"Frost Queen Amber: She is definitely deserving of the number one spot."
"Scorpius was an awesome character and I really liked him."
"There has never been another Steve Rogers, has there?"
"You're an amazing aspirational inspirational good human being."
"You focus on what was important and what you were being called to do, the right thing to do, and that just speaks volumes about not just your faith but also your character."
"One of the greatest fighting game characters of all time."
"That dude's a winner. That dude's a freaking winner."
"But seriously, Red Hood? It is so good, guys. It is very good."
"His heart is totally in the right place, and he's got the guts to actually stand up for what he believes in."
"Giga Chad so good and every line he has is great."
"Joe is a very decent man, and he makes other people feel decent too."
"Jeremy is one of the nicest people you could ever meet. He would literally give you the goddamn shirt off his back."
"He's a dog, he is a dog, and he is a fun weapon."
"Jhin has the best design in the game hands down."
"Beta Ray Bill, looks phenomenal, love the character."
"You're a tank, Cyrux! You're just blasting through these domains!"
"He was one of the better human beings that you would ever meet."
"I have high respect for people like my husband who have never deviated."
"Christmas is a time of giving and of sharing, and you did a very good job of sharing with Rosie."
"She's an awesome character and most certainly deserves the spotlight."
"Wonder Woman was amazing in the film, just astounding."
"He was just a top-class individual...just a top class individual."
"Her character deserved to live... they earned what she ultimately got to have in the end."
"Starlight... I think she's such a phenomenal character."
"She maintained being phenomenal from the beginning of the season to the very end."
"Goku and Vegeta are obviously outstanding, exquisite, amazing."
"Princess Peach, congratulations, you did great!"
"I think you're probably one of the kindest people I've ever met."
"I probably would say this might be the best Catwoman we've ever had."
"This was the end of our friend, the best, wisest and most upright man of any that I have ever known."
"Viktor was just this superhuman character. He was a hero in the classic sense of the word."
"He's just a fantastic character in every way."
"He’ll do that shit all day long. What a fucking badass."
"He's probably the funniest human being I've ever met in my life."
"This man might be one of the best and overpowered characters I've seen in a long time."
"She's honestly one of the best people that I've ever met, truly."
"Wow, you're patient, faithful, and true to who you are."
"They really admire your grace and your character."
"This is the best on-screen version of Spider-Man by a mile."
"You were literally the least selfish person I've ever met."
"He has always been so selfless and fights for other people."
"He was the definition of selfless, the epitome of that."
"You know these people are genuinely wiser and more virtuous."
"He was literally the epitome of give the shirt off of his back if somebody needed it without question."
"She's the real deal, she's utterly authentic."
"Steven is literally the sweetest person in the world."
"Yo, obviously since Frieza is transforming, Bardock is molly whopping him, yeah, he's beating him down, well Bardock and Fu, right? Yo, that is cool, yo, shout out to my man Bardock, he is an amazing Saiyan, a warrior."
"Proof of Subaru's ability to think on his feet and strategize... what a legend."
"I think Will is showing tremendous character. I'm so impressed."
"Meanwhile River is actually just the best character."
"She is, if nothing else, an amazing show. Skirt!"
"He is the best Duncan Idaho ever for that reason alone."
"Young Don's humility in this I think he does a really really really really really good job of just being willing to go and where the truth leads him."
"Nana's such a good person, she doesn't deserve any of this."
"You've always been the same and that's credit to you."
"She was adorable and brilliant in the part, but you couldn't beat what she was as a person: funnier and warmer and kinder than most people I've known."
"He's definitely the best leader ever shown in the show."
"What a nice guy, oh my god. What a champ."
"Shout out, I mean he's hot too, Snake is right there too, shout out to Snake, Snake was cold, cold bloody."
"Kevin Lyles means a lot. Kevin's a stand-up dude, period."
"You're an honest and decent person. I can rely on you."
"Your son was a stand-up guy. I mean, he was a real man."
"Flynn Ryder is the best character ever created."
"He was an incredibly selfless guy."
"Boa hancock is the best girl in one piece."
"He's an incredibly wonderful guy, he's like completely honest, a good man."
"You are one of the good ones, Vic, one of the good ones."
"Sam, you are an extraordinary, loving, caring, and considerate human being that I have ever met in my life."
"David is an awesome dude, would give you the shirt off his back."
"You sure are a kind person, just as I thought."
"You're one hell of a good person."
"There are people that are amazing people who can also be clever."
"This certified chatzi class pole horse is one of the best, if not the best minor antagonist to ever grace the pages of Jojo..."
"Amazing, it's fantastic, I've never seen a more well-written character in my life."
"Yami is an amazing captain. I just have to say, we already knew this, but he's really a phenomenal captain."
"Thank you, Louis. He's an awesome guy, salt of the earth, wonderful man."
"Zyra was the best of all of us; she had the best gift."
"Frenchie is the best of all the boys, Frenchie is the best one."
"Daniel was a man who had an excellent spirit."
"Capone was impressive, he was very impressive."
"What a gentleman, what a nice guy, what a mensch."
"You're a good man, quite the best man, a real fine man."
"Georgie knows no malice; he is the most positive, right good guy."
"He's a good cop, good cobb, and Peralta is a genius."
"It says a lot about their great character."
"Lian'er is the kindest and magnanimous woman in the world."
"I heard that you helped this person. This man is a good man."