
Personal Ranking Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"This was absolutely for me, my second favorite horror film of the year."
"The ordinary is one of my top brands of all time."
"That's easily for me one of my top five gaming experiences."
"He's gonna be tearing this path well mine's ranked three two so oh yeah man you're in for a great time on this one."
"Better than 90% of the things that I've ever read."
"I feel like root beer floats are literally a top, top, top HP tier dessert."
"I expect that this game is going to be high up on my game of the year list."
"I think it goes Goldblum, Bridges, Daniels, Bezos, that's my Jeff hierarchy."
"Bayonetta is one of the best action games I've ever played."
"Have you made a waifu or husbando tier list?"
"I always consider 'REC' and 'The Descent' up there as some of the scariest movies I've ever watched."
"It's Eric Wallace's best work and it's an A-tier for me."
"God of War 2018, I just thought it was that good, you know? I'd have it in my top five of all time."
"Guild Wars 2 is easily one of my top three MMORPGs right now."
"Well, it took three viewings of 'No Way Home', but it's officially my favorite movie of the year and second favorite Spider-Man, right behind 'Into the Spider-Verse'."
"I think this game is one of the best RPGs I have ever played."
"Up is actually my second favorite animated film of all time."
"Jurassic Park is... up there. It's in my top 50 favorite films."
"If this movie by the end of 2017 does not end up in my top 10 films of the year then our better than this and 10 Star Wars films like that"
"I really do like Cottage Living though, I think I'd rank it pretty highly."
"It will be in your head and it might make your top 100."
"All right my number 91 was seven last year whoa whoa."
"Still fantastic game yeah still my top 100 this year yeah."
"If I were to rank the best killers in history, I would put myself above Genghis Khan and Jack the Ripper because I'm alive and they're both dead."
"The best all-around sports car... that I've ever driven."
"This o P is freaking incredible so much so that I had to reevaluate my top 10 LPS of all-time list that I'm doing for my 100,000 subscribers special."
"It's Kratos, then Ryu Hayabusa, then everything else is a surreal."
"I know we still gotta go snorkeling still but this is ranking up in the top things we've ever done."
"This might be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen beside Samara, and it's a close second."
"Brandon Tatum is in the top 10 of the most courageous human beings on this earth."
"The Descent is my all-time number two favorite horror film."
"Chris Rock on my Rushmore of all time great comedians."
"I have my list it is of living zero what is he's number two you're number one in my list of tremendous talents Tim I do it every uh Thanksgiving I really release my 100 top 100 list of tremendous talents who are alive."
"I think this was probably my second favorite one season 2 is still the top for me but this was brilliant and it's so good being back with the family."
"This album is up there for me in her discography."
"This one shot up to first place for me with all the features that it has, all the different modes of stuff, creative stuff." - Shawn Michaels
"Number 11 is great, it's powerful. I feel like it should have been a little higher."
"Seriously one of my top packs out of all of them."
"Genuinely think this mod belongs somewhere in my top 20 maybe even 15."
"There's no better feeling... It is going into S tier."
"Anything Tupac done got to be top five for me."
"I was number 17 on the overall face reveal list but number one for face reveals on a Google device."
"I put him as my number one best character in the game."
"This is top five in my book especially during summer."
"Philadelphia has really grown on me over the years and it rests firmly in my top five favorite cities in the world that I've visited."
"I love it, there's a reason it's my number three spot."
"Martinsville Speedway, I've never been the biggest Martinsville fan, but I will put Martinsville in A tier."
"This is quickly becoming one of my top mothership palettes of all time."
"No, I think in the year when it came out, was it '08? I think it was like my number eight of the year. It might still be a top ten, but it's not top five."
"This video is kind of a follow-up to my Broadway boyfriend tier list."
"That was all of the products; that was my top 10 favorite gels."
"My third favorite is Konosuba, that's a guy, that was actually funny bro, it was actually funny."
"It's one of my five favorite movies of all time."
"Spirit probably my top two of 2022."
"I love Scream 3. Do I think that Scream 3 is as good as the first two? Absolutely not. Scream three is full of flaws, but it is not my least favorite in the franchise."
"On my personal tier list, they’ve already made it. To me, the Black Carve 3 is one of the best boards in its category, and Onsra is one of the best e-skate brands to buy from."
"I'm impressed enough to say that he's in my top five writers, no doubt."
"This is one of my most listened to albums of the year so far."
"It's damn near perfect. It is probably in my top albums of all time."
"In the grand scheme of things, M&S salt and vinegar spirals, along with Real McCoys, and the salt and vinegar ones you can get from the co-op, are my top four favorite salt vinegar snacks."
"You are my second favorite YouTuber after Mr. Beast."
"This is going to be on my best of the year list."
"Why isn't Cheyenne in my top ten? She's my number one."
"I'm tempted to put them in Ultimate, they're going to stay in Amazing."
"My top 100 is essentially my effort to reward American whiskies that really excite me."
"This became my number two overall coaster."
"I got to ask you, where does this monumental win rank? It absolutely tops it."
"It's easy top three of the greatest shows I've watched."
"I'm just at this point where I've driven a lot of cars in my life, and this just feels like one of the best, to be honest."
"It was one of my favorites, one of the top five for sure."
"Winter Soldier is probably my fourth favorite Marvel movie. I think it's a freaking near perfect movie, I love it."
"These are probably top in the top five boots I've ever worn in my life."
"I've been doing this for over two decades and this is in my top five all time maybe even my top three."
"As far as a vegan product goes, that's way up on my list."
"This is one of the top three food that I've eaten within the last 3 years."
"I now have such a high standard with animation that this is probably number one on my list."
"This is honestly up there with Obsession, Tempo for me, like this is killing me."
"I absolutely love the first two books in the Bloodsworn Saga enough that it makes it into my top 10 easily."
"Braveheart counts, yeah, I gotta put Braveheart."
"This might tie with my baked ziti for my all-time favourite food I've ever eaten for a video."
"I loved Maestro, I have it at my number two for 2023."
"It might be in my top 10, it's really good."
"Favorite DC character, um, the Flash, that would be Batman, then it would be Green Lantern, then Green Arrow."
"This might have to be in the number one place for me."
"That's just so good, the best Sunday lunch apart from my own we've had in a very long time."
"This is probably my third, almost second, favorite book."
"Autumn is the best season, second is spring, then winter, then summer."
"Out of all the sport bikes I've ridden in my life, this is probably top three."
"It's probably one of my top five."
"The movie Glory, best Civil War movie, top five all-time historic movie for me of any kind."
"You are such an amazing man, good looking definitely one of my top three."
"Out of all the bikes that I've ridden, this one's got to be right up there in the top few."
"May is God's month... May is super duper top S tier."
"I love this palette, this ended up in my top 10 of the year."
"I think this is my most anticipated book of the year, or definitely top three."
"I just had to put these in first place; I think for the price, they are really great trousers."
"Black Ops 2 is in my top 3 favorite Call of Duty's of all time."
"My top three in Twice are Jihyo, Sana, and Momo."
"Kentucky, Duke, Carolina of course, Villanova is in my top four."