
Check-in Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Go check on somebody today. You could be saving their life."
"How you doing? This is a mental health check-in. Just how you doing?"
"Please don't forget to check them out as well."
"How's everybody doing? How's everybody feeling?"
"Hey, how are you bestie? Just checking in, making sure you're doing okay."
"Here's the back of the house it's got this Courtyard with a fountain and here behind the house is the hotel check-in so we'll we'll do that."
"I'm just checking everyone's alive, that's all I've come here to do."
"Take a moment and just check in with your body."
"Scott, this is a mic check. How's everybody doing tonight in the quantum realm?"
"What's going on, you doing all right?"
"I'm just really chuffed. They've not upset his stomach or anything. This is Dog Mom Check."
"We'll check in with you guys next time."
"I hope you guys are doing okay and staying sane."
"Most importantly check in with yourself I hope you're doing well love you see you soon."
"Please check in on your friends that seem strong as those people are often the ones that are struggling the most."
"...this was the best check-in process that I've ever experienced at any resort I've ever been to."
"Can't check in until like 2 PM and we honestly arrived at 10 AM."
"Make sure you touch base with your friends and family, check in, and make sure that they're doing okay in the heat."
"One last time check-in, how do you feel physically, how do you feel mentally, what's your energy level like now?"
"Are you breathing? Good job, just thought I'd ask."
"Not be complacent when it comes to checking in on people."
"How you doing over there? Are you doing good?"
"Yo, Mark, Mark, you good? Where'd he go?"
"Take the camera because they haven't seen you in a while so just what are you doing or is sniffing your lettuce making sure it didn't go bad?"
"I'm so pleased with this check-in and how everything's going."
"It's good they're checking in with the common folk though seeing how everybody's going."
"On the emotional scale of one to ten, how you doing?"
"It's Monday, that means it's the motivational check-in."
"Thank you for checking in on me, that's really nice."
"Sometimes all it takes is for someone to check in on you."
"Being good and overworked and being a strong black woman is played out; please check on me."
"I just want to tap in and see how you've been."
"Let me know if you're able to hear me and how you're doing."
"I'm just checking in because I want you to know that I'm here."
"I'm just checking in on you, see how you're doing."
"It's been a week... how's everybody doing?"
"Check on your people, bro. Check on your people."
"Or maybe you just want a good mental health check-in."
"Just be like, hey man, are you okay? That's it."
"Everything good? Everything solid?"
"I'm here checking in with y'all, man. I know y'all been looking for me, wondering how I'm doing, if I'm okay."
"Hey, doing a check-in right now, how are things going? What program are you committed to? Are you lacking motivation? How can I help?"
"You guys having a good day so far?"
"I'm just coming in to check on you and see how you're doing."
"Yeah, right on. So, how you doing?"
"Hello, hello, this is a mental health check."
"Stay safe, tell me down below how you're doing today."
"Thanks for joining us, are we functional?"
"Wakey wakey," she laughs. "Are you alive?"
"I just want to check in on you and see how you're doing."
"I'm just checking in on you, just to see how you're doing."
"He's literally just calling to check in on me."
"How are we doing, how are we feeling? Good, awesome."
"What's up, lovelies? How are you doing today?"
"Check in on yourselves, how are you doing? When's the last time you perhaps a bit of self-care?"
"We're really excited; we're checking in right now."
"You can even use it to check-in for your cruise."
"They can stay together as long as they come in once a month just to prove that they are all okay, fit, and healthy."
"We're all feeling the fatigue of isolation; check in on your neighbors and friends."
"Hey yo, let me know about your day. How are you doing?"
"It's already April. It's already almost May, Jesus, how's everybody doing?"
"On a scale of 1 to 10, how are you feeling today?"
"Just taking a moment for ourselves here to just check how's the body feeling, how's your mind, how's the soreness."
"I really want your folks to know that I love them and I want to check in with y'all and really ask you how you are doing."
"Just check in and see how you're feeling today."
"It's important to check up on each other, have to check up on your family members, friends, colleagues."
"Morning folks, it's Wednesday, how are you doing? How's everything going in your little world?"
"Just making sure you can hear me and see me okay."
"How has your guys' week been, anything big happen?"
"Hey, how are you? I was just checking in. All good?"
"I'm just checking in on you, how's your week going?"
"I always call my mom, my brother, and my dad just to check in how they're doing."
"I just want to check in with you, see how you're doing, see how your summer's going, how running is going, adventures."
"Mental health check, man. How's everybody doing?"
"How has your guys' week been so far since you've been here? Hectic, you having fun? A lot of mixed emotions, yeah, happiness, excitement."
"You gotta check in with people, your friends, your family."
"I love you. I'm gonna call and check up on you."
"How we all doing this morning? Are we all good?"
"I'm just checking in on you, just seeing how you're doing. How are you doing today?"
"Spend five minutes today just checking in on someone."
"I'm taking a break; this is my check-in."
"Still smiling, always. I always have to check on it."
"I heard you roaring and I just wanted to see if you were okay."
"Wish you the best, check in with me."
"Check in on your boys and make sure they're okay because a lot of guys suffer in silence."
"What's going on partner, you okay?"
"New York got to check in with me."
"It's been a while since I've asked you, so I just want to make sure you're okay."
"Hello friends, how are we all doing today?"
"Check in with yourself, how are you feeling right now?"
"Just want to check in and make sure you're all doing okay."
"Hi, how are you guys doing? Are you guys having a good Saturday today?"
"I just wanted to see if you're all right."
"We never really check in with each other and ask each other how we're doing."
"Forget about this class for a second, how's life been? Life been good besides the pandemic, I guess?"
"Make sure you check in with your friends and your family and your neighbors, make sure everybody is doing well."
"The weather's amazing here, how's the weather there?"
"Hello Gary, how are you? How you doing over there Otis, are you hot?"
"I'm just checking in on you, you know, just checking in because I care."
"I'm just checking in on you, just checking in to see how you're doing."
"How y'all living so far? Is everybody good so far?"
"Make sure you take the time and check in with people and make sure that you're good."
"I'm just checking in on you, just seeing how your week's going."
"Let me know how you're doing, how you're feeling."
"Is everything good, guys? Everything all right?"
"Happy Friday! How was everybody's day going?"
"Self-care time, hey how are you? We're trying to be better about taking care of ourselves."
"Protect your family and friends. Check on your old folks, check on Mama and Papa."
"How's your day been going so far?"
"I'm gonna go to the gym now and I'll check in with you guys later."
"I'm just checking on you, how you doing?"
"If you've got someone that you've not heard from for a while, give them a ring and see how they are."
"Welcome back, my sweet friends. How is everyone doing today?"
"It's hump day, comment below how your week is going."
"Hello world, how's it going out there?"
"Good morning, babes. How are you doing?"
"Just a little check-in with some friends or a family member or anyone you think you would like to talk to."
"Let's check in with each other, how's it all going?"
"The check-in experience was as flawless as a check-in experience gets."