
Moral Challenges Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Each moral atrocity in and of itself is a moral atrocity and is something that should be addressed and challenged and changed."
"What's the worst predator? The spirit that animated all of them."
"Our technological evolution has outpaced our moral evolution."
"How do you live ethically in a world where there's so many unethical things?"
"Your greatest need is deep within our own heart where evil stalks and seeks to take over."
"This game isn't interested in binary right and wrong style challenges."
"It was really hard sometimes to make people as bad as they really are, do you know what I mean? No, it's hard sometimes, or it was for me, to make anybody be that evil."
"Even the artists who get large start out wanting to be spreading the word, but that money, that clout, that attention, it diverts it drastically."
"Acknowledging just how complicated selfishness really is, but the shadow of degeneracy still looms large."
"We want the blessings without the burdens, the rewards without the responsibility, the happiness without the holiness."
"We are at a morally significant juncture in society... only by bold and innovative thinking can we impose a moral framework."
"Principles only mean something if you stick to them when they're inconvenient."
"These days we wish to have a civilization without justice, because justice is too harsh a thing for us to stomach."
"If you learn to compromise your values, when will you stop?"
"I think this is a book that every young man should read because almost every young man you know struggles with pornography and with sexual sin."
"Good characters exist in a bad world and that creates its own problems in itself"
"Courage and moral clarity are in short supply."
"Pride and identity are at stake when the devil knocks on the door."
"I just think this technology is moving quicker than our morals can decide what is ethical and what is not."
"The problem we face is spiritual, moral—we're at a moral Crossroad, a moral dilemma."
"They will literally violate almost every moral principle they have otherwise it's insane."
"To be humanitarian in the face of widespread inhumanity, to respect a man that wanted to blow you up, isn’t easy."
"When it's your life and the lives of everyone you love, your moral conviction doesn't mean anything. It leaves you."
"The greatest heroes are the ones who maintain their morality in the face of this threat and the greatest villains are the ones who honestly contend with it but choose to give in to that horror."
"We've got to take the courage to really start making the sacrifices to speak up about the evils in the world today."
"When you lack self-control, you may find yourself saying yes to things that you know are wrong."
"This is the strategy of Satan, to weaken the church on the inside, to weaken it morally, doctrinally, and in terms of spiritual leadership and influence."
"Justice can make a man do some really messed-up things."
"God ain't done with America, not yet. We've done some trifling [ __ ], but he ain't done with us."
"The ability of one to affect many is scaling exponentially, and it's scaling for good and it's scaling for evil."
"You can't play God without being acquainted with the devil."
"People are going to ask you to do things that you know are wrong, and you're in one of those moments right now."
"Being a genuinely good person is a heck of a lot harder."
"Leadership is about having the ethical and moral framework to determine the least bad of bad options that are available."
"With such power it is easy to fall to the Temptations of ego bitterness and self-aggrandizement."
"Dexter's got to wrestle with the evolving moral priorities brought on by fatherhood."
"There are two types of plagues: the one that destroys your life and the one that destroys your character."
"Even in the most desperate moral situation, there's something of God in it."
"We want to put your ethical views to the test."
"This isn't just a good game, but rather it's a game about trying to be good."
"We're going to need some kind of moral system, some kind of meta-morality, to guide us as we deal with those problems."
"The modern moral problem is not how do you stop people from being bad, it's how do you deal with a bunch of different moralities with people all trying to live together."
"Life is far trickier than just engaging in good behaviors."
"This event serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by outspoken and provocative figures in the entertainment industry, particularly during times of heightened moral scrutiny."