
Claustrophobia Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"The game creates an atmosphere of claustrophobic oppression, and it's something I can't get enough of."
"The claustrophobic office adds to the tension."
"It's oppressive and claustrophobic, like sitting in a temple."
"All people did by giving up windows was indulge their own claustrophobia."
"What's worse than being trapped in a small space being trapped in a small space with a masked killer standing over you trying to knife you to death."
"I have to survive two minutes in this coffin to overcome my fear."
"One of the most widely accepted theories is that the man panicked due to claustrophobia and began to run not knowing what else to do."
"I'm sorry, Derp, when you live inside a one by one centimeter square, there's just not room for your cheeseburger."
"The original Descent is a solid movie that has a little bit of everything you like about horror: tension, claustrophobia, some gross gore, and a really frightening monster."
"It feels claustrophobic, like you're listening to this piece whether you like it or not."
"This video is captured in a cave located in southern Germany and is certainly not intended for individuals prone to claustrophobia."
"Life Behind Bars is that you get so used to it that being outdoors feels more claustrophobic than being locked in a Cell."
"Suddenly the stories will become claustrophobic ghost stories."
"These tunnels will make you go insane."
"They walk, climb, and at times squeeze their way through cave passages, some are very narrow holes that a person can only just fit through."
"Up until I was around 15, I was incredibly claustrophobic."
"Imagine going into this tunnel here knowing that you're going to be under the ground, under the sea for you know 30 miles or so. It's a claustrophobia nightmare."
"I loved the idea of the story because it is so claustrophobic."
"He strips off, lies on the slab, and the co-workers cover him up, slide the slab away, and close the door. Thing is, inside the storage there are no walls between the slabs, so he's lying there in the dark with all the corpses, becoming increasingly anxious."
"Jail is no place for anyone who is even remotely claustrophobic."
"There are a few things in this life that scare me as much as the thought of being buried alive."
"She's trapped in a space no bigger than a coffin."
"Is there anything more horrifying than the thought of being buried alive?"
"I always think about that and I just get scared that I'm gonna just be locked in there and burn alive."
"Being buried alive however is an even more common fear, even among those who aren't normally claustrophobic."
"Perhaps one of the last things a person would want to experience in life is to be buried alive."
"Most people have little desire to voluntarily subject themselves to incredibly tight places."
"I don't want this to have been a thing. I mostly don't want to believe that they could be locked inside because that is like the most terrifying thing of for real."
"Now for the first time it feels like the walls are closing in."
"It's hard to explain, but it's like an alley of these grass with these overhanging trees on both sides, and they're very suffocating, like the way to make your way through is very, very narrow."
"Claustrophobia, it turns out, was only irrational when you could breathe."
"It's immediately evident that this entire movie is about to be a claustrophobic person's nightmare."
"The opening was only 16 inches high and 28 inches wide, so if you were feeling unsure about tight squeezes, this would certainly be the first test."
"I understand that in placing the camera so close to her, he is wanting us to focus intently on her and to make her feel claustrophobic."
"The ritual is claustrophobic in all the right ways."
"It just adds to that sense of claustrophobia and tension so much."
"I felt like I was being buried alive; like I could barely breathe."
"I had to get out of this apartment before it drove me crazy."
"Claustrophobia describes people who are afraid to be in confined and small spaces."
"Remember the next day wanting to go anywhere, be anywhere but in that narrow, suffocating room."
"The worst experience of my life was this, I'm claustrophobic, real claustrophobic."
"Cave diving isn't for everyone. It requires a lot of training to be safe, and a tolerance for claustrophobia."
"Step inside and you're greeted by cramped and claustrophobic areas that by night can send shivers through the bravest of souls."
"The top three rational fears are public speaking, mice, and small spaces like claustrophobia."
"But it's nice to know that if life starts feeling claustrophobic again, you can pick a direction, pack the creaky old side cases, and hit the road."
"I had this claustrophobic feeling of being compressed into this body."
"I have a terrible fear of closed spaces because when I was a baby, instead of a crib, my parents kept me in a drawer."
"Sleep No More is about claustrophobia and about paranoia and the walls coming in on you."
"The room felt smaller suddenly, as if the walls were pressing in with the weight of the responsibility now lying in my arms."
"Feel buried alive, this city is airtight, suffocating."
"It's fascinating, isn't it? Looking around me, this isn't a place for the claustrophobic."
"Don't even think about checking out these narrow pathways if you're claustrophobic."
"It's also the experience of being trapped, the experience of claustrophobia, of fake friendships or fake parentships, and ultimately the desire to leave a world that you don't belong in."
"I'm completely claustrophobic, and there's no way I can spend another minute in that white coffin, so I'm off out into the wilderness to get a bit of space and a bit of fresh air, and of course, a bit of photography."
"I think the number one thing you need to learn when you're an astronaut is how not to be claustrophobic."
"I did it, but I tried to turn around, it was like very narrow on the other end, so it's a lot harder, I almost started panicking, but we made it."