
Religious Discussion Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I like to approach the subject of Christianity with both the cautious curiosity and the feral intensity of a stray cat."
"The hypothesis that Jesus died by crucifixion is massively stronger than the hypothesis that Allah tricked people into believing that Jesus died by crucifixion."
"Debating with religious people may not change their minds, but it might help those who are uncertain or reflecting."
"The theological differences of the Reformation still influence debates within Christianity today."
"I'm really looking forward to talking about Exodus and the mosaic stories."
"He talks about God, he never mentions Jesus."
"It's more than just a rebuttal of atheism; you're tackling the objections that many people in the West have about Islam."
"Religion should aspire to talk about the truth."
"Let's see, Dr. Brown mentions that Acts chapter 3 verse 22 Peter applies Deuteronomy 18 to Moses."
"It's extremely important, brothers and sisters, for us to be able to speak about this argument in a way that we can show the veracity of the Quran without the person requiring any knowledge of the Arabic language."
"Ignorance about Christianity and Islam doesn't stop him from constantly talking about Christianity and Islam."
"The true gospel is being overshadowed by compromise and idolization of Israel and rabbis."
"Her monologue about religion was really powerful."
"We've spoken for about 20 to 30 minutes about hellfire...and I've shown you how it's cogent."
"Would be Mark, right? Mark, you know, and it'd look right, Luke, and I just said why?"
"Thanks for listening to me rant about religion."
"This is complex enough and if God is the end all and be all, the salvation, what difference is his color?"
"The two things in life that are sure are death and the fact that if I share the gospel with a Roman Catholic, there are going to be lots of comments in the comment section like this."
"One of the things that Progressive Christianity is leaving is almost like people humble themselves or pride themselves on the fact that we can't really know."
"At least they're putting Jesus out there for discussion."
"Argument and debate, but you going before God saying, 'God, I really care for this neighbor and they are trapped, they don't see it.'"
"I just want to talk about Jesus, can we just talk about Jesus?"
"That's what I love about people like you, even though I don't agree maybe with some of the religious aspects."
"Stop asking him what do you think what does God say if that's what you say God is in that Bible that you have read from to your congregation."
"I want theists to call in. Let's have a conversation about even the most awful positions. Let's define terms and have a genuine dialogue."
"Even if you're an atheist or agnostic, I'd really be interested to hear your viewpoint."
"There's a difference between calling somebody a heretic and saying somebody's false and damned... and saying somebody's in serious error."
"Be sure to join us next week, we're going to talk about Deuteronomy in the later writings."
"I don't want to just get caught up in words, he also seems to know what's going on. Thomas seemed to be pretty intense."
"He just started asking him questions about like the sacraments, like, so you believe in seven sacraments as an Anglican, he's like, well, yeah, but like, there's two of the gospel and there's five of the church."
"It's very likely that that's referring to Jesus as well and that it's just all part of the denial of the divinity of Christ."
"It's not the same premise as during the abolition... it's not the same premise as during the civil rights... why do you think churches... are so susceptible to this narrative?"
"Before we look at this text, several times when someone will say something like 'I believe God is finished with Israel'..."
"We need to start talking about this because that's what Saint Paul and the early Christians did."
"We're not here to attack each other's religion, we're here to talk about the positive future for our youth and the good that we have."
"At its core, the issue of the mark of the beast is about worship."
"This is actually a good topic now. I wanted to get into something in Slovak anyway, so if it's about Mohammed in the Bible, it's something I wanted to make a video about very, very soon."
"It's never too late to start [having conversations about biblical views of sexuality]."
"Atheists talk about Jesus Christ more than Christians do."
"If Jesus lived then Jesus died I have no problem with this carry on."
"It's immoral to talk about the most important thing in the universe, it's immoral to discuss the person who saved you from your sin, who loves you and died for you, the one who was nakedly put to open shame in order to save you."
"He's telling Christians that he doesn't want them to convert to Judaism. He's not a Judaizer. He says, 'If I don't want to be a Jew, no, no, Christians, I don't want you to be a Jew, but you have to leave Christianity because it's cursed.'"
"The great day of their wrath has come and who can stand?"
"I didn't think we were here to change God's word."
"Regardless of what anyone else may think, the only definition of Christian that makes any sense is someone who truly follows the teachings of Jesus Christ."
"We're not talking about that as a positive thing. We're talking about the way that some people are unable to be critical about religion."
"The speaking in question, the woman's asked not to do denotes the activity of sifting or weighing the words of prophets especially about asking probing questions about the prophet's theology or even the prophet's lifestyle in public."
"I've never really talked about it, so it's fun to share some of my childhood experiences and more about the religion."
"The purpose of having a conversation with someone about your apostasy is not to convince them that you were right..."
"Not a single Muslim here will make that comment about Quran or the Bible."
"The charismatic debate is crucial for the sufficiency of scripture."
"She loved debating the religious principles of her Christian faith and wasn't afraid to question things."
"It's interesting how when a conversation is about Islam we focus on that five percent instead of the 95 of what Islam is about." - Jake
"My favorite two words, brothers and sisters, are 'prove it.' When people tell me certain biblical ideas and concepts, they demonic, the Bible prophesied the virgin birth of Jesus, I say prove it."
"Me explaining that Jesus is the most well-known person to successfully respond, my religious sister."
"You right now have shared the Catholic faith with me in ways I have never heard before."
"Welcome to Hard Questions, where we gather pastors together and take on your tough questions and answer them right from the Bible."
"These were really interesting conversations where you had Christians and atheists... very civil dialogue."
"Join me, your dear servants, as we discuss and grow into the merits and values of Shaban through the sermon of the holy prophet, peace and blessings be upon him."
"I just sit around here and talk to people about Jesus."
"Just because I critique the Bible doesn't mean I hate it, I love it."